You could channel all that anger energy into something practical and positive:
1)Build a high-tech sex machine, strap in your lady and spend a day observing the immense capacity for orgasmic pleasure women are blessed with.
2)Lie in bed crying for a week over the shitty deal us men were dealt by evolution. And, we get to take out the trash.
3)Spend the next ten years developing technology which accesses these cerebral pleasure centers, amplifies them in a controllable manner and stimulates the relevant areas of your own brain.
4)Find a plausible answer for your friends when they ask why both of you wear wigs.
the central scrutinizer
Plenty sexy single girls out there, BUT none of them wear such a cool hat and few of them use vowels like you do, scary to imagine them in the throes of passion going mmm, nnn, hhh, kkk etc.
Btw, really intrigued, blonde? of mixed origin?, how's that happen?
If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun
Option 1: Socialize at gay/lesbian venues: As a couple, your lady can have a lot of fun, femme lesbians are mostly bi and not shy, your presence creates the impression that your lady's into girls with your blessing. You'll need to be on your best behaviour (fun and pleasant) as these girls like dick but not the dick it's attached to. Initially you'll be relegated to watching from the bench but once she's comfortable with that you can subtly worm yourself in on the action. Alternatively let your lady party by herself and see who she brings home, again with the emphasis on them playing, with or without you initially.
Option 2: Learn Game! Then go out and socialize, either alone or together, be quite clear to your pickups, "you are quite cool, I think my girlfriend will like you as much as I do", If she bites on that you're home free, women are more adventurous than you think, confronted with the above a lot of them would go for it, unlike on a website where social programming takes over and they flake. You never know, maybe both of you score on the same knight and you get a fffm, maybe you deserve that, you seem to want it real bad, make it happen!
Good luck!
It's a pleasure! See, I do have some redeeming merits, they're just few and far between.
the central scrutinizer
That if you want to maintain your popularity on SH, follow the golden rule: Never, ever, ever, ever, in any form or shape, in any context whatsoever, no matter how tangential or irrelevant, mention the word "RESEARCH" !! Shit I just did it, the wrath of the inquisition is upon me......
Repent, repent, I wonder what they meant....
I agree, calling out goes nowhere, and yes, caveat emptor, however there is something you can do to avoid this situation: when you are communicating only with 'the man', beware, red flag, insist that the ladies talk to each other about where this is going, assuming yours is on the same page as you are, of course.
the central scrutinizer
Depends on how you evaluate popularity on this site:
If you rate popularity according to how many people view your profile:
Upload a hot profile pic and view lots of other peoples profiles, they will all check it out if the pic is good.
If you rate popularity according to how many people message you: (and you exclude those generic 'hi i like yr profile's)
Upload a profile/ad that reads 'want to play with anyone, anytime, anyhow, anywhere, no precautions taken.
Or even better, if you're a single lady:
'Looking for socially awkward, sexually inept single guys to do anything they want with me' (hmm, will they get that?)
And as for popularity on the fora:
Spend as much time as possible writing irrelevant horseshit (like me) until the green stripe under your avatar gets to 'godlike'.
hope this helps:-D
Hmm, thank you playcouple, I like that, better than associate! The question that makes the difference is not how many of them know you, but how many of them do you let to know you, isn't it? Through life and business I have hundreds of aquaintances yet I have very few that I would call friends. As the song goes, I'm a million different people, from one day to the next. We all adjust the persona that we project according to those we project it to and very few, if any, know us for who we really are. and that is why I write on this forum, here I can be me and I don't give a shit what you'all think about me, I guess that makes us friends, how crazy is that?
the central scrutinizer
It struck me a while back that in spite of it's expansive repertoire of nuance and innuendo, the english language is severely limited in this respect. Friends to me are those that you can share your deepest secrets with, those that do not judge you and who's opinions you respect, very rare, like rainbow-colored unicorns. In searching for a descriptive term for all the many others, all I could come up with is 'associates', sounds like partners in a law firm, but for want of a better word that is what I use, so I'll go to my profile and see whether I've gotten any "associate requests"
the central scrutinizer
Haveto say, I would also like to know what that whole "friend thing" is all about. Is it like that facebook shit, the more friends you accept on your profile the swinging-er(?) you are? Would have thought that people would maybe message back and forth a bit and if you click then yes, add them as friends. Getting 'friend requests' from people I don't know from a bar of soap is as inspiring as "winks" and those generic "hi, I like your profile..." messages, spam to be deleted. Don't want to sound negative but I guess SH reflects my general view of this country, a few roses growing in a sea of shit.
the central scrutinizer that the blonde word for resent? heehee
My 165mm tool is just a tad above the Caucasian average, yet my petite lady's pussy's a bit on the short side and me using her cervix as a punching bag is not high on her list of carnal thrills, so hard banging is restricted to positions which limit penetration depth. As opposed to the endless male preoccupation with size, I would like to hear from the ladies whether they have any fondness or preference for a particular shape or orientation, straight or curved, up, down or forward facing, in that it would make certain positions more pleasurable for them. And lastly, that 280 x 80 is definitely something I would need to see to believe!
proud to be .... MPG
Werewolf, vampire or alien maybe? Maybe we are being judgmental and she's just blonde?
For an insight as to why this may appeal to the male mind, read the book "Sex at dawn ..." which examines human sexual behavior in prehistory, can't see how it can be much fun for the lady besides the multi-male attention thing, or maybe she has a 'glazed doughnut' fetish !? Also note that this started in Japan, where vending machines dispense pre-worn ladies panties, need I say more?
Right now, Gobblinggirl is kissing my neck while her hands are in my shorts playing with my dick, that means I need to stop talking to you fun people out there and attend to my marital obligations, hope you will excuse me, have fun, look forward to pissing you off some more next time round!
Your faithful MooPoo gang member
they only happen in relationships!
it's when you push your girl up 'gainst a wall
kiss her all over and lick her neck
like it's your last chance to do so
reach into her shorts, show her she's the one
push your dick into her crease make her believe,
you're the one who'll make her come,
more and better than any one,
bend her over and tell her so,
you're my best, you're my little whore,
fuck you hard and you want some more
do it again you can't get enough,
maybe you want it much more rough?
that's enough!
- seriously does no one understand the value of a good brand in this place? *clicking the tongue*
Forgive my ignorance, I do not understand the 'good brand' comment, sorry but I am not an internet animal, please explain!
In essence: As little as possible!
In contrast to all you over-achievers out there (take that, Stamina), I dwell in the realm of extreme specialization, nobody in this country can do what I can, I need not return your call unless I feel like it, you will call again and pay my price because you have no option. My biggest daily decision is: drink 12 beers and get an erotic massage and blowjob from my sexy lady or: drink 16 beers and pass out! Mostly I take option 2, mainly because I know myself. I know that I seek novelty, it's a human thing, even a little kiss from another woman would make me hate beer, only for a short while, I would lick and fuck her to pieces for a while, then it would become routine, and I would look for the next one, and drink lots of beer in the meantime.
that's life
That I don't think you need to defend yourself in this, I think that all of us who regularly peruse this forum appreciate your contributions and respect your opinions, the fact that you feel the need to defend yourself against some one-off comment questioning the details of your achievements saddens me, and the day that you get into a serious argument with the regulars, Lee or PiB or SDMR and others, is something that I look forward to, a worthwhile debate, about things that matter!
a member of the bullshit gang
This whole thing gets me thinking:
A)The original post was "what do you do for a living?, not "give us your CV"!
B)How did you ever achieve all of that without learning that what other people think or say is irrelevant to who you are?
C)Participating in this forum as long as you have should have inoculated you to negative or critical responses by now, surely?
D)Is this really the forum to debate the details of someone's financial or academic achievements?
E)I would rather read about the details of your success (or lack thereof) in seducing that hot co-worker into a threesome.
F)Killing defenseless animals with a rifle and scope does not strike me as a noble thing to do do.
G)Teaching people to defend themselves against other people with evil intentions is a noble thing to do.
just my two cents worth
Been busy on a similar project, just on a more permanent scale, The Queen is spot on with all she says, as usual, the essence of it, according to my 'research', is that your lady will have to be the seductress in this deal and You will have to take the back seat initially, my next step is to interrogate my beautiful intelligent 22 year old bi/lesbian sister in law to find out exactly what moves girls employ get her out of her clothes.
good luck!
Way I understand it, Woman of my dreams, point you were making, is this: being a Dom does not give you carte-blanche in expressing your potential sadistic tendencies, rather, you have the responsibility of reading your sub's pleasure limits and creatively working within those boundaries. So, as you say, the Sub is actually driving the scenario and the Dom is merely a facilitator of their fantasies, have I got that right?
the director of recreational activities
PS, love your latest pics, super sexy asss!
Thanks for your insightful take on the subject, yes, many people crave a 'role-reversal' in the bedroom, it removes the pressures of 'normal life' and allows them to 'relax and be themselves'. So, in general:
A born Dom in a Dom career craves the Sub role in the bedroom, a taste of the opposite
A born Dom in a Sub career craves the Dom role in the bedroom, a taste of how it should be
A born Sub in a Dom career craves the Sub role in the bedroom, a relief from the pressure
A born Sub in a Sub career craves the Dom role in the bedroom, a taste of the opposite, such is human nature.
Of course, having a couple of miserable offspring in the midst of this scenario immensely complicates the picture, hence the high rate of divorce and suicide in modern society.
the central scrutinizer
You do need to realize that there are endless degrees of extreme-ism to this issue: from pinching and slapping during a heated encounter to having someone poop on your face for your sexual gratification! Whereas I am aware that the line between pleasure and pain is extremely thin (both 'centers' are located in close proximity within your brain), the more extreme expressions of this dynamic certainly (in my mind) manifest the classic symptoms of a maladjusted mind, which is quite common in our modern society! When we think or talk about this, we normally discuss or imagine the more extreme forms, as mentioned above, and naturally find them shocking if not disgusting. However, in practical terms, do me a favor, try this:
Next time you're shagging your latest SH pickup (haha), ask her to pinch your nipples while yer 'doin' her and report back whether you came harder or not!
the central scrutinizer
Right on, Sofistikitty! It's purely our social conditioning that trivializes sex. Einstein postulated that Matter equals Energy, YOU are energy, your being has a material as well as an energetic aspect. It is not just the physical aspect of getting it on that enhances your health and wellbeing, sex creates a flow of energy, if not between you and your partner but at very least within yourself. Ancient cultures were much more aware of this than we are today. Tantra teaches that 'stagnant energy' causes illness or "dishealth", whereas sex promotes the flow of energy! The subject is vast but the info is out there, don't want to go on endlessly, way I see it: Sexuality is the shortcut to Spirituality, and it sure is a lot more fun than sitting in a cave on a cold mountaintop contemplating your navel!
the director of recreational activities
OK, try this: Get yourself to the point of orgasm, squeeze the base of your dick with one hand, thumb and index finger sorta in an 'O' and at the same time press the tips of say 3 fingers of your other hand hard into your perineum, the place between your ballbag and your butthole. You'll be surprised to find that you have (to start off with) a 'more or less orgasmic' experience, you'll leak a bit of jizz, your erection will flag just a little but you'll be ready to go again within seconds! Lots of practise during your self-pleasuring sessions (hate that "mastribution" word) and you'll soon find that the whole deal becomes second nature and, "BINGO!", multiple orgasms without energy loss! This, btw, as that marvellous creature PiB intimated, is what the whole 'tantric' deal is all about: energy; but that's a whole story in it's own. Have fun and let us know how you go!
the central scrutinizer