Join the most popular community of South African swingers now
Over 90 days ago
Bisexual White/Caucasian Male, 46
0 km · Doornpoort


Quote by SDMR
Road trip to Sydney, who's keen?

The only problem with Australia is Australians
GP number plate, we can do what we want.
NO, you cannot, you just THINK you can . . . lol
I do think GP number plates are better than MP ones lol
Quote by playcouple
I think that when most people join this site their expectations is to find a quick fuck. Sorry for putting it blunt but for me as well as a lot of other people I'm sure are getting tired of the shit we have to put up with rude, obnoxious, arrogant, self absorbed, self centered, only thinking about themselves people joining this site. I for one mainly joined to learn and to find like minded people to have a good conversation with, share each other's experiences and if there is more then that's good. Not once have I EVER and WILL EVER send a rude mail saying "want to have a quick fuck?" Those mails I get I block those people.
Longjohn, You should rather delete your profile and join some other sleazy site that offer only sex. This is a site where communities HAVE THE OPTION to have sex. It is not a sex site only.

Irony is that this is a good place to find a quick fuck, just a bit of effort is required when you join, after a few months of building a 'little black book' (for want of a better description) you''ll basically have a quick fuck whenever you feel for it, almost. Keep in mind most couples work and many have kids that need to be planned around.
Playcouple, you are right that you can find a quick fuck and yes effort is required. It's these other people joining today and thinking they have unlimited supply of sex buddies available immediately that irritates me.
Quote by K_and_S1
i think its the story of most peoples lives , RedBruce and i were talking this morning and we both seemed to have the same view on this , most people on her will talk the talk but when it comes time to walk the walk its another story
sorry it didnt work out for you guys

So true. RedBruce and I have also spoken about this and it does seem to be the norm. So sad that people get themselves ready and make an effort to set up something and then no one pitches up. If I say I am there then I will do my damndest to make sure I honor my commitments. If for some reason I cannot then the decent thing is to at least let the other people know.
I think that when most people join this site their expectations is to find a quick fuck. Sorry for putting it blunt but for me as well as a lot of other people I'm sure are getting tired of the shit we have to put up with rude, obnoxious, arrogant, self absorbed, self centered, only thinking about themselves people joining this site. I for one mainly joined to learn and to find like minded people to have a good conversation with, share each other's experiences and if there is more then that's good. Not once have I EVER and WILL EVER send a rude mail saying "want to have a quick fuck?" Those mails I get I block those people. Longjohn, You should rather delete your profile and join some other sleazy site that offer only sex. This is a site where communities HAVE THE OPTION to have sex. It is not a sex site only.
Can anybody please tell me where Jackson Dam is? I have no idea where it is. Maybe it's because I'm blonde lol
Quote by Erotic_Nauty
@Mike - agreed on the pyramid!
And thank goodness for me what people find attractive differs.....else some of us non Barbie doll ladies would have no fun at all!

Yes there certainly has to be some sort of attraction. For me mainly it is about some physical attraction, intellectual attraction. Size and physique does not matter as long as they are clean and well behaved. Couldn't feel that there could be attraction if one of them had pimples all over their face.
I agree. Why people think that when you want to chat with other couples and singles they automatically think it will lead to sex. Sometimes you are just not compatible. That is why some of us prefer to meet first and see if there are some sort of chemistry. Sending naked pics does not influence the chemistry alone.
Hello all. As some of you I used to be a regular forumite. After an incident I decided to give commenting a skip for a while. It has been way too long for me. I still kept on reading but reserved comment for myself. I feel that I am ready to start contributing to the forums again. Sometimes I feel that we are going in circles over the same things. It is just the headings that changes. I understand that there are a few newcomers that are commenting or want to find out more about certain things. So you will all see me on here again. To PIB, I love you! The impact you have made in my life over the past year has been monumental. Your insight and the caring nature you have shown really shows that there are good people out and about. I say have a good rest and I am sure you will be back again. Your personal messages really shows that you care about the person and not just the lifestyle. We will all wait in anticipation for you to return. kiss
Quote by SDMR
I'm into public fun
have been fantasizing about meeting a couple in Cresta mall.
we all 3 go into one of the toilets and then the guy watches me do his wife/GF
msg me if you're interested

All righty then . . . . . :small-print:
That is the problem with most of the people that they want to make contact but never look properly at a person's profile I can understand your frustration.
Quote by SDMR
My best is when the picture is of some guy's erect penis . . . . . wearing a lacy g-string and a profile that says "Straight Male" . . . .
I am very clear about being Bi, and I assure you I have never considered wearing woman's undies . . . they look so much better on the female body

I have to agree with you on that one. Ladies clothing on me wont fit either, size 13 feet.
Quote by Pussinboots1
LMAO @ SDMR now If I was in JHB I would have asked for the address , as I am an old woman and do not *get* many playmates anymore.
Just imagine............. me sitting there fat ,wobbly,TEETH OUT, and sucking the daylights outa all cocks thrust through that hole.
Maybe there is one or 2 adventurous ladies out there!!!

LOL PIB I would he first in line for you any day.
Shame PIB 1. Give me his details. I have a particular set of skills. He will be dealt with accordingly.
I am a 3. The other thing, we are South Africans so why do we have to use inches when we generally work with cm?
A gentleman is a man who has only anal sex so the lady can stay a virgin.rotflmao:rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao:
Quote by LeeEC
Will there be a quiz for girls long is your clit?

Or how kany woman can stand and pee. Or how many people have two sets of genitals.
Quote by Erotic_Nauty
As for the topic...yes I luuurve looking at sexy men and woman.....but then what maybe *sexy* to me is *gross* to another.
Hygiene is a must, but further a connection yes. Also a bit of self-respect goes a long way since if you don't respect yourself and your own body, even if it *wobbles* a bit, how can you respect others?

I fully agree. I have been with skinny, well built and the bbw type. It is all about a connection between each other.
PIB 1. It really is all f*cked up. Did you hear about the child that was flushed down the toilet and got stuck. After two hours they got the baby out and he/she survived. I so wish I could have a child of my own. Some people would give anything to give a child a loving home and yet the ones that do have children don't care what happens to them and even considers abortion. What a sick world we live in.
Quote by Pussinboots1
I WANT a Rich man!!!!!! anything for a man with a open wallet!!!!! then I will not mind any size penis!!! I drive a small affordable car.......and I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove money.
I often hear ...*Why do you NOT charge men * for what you do to them.....(as in kinky) man..... I might just start doing that when I have my own dungeon.......yeeee haw!

I will be your first customer.
Hello and welcome. Hope that all you want to get out from this post happens. Have a look at other topics and please comment. We love to hear more views and opinions. Good luck.
Quote by SDMR
The funeral service for the late Swinging Heaven South Africa forum, will be held . . . . . .
A whole bunch of people tried to make the forum a good place to interact and learn, it only took two people and their efforts to practically destroy the entire forum .. . . .
Sad Indeed
. Who are the two people that did this? I hope I am not one of them.
@ Lee. You are totally right. Yes men do think that because they are smaller they might not be able to satisfy a woman than a man with a bigger tool. Those men have not grown up enough or matured enough to understand that its not all about size. Those with big ones generally lie back and expect the woman to everyting because they are blessed with a big oe. Come on and get real. I bet anyone that I can give the same amount of pleasure to a woman without even having to use my own. Like someone else said, you have hands, tongue, feet etc.
Ok here I go. When I was young, about 7 or so I used my hands. When I went to boarding school ( boys only ) the thing was to cut a hole in the sponge matress and stimulate yourself like that. I have used jacuzzis where the bubbles rub against your balls and shaft and gives a very stimulating feeling. I have also used the shower stream where you take the shower head off and while you mastrubating you let the stream of water hit your head. As I am uncut the water fills between the head and foreskin. Awesome feeling.
Hello to all the forumites. I have missed you all dearly. Now that I am back from a well deserved break ( New York ) I will be contributing again. So tell me what have I missed here? Have everyone gone bonkers or are there new forumites?