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9 hours ago
Straight White/Caucasian Male, 60
0 km · Gauteng


Quote by tulkas

Good question jimmy. But of more practical interest to me - sapiosexuals, how would one charm you with a swinger site profile? Is simply saying you are also a sapiosexual good enough or are there specific pics you look for? e.g. reading a (pretentious 😜) book on a beach or an academic qualification in the background.

In a word - "WORDS".

They are the only tool you have on a forum.

Intelligence is highly visual. Not in a "Show me your tits" way but in a 5 dimensional space/time continuum manner. Your words need to create the picture. To describe Van Gogh, and the way a shark glides, and the depths of the Milky Way, and a drop of rain in the dust. You need to understand Mark Twain's, "I'm writing you a long letter because I didn't have time to write you a short letter" - so it's going to take lots of words.

But there's more. Intelligence lives in multi-dimensional worlds. So your words have to create the sounds, smells, movements, touch and taste of life. An olfactory orchestra of movement and touch. More words, lots more words.

And then you need to be smart. As Oscar Wild said on Arriving in America, "The only thing I have to declare is my genius". So add some wit. More words.

And empathy, and understanding, and inquisitiveness, a slightly naughty side, a long term vision and a willingness to risk it all (read "If"). And 10,000 hours - "My overnight success only took 25 years".

And more words.

Approaching a larger age milestone has me thinking of age and particularly age limits / differences? If the frequency of "absolutely true" stories (especially on the UK SH site) is to be trusted, there are thousands of newly married young wives helping out the aged widow next door - makes me look forward to old age!!! On the other hand I have also seen profiles saying don't want to date / touch / f%&k someone old enough to be my father (haven't seen same for guys and mothers LOL ).

Once read minimum age for dating younger women is 1/2 men's age plus 7 years - trust the science.

So what are forum members age limits? Or does anyone have a fetish for older partners? What's the oldest / biggest gap you would / have engage in?

Quote by nerowp

Want a older bi guy in his late 50s to fuck wife me muffing her with him inside her and after all suck her cum off his cock

And there I thought being 59 had no real advantages. About as "late 50s" as you can get. smile smile

@riley - it seems it turned out exactly as expected "eyes wide SHIT"   smile 

Of course you could go with the age-old definition of "indecent". if you're in good and you're in deep then you're "indecent". wink wink
Lee Lyndhurst is pretty central, try the following: I don't know it or recommend it but fits your area. Also: Good luck. Welcome to the Big Smoke.
Warning, cheeky response follows!!! It means they probably know how to spell "designer" and "restaurant"! Sorry, could didn't resist, the voices made me do it.
Or as Woody Allen said, "Bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night". That would probably also fall under the definition of "Bi opportunistic" lol
@PB - fascinating topic which may have advice within its own terms. A quick look at a list of phobias shows that in order to overcome anuptaphobia (especially within a SH context) you may also need to deal with your gymnophobia (fear of being nude), haphephobia (fear of bein touched), philophobia (fear of love) and ESPECIALLY :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: phagophobia (THE FEAR OF SWALLOWING). And just so we all sure "papaphobia" is not the opposite of an unhealthy love of ones father but rather the fear of the Pope.
@PIB - more than happy to Pilot you any day. Was going to call you my Dreamliner but they had had some problems of late. So you will have to be a 747 Boeing - not a spring chicken but an absolute classic with iconic lines and presence lol
Of course every pilot knows that each flight begins with a safety briefing followed by a thorough pre-flight to see all in working order. Then its time to start, gently on the engine, let oil temps and pressures build until ready for departure. Line her up on the runway, final checks (including wind direction :twisted: ), rev her up, brakes off and start to build up speed. Hold her steady until take off speed achieved then lift her to new heights. Visual Flight rules mean look where you going, take in the scenery and watch the world around you. Instrument Flight Rules mean your head is stuck deep in the cockpit. And finally, every flight can only be a success if you come slowly, gently and controlled back to earth. Hop you enjoyed your flight and fly again with us soon!!!