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2 weeks ago
Pan White/Caucasian Non-binary, 37
Heteroflexible White/Caucasian Cis Male, 39
0 km · Edenvale


Interesting read, thanks Mike. Although there might be urine in squirting, my squirts have a different smell to my urine. I haven't tasted my urine, but, I have tasted my squirts, which often have a very sweet taste - provided I am well hydrated, otherwise it can be quite bitter! Wee or no wee, it is still a wonderfully pleasurable part of sex for me! smile ;) C
Quickies only work with partners who you have a good history with. Your partner has to be able to get you off in a short time frame, or otherwise, as MagicLady said, it's pointless. It's generally more of a male pleasure thing... since it's easier for guys to get off with minimal stimulation. ;) C
Hmm, that is not an easy one to answer. I'm going to think about it for a while *pulls out favourite toy...*
Quote by SDMR
@KC, reading your experience, I have to sit and wonder just how many times people (that's us) have had something like this happen and we simply interpreted it as "Flirting Fun" and did not take it seriously enough.
How many times did a "situation" just need the tiniest of pushes from "our" side to make it happen . . . .
Yes, I suppose those that have "swinging" experience may not have too many opportunities slip them by, but what about before the so called experience . . . . .

SMDR, who knows. Flirting is so much fun, that I often don't take it much further. I am a real flirt, and am told that sometimes me being friendly comes across as flirting, so you can imagine what it looks like when I AM flirting! Lol.
But he was sooooo cute, and beautifully built! I really wanted to play with him!
Quote by Mike_Pta
Aaaah the 5 more reps and I'll flash you approach

Now THAT would get me back to gym!
I am quite the exhibitionist when working out! :twisted:
Quote by Cara
Was away from home for a the company booked me into a real shitty place,,But anyway when having a supper in the bar there was a group of ladies having a ladies night came over to me and asked if I would not mind joining them. Well why not, And they took me to a nice little dance place anyway we all danced till early hours, But one of the ladies got very cuddly and asked me if I would mind coming over to her place. Well that's when the bubble burst and I turned her down and told her that when my wife comes with me next time it would be great. Well to say the least when Mrs C did go back with me all the ladies was very interested to hear our it was the best 4 months we ever stayed in a small town.

What a lovely experience!
Quote by georgeous
I originally come from the east rand and to be honest the people there are very conservative. Not much in the way of swinging. Since I started with this current job I have decided not to keep quiet about my lifestyle and to speak about it openly. To my surprise a lot of people get intrigued by my experiences. I have even registered to couples on SH. One lady loved my stories that I posted on here and even asked me to write a story for her about her fantasy. I think it depends where you stay that makes the difference.

I have to agree, that in general the east rand folk are quite conservative.
That being said, there are a few of us here that are quite the opposite :twisted:
We have had some great playdates here, so I have hope that things are slowly changing.
I think my waiter was more into it later that evening, when he asked me to join them. Or he was hoping to charm me into sleeping with him without K there... who knows...?
On Friday night I went out for ladies night to a wonderful burger bar with topless waiters. These guys are great at flirting - obviously, their tips rely on it! They have amazing bodies, and I honestly contemplated spending the R300 just to lick alcohol off their yummy tummies... Anyway, as the evening progressed, our group took over and created a dance area near the bar. Needless to say, these guys had to get passed us to deliver their drink orders. I danced against quite a few of them ;) My feet were getting sore in my heels, on my way to the car to change shoes, one of the cuties asked me why I am leaving so soon. When I told him my feet were getting sore, he offered to carry me around for a bit smile That was fun while it lasted, feeling his muscles against my thighs, pressing my cleavage against his head :) He put me down and continued working. I went to change my shoes. Later in the evening, he was asking me where I am going afterwards. Now, usually when I am out without K, there are many messages between us about the hotties around us. K's messages generally encouraging me to see how far I can go with these guys. But on Friday night K was fast asleep after a long week at work. Anyway, I commented that normally when I find sexy men like this, my hubby watches us together. The poor guy almost fell over! He was very keen to take me back to his place, but the idea of my hubby watching us scared him! I told him that if he wants the pleasure of pleasing me, that is the only condition. I left him to think about my proposal - I didn't think anything would actually happen, based on his shocked response. When he was leaving, he asked if I was going with them to News Cafe to continue the party. He must have put some thought into it, and decided that being watched by K was an exciting idea after all? Alas, by then I was tired, and K was still asleep at home, so I declined. When I got home, K woke up. As I was telling him about my evening, I noticed that his penis was also waking up ;) We had some awesome sex, fantasing about what would have happened if I had gone to News Cafe with the sexy waiter.... ;) C This isn't in the story section, because I want to know if any of you have had similar experiences?

I'm still here, but more of a lurker nowdays...
Quote by steelcobra
well you know what they say....
if they are sitting on the toilet and the feet touches the ground the are fine...

Oh well, that leaves me out!
I am really short at My toes usually touch the ground though...
Pussy tastes like pussy. It doesn't taste like nothing, nor should it taste like a strawberry.... Obviously flavoured lubes can add flavour, or change the way a natural flavour tastes... but a pussy should taste like a pussy, not a bed of roses! ;) C
Overall, we have stayed for the same reason as @ash and @PIB1: The forum conversations have kept me returning when we are simply too busy to actually arrange meets with new possible playmates. In terms of meets, we have had some great successful meets, some unsuccessful meets and some no shows. We have yet to meet a couple, most of them - like single ladies - disappear off the grid just as dates are being made, or don't confirm the meet... ;) C
@PIB1 one of my favourite sayings is: Procrastination is like masturbation It feels nice now, but in the end you are only screwing yourself. ;) C
Thank you everyone for brightening up our little forum space! I'll reply to everything soon ;)
Now that you mention it, we haven't used toys with playmates. I love my toys, both with K and when I am alone! But, there is so much going on in a playdate, that thus far there hasn't been 'space' for it. Maybe I will bring some along to the next playdate we have :twisted: ;) C
Quote by Stamina
I don't find "squirting" a turn on... It happens with K often (mostly cowgirl) and then I am drenched in salty fluids... and a wet couch or bed or kitchen counter or, or, or... Then I sometimes have to go down on her afterwards ( :sad: ) The things we do to please our partners...

Lol Stamina!
I have never thought about my squirting being for anyone other than myself...
I really enjoy it when it happens, and our playmates know to put down loads of towels! Ha ha
The guys seem to be really impressed with themselves if they can make me squirt, but I have never done it for them...
I find it very pleasurable, and generally, the more I squirt, the closer I am to an orgasm. So it really is about me smile
I do know that my muscles give a really good squeeze of whatever is inside me when I am about to squirt, to it is fun times for all involved :twisted:
I also never expect them to taste it afterwards. Sometimes, it tastes absolutely wonderful, and I enjoy licking it off K, and other times - especially if I am dehydrated, it really isn't pleasant ;)
Where has everyone been? You are my procrastination reading material. Which has not been very fulfilling of late! Where are the witty comments and conversations? Without interesting forum entries to read, I have no other choice but to actually get work done! ;) C
@Softiskitty, like PIB1 said, not everyone can. It really doesn't mean anything is wrong with you, the fact that you are now orgasming is fantastic! Thank goodness there is more to sex than orgasms and squirting! I love the process of sex, the feelings of being stimulated, penetrated etc are all very pleasing on their own. Orgasms are great when they happen, but not a guarantee, nor are they expected... ;) C
I find squirting very pleasurable! So, there are many levels of happiness when I squirt! Also, each squirt has more pleasure than the previous one, which also helps bring me closer to orgasm smile @Softiskitty, I don't know. I don't 'relax' exactly, but rather squeeze all my vaginal muscles, which on its own increases my pleasure... ;) C
My squirting spot isn't that deep. In fact, deep penetration isn't always pleasurable for me. I need to be seriously aroused for cervical contact to be yummy. I can make myself squirt with a two fingers within less than a minute smile That is all g spot :twisted: ;) C
Softiskitty I am so happy to read that your party was such a success! Hopefully we can make the next one smile
Hmm, so... I will have to pay more attention later today ;) It doesn't feel like a wee at all. The sensation feels like a build up of pressure behind my clit and g spot, and when stimulated in the right way, the squirting happens smile Certain positions are better at getting me to squirt, doggy is good, so is me on top, even missionary works sometimes... The best position for me is in side scissors :twisted: It is not the same as an orgasm. My orgasms are much harder to reach. The more I squirt, the closer I get to an orgasm. ;) C

They did have colour coded arm bands, but it was more to give others an idea of how far you would be willing to go, rather than the gender of person you were looking for... E.g. newbie - just watching; Soft swing; full swop...
Quote by Funwithcouples
Ooooooh where to start ;-)
There are far too many to mention. But just a quick few, PIB without doubt. Her conversation and mental stimulation is fantastic, along with Lee. I would say KC, but I have been fortunate enough to meet them. Amazing couple. Oh and I can't forget kitty

We haven't been to any parties per se, but we have been to Pharoahs twice. The first time we went, Lara paired us up with a regular couple to show us around - it was a really busy night, so lots of newbies. They were great, they showed us everything, and we spoke about how things usually work there. The second time we went, there were much less people, and no one seemed to be doing any public sex stuff - except for us! We love the voyeur room! It is much nicer when you are not the only people in there having fun, but what can you do ;) @Amethyst I get how it can get uncomfortable! If the guys are unsure who to approach, us girls never know who is interested, and who would accept our invitation to play! I now know to go up to the people I find attractive, and start a small conversation or plain out invite them to join us in the voyeur room... That takes hella guts I have to tell you! Because everyone is trying so hard to be polite, that the usual flirting ques are not present. At least not the two times we went to the club... ;) C
lol PIB1, thanks! I lurk often, but more often then not, my point has already been made by someone else, or I have nothing to add to the conversation.... If only there was a LIKE button I could press on posts I enjoy, you would see how often I really am in here, reading everything.... Yes, we do catch up before play, but I try to keep that to a minimal, as time and energy is not always unlimited, and I would rather spend that time/energy giving and receiving pleasure than talking.... but that is just me. Normally, I am the one who just randomly starts undressing during the conversation to try get the ball rolling.... For us, most of the talking happens at the meet and greet. When we get to your home, it's time to get the clothes off and have fun. I'm not saying this is what swinging is about for everyone, but it is our experience and expectations at this point in time smile Thus far, we have not yet managed to connect with any couples from the site, only single males. *Shout out to our lovely playmate!* We have a few meets with couples lined up in the near future, we hope.... but couples are just as unreliable as others say singles are! We have only once been let down by a single, and often by couples! ;) C
@PIB1 for us it is more about the sex than the friendship per se. We obviously like the people who we play with, but we are not really in it for the relationship. Maybe it's because we don't have kids? But for us, it is all about the thrill of having someone else involved in our sexual activities. Watching and being watched is huge for us. Having someone to braai with is less of a concern for us. When we meet with our playmates, it is for the awesome sex. ;) C
Quote by Amazon
How different is this from cuckolding.

From my understanding, cuckolding typically involves some sort of humiliation of the male partner while the female has sexual relations with another man.
That is not what we engage in.
Our swinging behaviour involves pleasurable experiences for all people involved. We enjoy watching each other with other people. We also enjoy joining in on the fun when invited.
This was the first year that we didn't go. We normally go for the great price on condoms! Definitely worth the entrance fee just for that! Also, I can spend all day watching the stage stuff, especially the dances! Those male strippers have a place in my fantasies!