What makes a man a man? Is it the size of his penis or the way it is curved. Or is it the way his build and his looks? No. That just sets him apart from the others.
I think a real man is the following and again maybe I am wrong again?
A real man never swears in front of ladies during a conversation. He always knows his place and never goes out of his way to hurt a lady. In other words he must conduct him self as a gentleman. Please do not confuse a gentleman with as a softy. A real man will never lift his hands to a lady and he will go with his lady to do the shopping with out being nasty or have a shouting match inside the shop because he don't want to be there, as his rugby and other sports are more important than going with his wife shopping. He will help with the house chorse and even wash the dishes and of course do the washing for the love in his life. He will do anything for her, even if he does not like it and will not say a thing about it. A real man will know how to comfort a lady when she needs it and cry with her when it is needed. A real man must know when to take the lead and when not to. A real man will be able to control him self after he has had a few drinks and not look for shit with anyone and everyone, and leave the bigger men alone.
A real man is the one who other people feels comfortable enough with, to came to talk about their problems and keeps it to himself.
Maybe I'm right or maybe I'm wrong?
Oops must not say too much