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19 hours ago
Straight Middle Eastern Male, 39
0 km · Cape Town


Oh yes naturally. It’s a shame that we have such few spots considering how much potential the Cape has.

Quote by fadnad

Wife has played with her vibrator while I drive and has had her boobs out we love being naughty in the car but we would love to see someone in traffic do it

I think it’s hard for others to see unless they in a truck or bakkie and you are stopping otherwise people are generally focussed on the road

Quote by BeeCeeCpt

We have been considering going to Sandy Bay for some time, but have heard of some unpleasant experiences. How did you find the day? We do however have a few spots that we frequent where it is quite secluded and we are 9 times out of 10 alone. Just takes careful placement of our beach tent and an eye out in case we need to cover up for walkers.

There will always be guys but the big beach is very big so it’s easy to find a spot out of the eye. You can’t stop people walking by. Nobody has been a bother though in the sense of being a pervert and those walkers just walk by.

Thanks for keeping an eye on my stuff. You and I were having a chat before you left. Small world

Were you by any chance the couple with the blue umbrella on the small beach?

Just out of curiosity was there any SH members at Sandy Bay today. I was there and I wondered how many of the people on the beach may be on SH

That an a lot of the previous contributors don’t seem to be on the site anymore

Is it just me or has the forum area of the site really just died a very slow death. I remember the days where there was much interaction between members on the forum discussing a wide array of topics away from the Lifestyle. I even ended with some social meets and some playing meets just from here. It just seems like interactivity has basically dimished…….. or maybe it’s just me

Hi all just curious to know whether any members on here will be attending AfrikaBurn and Ultra this year.

Quote by Kevin_m

I have a question. Coming up from Gauteng for the holidays. Is this beach safe to access and walk to as a single older gent? Risk of mugging etc. Please locals, give some honest advice. Also welcome to DM me with advice. Thanks in anticipation

I’ve been alone a few times never had any hassles but I can see why you need to be vigilant. It’s a long walk through bushes and that’s why I only go if I have company

Quote by fadnad

What’s the twitter handle 🙈

So we have a naughty twitter page and we get alot swingers from overseas and local asking would we like to collaborate for dey only fans account

So here is my issue we in the lifestyle coz we enjoy it and it's our discreet fun away from everyday life a way for us to explore our sexual fantasies and we feel doing a only fans collaboration might be going towards porn and almost doing it only for money look we could be wrong

What do you guys on sh think about it would you do it

Quote by Miss_S

I agree , start another group 😘 Am sure there are plenty of us on here


Quote by fadnad

Believe me when I tell you it's not a few but alot of Muslim couples in the lifestyle which I think is great

I know I just meant as a % of the total demographic of this site

Quote by tiger76

I want a prearranged guy to flirt with my wife, secretly, without her knowledge, at a place we will agree upon. A eatery with music and a vibe. How do one go around that? Is there any guy with the necessary social skills and charm? She is conservative ,. I want it to be fun for all of us. Maybe later we do mfm. if it goes well

How does this tie in with our current discussion?

There are a few Muslim couples here and there but it’s hard to get into any society unless you invited in. Sometimes they at clubs too.

Having a bill implies sex having a bf implies emotion. People need to define what they are seeking

Quote by fadnad

Ok so we always hear of couples having a GF but this weekend something very interesting happen a single guy that we regularly play with asked if he could be my bf taking that hubby is not bi and into guys so he would be my bf

Would love to know how the SH community feel about it and has couples had bf taking that the hubby is straight and how did it work out

I mean I could see if a couple was bi how a bf would work for a couple

I’m a total boob guy but I think with boobs it comes down to being proportionate, whilst I tend to favour somewhere between b and c some bigger sizes can be extremely sexy, I just had a look at yours and they perfect everything in proportion to you🔥

Quote by fadnad

So I was surprised to learn recently that some men and women don't like big boobs and prefer smaller boobs me myself I have 32DD and love them would love to know from women and men what's your preference

Quote by fadnad

I totally agree with you it is shocking how many men are not circumzied but I guess it's everyone's own preference

Do you not play with guys if they not cut?

Quote by fadnad

That's exactly what we talking about it's amazing that alot of people think if you beautiful you automatically sexy

Yes it's a misconception. Also beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I can't believe some of the stories I hear. I think some guys are in it for the quick lay but generally don't last very long on SH.

You right somebody can be beautiful and lack sex appeal. Sexy means having sex appeal. I think there are lots of woman who are not pretty but have loads of sex appeal in the way they dress, walk basically how they carry themselves.