Where has everyone been?
You are my procrastination reading material. Which has not been very fulfilling of late!
Where are the witty comments and conversations?
Without interesting forum entries to read, I have no other choice but to actually get work done!
I don't think that was the point tho, the same handful of people on here means that you never going to have a buzzing forum because we that are contributing to the forum are too few.
I don't have an issue with it being the same people but we literally need to be doubling the number of forum contributors to keep it fresh. It's an economies of scale thing.
Rather asked the many members that left the forum why they left.
Not only that, but the chat room is ridiculous!!!! Only a few boring and ugly old farts on there that rules the roost! And once you say something a little out of their comfort zone(not rude or swearing), you get banned.
Why procrastinate today when i can procrastinate tomorrow?
I was going to give a contribution to this forum post, but thought it best if I put it off until another day . ..
Thank you everyone for brightening up our little forum space!
I'll reply to everything soon ;)
Really? This site is on my daily "to do" list.
I have to schedule my visits in my calender or I'd never get here! Ha ha! Procrastinate! As if I had the time. ...!
Nice to read something you posted KC_
I was here just fleetingly over the last week as I was really busy!!! Busy with chain jewelry ,so wish I could show you guys, but will not be able to load the pics here!!! and I have of course a new addition to my family of animals...(she is keeping me on my toes) a little feral kitten only 3 weeks old. Nearly drowned in a gutter with the heavy rains we had here in Cpt.
Anyway I read the word procastination and as always my mind slipped TOO naughty things.....prostate issues and castrations and such........
rambings over and out.....
@PIB1 one of my favourite sayings is:
Procrastination is like masturbation
It feels nice now, but in the end you are only screwing yourself.