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How LONG is your penis!!

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With all of this penis talk....take this quiz..... I will give you your details tomorrow!!! 1) Smaller than 2 inches. 2) 3-4 inches long. 3) 5-6 inches long. 4) 7-9 inches long. 5) 10 inches or longer. 6) I am a woman. Update..... Hopefully it is an erect penis we are talking about........ ps...hope you guys know this is a *fun* forum and not to criticize..
In all fairness let me give you my answer..... My answer was.....6 Results...... You have a vagina. You really need to sit down with yourself and think about why you're taking a penis quiz, 'cause that's kind of weird.
Will there be a quiz for girls long is your clit?
Quote by LeeEC
Will there be a quiz for girls long is your clit?

Or how kany woman can stand and pee. Or how many people have two sets of genitals.
This is a sneaky question. But okay I will play along. I would have to say it depends what time of day it is and where I am. But I would say number 2. and that is if any one believes me lol :lol: Joyrider Really wonder how many women really reads the forum? Ï know of of 5
Quote by LeeEC
Will there be a quiz for girls long is your clit?

OK, I'm listening . . . . . . (did I ever tell anyone I was a clit junkie? ))))))
Quote by Pussinboots1
With all of this penis talk....take this quiz.....
I will give you your details tomorrow!!!
1) Smaller than 2 inches.
2) 3-4 inches long.
3) 5-6 inches long.
4) 7-9 inches long.
5) 10 inches or longer.
6) I am a woman.

I could give 2 or 3 possible answers here, dependent on time of day and arousal levels , . . . . clarify as to when specifically (hard or soft) we should answer
Joyrider, there are a lot of woman who read the forum (as there are many men) only thing is VERY few of them comment on anything
Hey all you *funnies* and clit worshipers....I am busy dissing penises Not vagina`s or clits...... But I will see what I can find.....If I remember correctly I did post a few forums on vaginas already......although it was not quizzes
Quote by Pussinboots1
Hey all you *funnies* and clit worshipers....I am busy dissing penises Not vagina`s or clits......
But I will see what I can find.....If I remember correctly I did post a few forums on vaginas already......although it was not quizzes

JUNKIE not worshiper . .. now answer my question please rotflmao
@ joyrider...2 You have a small penis. You're not really a shower or a grower. Sorry. *Oh my word what has happened to that *large-to-extra large* of yours??? @ SDMR....well I would think it is in a erect state....LMAO. here is NUMBER 3`s answer..... 3 ....You have an average-sized penis. You probably lie about its size, but really, you have nothing to feel bad about @ georgeous......well let me guess you are number4 hmmmm??? As for standing to pee....MOST women can do that.....(in the shower) LMAO as for 2sets of genitals.. A Hermaphrodite. ... That's probably the rarest of various intersex conditions. Usually one set is removed (the more under developed one) One can write a LONG forum about this phenomena....about when it is done, how it influence the child and hormones and stuff.
@ SDMR....sheesha *junky* may need reconditioning and rehab....
Pib number 2
O sorry I was under the impression it the length when NOT having an erection Joyrider Now we getting somewhere wink
Oops @ Adonis........2 You have a small penis. You're not really a shower or a grower. Sorry.
Pib die probleem is ek is so gebore het hard probeer om hom groter te kry maar die natuur laat hom nie voorskryf nie. Maar gelukkig was dit nog nooit nodig dat ek daaroor hoef te lieg nie. As ek kyk hoe van die deelnemers moet sit en lieg met vrae soos moet hy pap wees moet hy hard wees jy kan hulle nie glo nie, Shame. Dit is soos om blind te wees jou ander organe ontwikkel meer en vergoed vir die blind geit
Net so so. Jy se dus jou tong en vingers en hele foreplay, vergoed vir die natuur ne!! Dis net soos ons vroue daarvan hou.
(3) / (4) - I counted the halve as well!?? redface
Pib ja en het 'n paar pragtige dames wat dit sal beaam. Solank mens net eerlik is
@ Gerrie.... Between 3 and 4 huh ??? 3 You have an average-sized probably lie about its size, but really, you have nothing to feel bad about 4 You have a large , dude. Do you feel better about yourself now?
Quote by Pussinboots1
@ Gerrie....
Between 3 and 4 huh ???
3 You have an average-sized probably lie about its size, but really, you have nothing to feel bad about
4 You have a large , dude. Do you feel better about yourself now?

struggling with this one ... is there not a 3 1/2 option wink
Oh come on! I'm dying to see the answer for 5!
Hi Lee Go look at alexcouple for your number 5. lol I'm a 3
@ mymail069 Sorry there was no 1/2 options I would think you fall between the 3 and 4 then, there you already have your answer... You are okay in the penis department..... @ Lee...nope cnat give that answer as yet, I am to wait for someone to claim to have a Number 5 penis...I thought that would be joyrider who claims that number, but he suddenly became modest.
Just4fun1 daai ou is nie nommer 5 nie hy is geteel met 'n perd, 'n vrou se mangels is nie veilig met hom nie.
NOW, I need to go and perv....alexcouple AND I DID....and I will run my legs off ..... AWAY.....he is huge!!!
normal 3
@ smalltoy...... 3 You have an average-sized probably lie about its size, but really, you have nothing to feel bad about
Youngster walks into the Gents, and stands next to an older guy at the urinal. While he is getting it out and ready to offload he glances down at the older guy's 5" dick, and notices the letters "oom" tattooed along the top of the shaft, the M closest to the pubis. He pulls out his own 6" dick, flashes it around a bit, and says to the older guy - "and you call YOURS "Oom"?!!!! The older guy sighs, and says "Sonny, you should have seen it when I had 'Die Disselboom van Potchefstroom" tattooed on it! This is all that's left over after all these years...." wink
Quote by Pussinboots1
@ SDMR....sheesha *junky* may need reconditioning and rehab....

many a clit . . ag, I mean person has tried before . . . . lol
Ok, so we have pretty much established that most of us out here are average (and apparently liar's) so when do we hear about those lovely clits . . . ????