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Wow really??

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So last nite got a pvt message from a couple saying they were interested in chatting and like our profile. I replied and said sure we can chat via email or whats app if they were cool. They replied saying they wanted both of our contact numbers for whats app, but i explained that Mr K is currently away so they can chat to me and gave them my details. Anyhoo, they chatted and when i replied they must have seen my profile pic on whats app (pic of me) said no thank u are not white. What the hell??? My first rejection ever on this site lol, didnt they see "mixed race" what did they think it meant maybe there should be a choice under ethnic like "caramel or chocolate brown, or person of mixed descent " meaning not white. Must say im offended. Oh well next better player lol
Don't you think posting a pic or two of yourselves would help solve the problem? The pictures need not be nudes and/or explicit.
That is the problem with most of the people that they want to make contact but never look properly at a person's profile I can understand your frustration.
They're silly to reject you like that! I also think people should take time to read profiles better. We shouldn't have to put up pics for people to see what we are - that's lazy and can also cause confusion. My profile peeve is when people say that they don't play outside their race, but have a blank in that column! lol
That is really horrible! What is the point of having profiles that say such things if people do not read them! They approached you first! I always wonder what makes people say "really like your profile" if they haven't read it yet?! If race is an issue, surely that would be one of the first things they would look at when looking for potential playmates? Sorry shit like this happened to you! ;) C
Idk with some people here, you reply and start talking and then when you give em your bbm pin or then they shut down and don't reply or say thanks and then you never hear from em again. I just don't see the point in me playing mr polite and then get shut out
Mrs Kawai Being a "mixed race" profile too I know what you're referring to. I also get profiles sending me the we want to know more site generated emails, and when I reply they start chatting. I am fairly straight upfront and say they must have seen that I am coloured. Then I don't hear from them again. The other occurrence too is that they want to view my albums, and when I do open them, they also ignore answering anything thereafter.
their lose kitty
What a sad situation once again!!! All hurt and bad feelings could have been prevented ,if ONLY the couple would take the time to READ before jumping the gun!!! Now they are in the wrong and *we* can say what we want ,but the hurt Sofistikitty is feeling will not go away!!! and rightly so!! @ Sofistikitty Their loss sexy lady, their loss!!! I always wonder if people know we all bleed red!! Once a skin is stripped from our bodies, we are all red and meaty , and only the skeleton of our bodies would reveal our ethnic origins. I have found over the years that there is really backwards uneducated gagga people ,NOT just a certain *ethnic* group of people. I am really sometimes ashamed to be *white* or pink as the one black lady called me. ONCE AGAIN WE SHOULD ALL REMEMBER Whoever one is, and wherever one is, one is always in the wrong if one is rude.
Whoever one is, and wherever one is, one is always in the wrong if one is rude.
PIB this is the truth
Wonder why people cant only say nicly "Thankyou but no thanks" and the conversation is over.
Racism is always very diffycult, getting everyone to gether Some like beef stew others pasta and some very hot beryani and not to forget pap and sheba
Bad manners on their side, they said they had read your profile, anyway their loss!!!!
YES, people don't read profiles properly YES, people are rude YES, people lack intelligence YES, people lack tact YES, people are bad mannered BUT are they always being racist? sometimes it could be a "Coloured Person" looking for a "Non-Coloured Person" As far as people wanting to see pics and then disappearing, that happens to every single one of us on this site, regardless of race.
Quote by SDMR
YES, people don't read profiles properly
YES, people are rude
YES, people lack intelligence
YES, people lack tact
YES, people are bad mannered
are they always being racist? sometimes it could be a "Coloured Person" looking for a "Non-Coloured Person"
As far as people wanting to see pics and then disappearing, that happens to every single one of us on this site, regardless of race.

True, we don't know their side so we won't know why. Guess we just have to live with some rude people here who are just here for pics and quickies.
Look its not really about if they racist or not its just our profile says mixed race and they approached us. So what were they expecting? We all have preferences , some prefer not to cross the colour line , we are more about where and if theres a connection or chemistry. Anyhoo lol Mr K reckons we are cuter than them so i shouldnt feel bad lmao.
There is a saying we firmly believe in "HATE THE GAME AND NOT THE PLAYERS" ah well their loss and not yours, alls well ends well.