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2 weeks ago
Pan White/Caucasian Non-binary, 37
Heteroflexible White/Caucasian Cis Male, 39
0 km · Edenvale


Quote by LeeEC
Wouldn't work for us either, for the same reason.... But then both us girls are more than capable of shutting down any unwanted attention smile hey C?

Pretty much wink
Quote by jackblak
My suggestion would be something that I insist on when playing with a couple, and that is that all communication goes through hubby alone. This prevents any misunderstanding or testing of the rules.

That wouldn't work for us, as I, as the wife, am the one doing the organising.
Don't get me wrong, K is very much involved in the selection process, but I am the one running all communications...
I would suggest chatting to both of them if possible
Quote by SDMR
Stamina, seems to me like we have been asked to cool off a little . . . . . (again)

Nah, I read it as please edit some of the quotes out when you post....
I didn't see anything about asking you to cool it off?
Quote by LeeEC
Oh yes! Good idea!
I miss NawtyCat! Where are you guys?
And where are my friends KC_, Funwithcouples, Ash, georgeous.... You've been gone so long. .. I miss you.

I still pop in from time to time, but more often then not I have nothing to add to the conversation....
I continue to enjoy everyone else's conversations as a lurker, just watching.
Quote by SDMR
With regards to vaginas being tight, the more aroused a woman is, the more her vaginal walls swell up creating the feeling of tightness.
This, in addition to having good kegal muscle control, can create an extremely tight vagina.
This can feel like a 'tight fit' around just one finger, never mind a penis.

it's actually cruel that there is a way for woman to "enhance" their sexual organs, yet men have to live with what they get . . . lol
It's all about how you use what you've got... :twisted:
With regards to vaginas being tight, the more aroused a woman is, the more her vaginal walls swell up creating the feeling of tightness. This, in addition to having good kegal muscle control, can create an extremely tight vagina. This can feel like a 'tight fit' around just one finger, never mind a penis. ;) C
K loves watching me with other people I love watching him with other women So, we are definitely watchers, and doers... smile ;) C
Lee that's the worst kind of weekend! All that anticipation and then... nothing!
Quote by Mike_Pta
The waiting isn't really an issue, normally there is rugby on so I can kill time watching the game. Personally I think 20 min is kinda short since life can happen and I've met a great couple at the 30min mark so waiting sometimes pays off.

If there is a call or a message to say they are running late, we will wait. If there is silence, after 15 min we leave.
I don't think we are asking too much here...
Playcouple, I would have gone home when they said they are still at home!
Quote by Mike_Pta
Can I just include that couples are just as guilty, I've had half a dozen evenings of sitting at some random bar (chosen by them so they are more comfortable) for 2-3 hours waiting for an invisible couple.
Whole I'm truly sorry for your bad experience, I must say that these things happen. At least you didn't reserve a booth in the corner so you can have a nice private conversation only to sit there for 2 hours repeating the line "they should have been here by now", since then I've taken to seats at the bar counter.

We have a 15 minute rule. If the people have not let us know that they are running late, after waiting 15 minutes, we leave.
I would never wait 2-3 hours, especially if they are silent!
We once waited a bit longer, because the person said they were on the way... we eventually left the restaurant. when we got home we received a to say they would be there in another 20 min or so.... Needless to say, he will never play with us. I'm amazed how people think others have time to waste. At least have the decency to send a message saying you wont be there...
When K and I started dating, I had him on his back, teasing him. Eventually I stradled him, and as I landed I let out a LOUD fart! We were silent for a moment, and then both started laughing! ;) C
FWC I am drooling! Just gonna have to slide around here until K gets back later! ;) C
Hi PIB I have just been so busy lately! I am also finding that I have nothing to contribute to the forums. I still log in once a week or so, to see if I have missed anything... ;) C
I agree with LeeEC, the differences boil down to individual style and experience.
Hmm, sounds interesting. Please keep us updated! Personally, I wouldn't go no-fap. I often use masturbation as my thinking time, or meditation.... I find that I am much more focused after a good session of self-pleasure... But that's just me ;) C
I'm not sure which model of the we-vibe it is, but I wouldn't buy another model *in case* it works better. It was so much exciting buildup, and then almost no pleasurable sensation sad Honestly, my little lelo held against my clit during sex gave me much more pleasure! I say *gave* because the little guy died a few weeks ago. Just wont charge :( A week after my rabbit died! I need to get to my fave shop again soon! Desperate times here! PIB1 I don't think using it as a DP toy would damage the bend, as soon as I get around to it, I will let you know how it goes kiss ;) C
Quote by Mike_Pta

Many ingredients that are in chocolate are proven to cause the same arousal as the effects of sexual foreplay

Maybe that's why the idea of having chocolate sauce dribbled over my body, and having someone sexy lick it off gets me in the mood ;)
That's one way to kill a diet
Mike you will just have to put in some extra effort to work off the chocolate calories... :twisted:
Quote by ash
lol have tongue will travel :lol:

:lol: :lol:
Quote by Sofistikitty
Many ingredients that are in chocolate are proven to cause the same arousal as the effects of sexual foreplay

Maybe that's why the idea of having chocolate sauce dribbled over my body, and having someone sexy lick it off gets me in the mood ;)
We didn't like it at all. I found that it covers my gspot, in such a way that I don't feel any sensation of penis penetration at all... I have thought about using instead as a DP toy, with one end in my vagina and the other in my anus... but haven't actually tried it that way. ;) C
Ours are straight too smile Best cold tease ever! ;) C
If we receive a friend request out of the blue, without any prior messages, we delete the request. We only send/receive friend requests from people we have chatted to. Whats the point of seeing a 'friend' is online, if you have never chatted to them before? My 2c ;) C
We have an ice-tray that makes thin, long ice sticks (that fit in the neck of a typical bottle of water) They also work really well for fun sensation play! ;) C
Quote by LeeEC
So let me revise - if you come with references, I'll consider making concessions for size smile

We will happily be a reference for FWC... :twisted:
My 2c Contact lifeline or family life, or any of the other centres that provide marriage counselling, with a fee structure that is based on what you can afford. That is if you want to try out counselling, and see if that helps. If you are looking for other married people, who have been through something like this, or who are wanting to have some sex on the side, I don't know if this is the right site for you. Try looking at sites that are tailored for the purpose of infidelity. The reason why you won't get much luck here, on a swinging site, is because many swingers believe that all parties involved need to be honest about the situation, as it creates trust. Many people have voiced (in previous threads) that if you are willing to break the trust of your wife, to have sex with them, what's to stop you from breaking their trust later on? C
I learnt long ago that when I'm worrying about what I look like during sex, I am not enjoying myself at all! Do the positions that feel great for you, and with each partner, things are different, so its always fun to experiment with other angles etc... I love being on top, the angles feel great for me, but if I try control how much my tummy hangs down... then I will be paying too much attention to what I look like, and not enough to the awesome feelings being created by each downward thrust I make... ;) C
Not many people read the forums. Have you put an ad up in the personals?
Quote by playcouple
erm KC_ dont forget about stretching during child birth, that's quite a bit more than a fist ;) but keep in mind the stretching varies from hour to hour, never mind day to day, some times you'll be able to get a fist in, other times you will battle to get two fingers into the same one

Very true playcouple!
I think that one's ability to stretch has lots to do with level of physical arousal, desire, what kind of mindspace one is in....
There are so many things that affect our sexuality and sexual function!