Quote by Pussinboots1
Thanks SDMR found the comment I was looking for.....
@ gorgeous....Figging you ask me about figging huh???
That is a term used for a certain way us KINKY people play with Ginger!!!!!
Oh :shock: care to elaborate perhaps?

Quote by Pussinboots1
I think you should have mailed him privately Jack99.....and not wait that he decides to choose you on here in forums.
I think you would have done so automatically though, and he did not respond huh?? Their loss, in that case.
Quote by LeeEC
Again @G I think its important for newbies to know that we are paying attention and will know if someone is bullshitting....
@rajio, please don't delete original posts in your forums, rather add a new message giving an update.
Quote by charles2
Am also married wife gone for five months I need a Good one let's hook up.
Quote by Pussinboots1
@ gorgeous....YOU ever had kinky play called *figging* ??? seems like you *like* ginger...and this is after all a SEX site...not a food site....
@ Rumpledforskin...YOU my friend, are WELCOME to the forums and its everlasting BS......Hope to see and read more of your comments and thoughts.
Quote by SDMR
All i heard "read" was that Stamina has tattoos mmmmmm.
On a serious note, I have met someone that did not look at all like his profile pics , only to find out he stole them from another guy on SH (i know this because I physically met the "real" guy) how did that happen
Quote by sumtingwong
Ok, I dont really write on forums, because I tend to be more an observer.
But with observation, I do tend to spot a lot of fake pictures.
I'm not referring to profiles, those are the spammers, I'm referring to profiles who have pics up, which they claim are them.
I know it attracts views to your profile, but really?
In all honesty, for me atleast, amateur REAL pictures, are more of a turn on than fake ones taken from the internet.
And for those with fake pics, ever heard of google images reverse search, or tineye? lol It give you all the website where your pics are taken from hahaha
*crawls back into the shadows*
Quote by Pussinboots1
Just to let you guys know, MY BOOK arrived...and I am going to give it to my GF with a *nekid young juicy chicken* for MOTHERs day!!!!!!!
Will let you guys know what her reaction is when she gets THAT!!!!
Quote by SDMR
Morning all . . . .
This is the second time (that I am aware of) that this topic has come up in recent weeks, SO . . . . . . let's work it to death, let's give it full and exhaustive treatment (that includes everyone, even those that think we are click) oh, I'm so funny . . . .
Quote by Pussinboots1
When most people *say* they want to meet up with *upmarket* people.
I always see it this way....they would like people with LOTS of money, Status, a few degrees behind their name.
They must live in a Upper class suburb and drive the newest Mercedes or BMW,only wear designer clothes and shoes, Wear real diamonds and Rolex`s and most likely go for botox and liposuction and facelifts and boob-lifts all the time...Only drink the finest of wines and dines only *quality foods*Have their own company have lots of servants or butlers ,gardeners and staff and only go to the best of shows and theaters.
They do not mix with people like me....
I am a plain POOR working lady who lives in a small little house and drives a small little car, I cannot afford liposuction or do I wear diamonds or designer clothes or shoes.I clean my own home and do my own little garden.
BUT I could be wrong of course....BUT that is my view....
The dictionary says.... high-quality, notable, renowned, prestige, eminent, reputable professional people.
Quote by Pussinboots1
@ gorgeous...
I so HOPE you reported this profile to the moderators......and NOT to Lee...one of the others,in case they might say she is bias...
I would copy and paste that message and send it to the moderators...they are really really rude
And now hearing about the *dog comment* they are NOT worth my spit.I am a total animal rights freak!!!
Quote by Pussinboots1
I can fully understand where sofistikitty and Prezzie comes from..
We, and here I most certainly INCLUDE myself, if we are taller and larger of body... tend to feel like whales/elephants next to skinny and small men or pretty boys.
But as time went on and I grew older I now know that the not so tall, skinnier,men has a lot of hang-ups just like I have...and we both must look past all that to really LOOK at a person and see HIM or HER and what surprises awaited!!!!I was rewarded over and over many a time.
HA....and you guys know what.......
NONE of you took to comment on the questions of someone who has some sort of artificial limb ears or teeth....
Or does that not matter?? REALLY???
You not going to get freaked out...When
Getting onto a bed and that person starts unscrewing a artificial foot or arm cause just maybe you might get hurt!
Or removing a shirt and a pair of false boobies goes off at the same time as the bra?
Or the persons false teeth clicks when you kiss?
Or the persons hearing aid goes haywire and buzzed and needs resetting?
Sooooo what about this topic?? to sensitive for you guys???