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2 days ago
Straight White/Caucasian Male, 42
Bi-curious White/Caucasian Female, 47
0 km · Gauteng


I here you bud. I have a huge Fetish (obsession) for woman's shoes....


Seeing the right pair of shoes on the right woman is the hottest thing ever. I've literally walked in shopping centers and bought woman (that I have never met before), a sexy pair of heels and carried on with my day.

So are an easy going couple with not many Hangups. We are open minded and there are not many things that we are completely against doing ... besides Kissing!

That is something that my wife and I will only do with each other and won't even try it with others.... Sounds Stupid but it's our thing!

Also we are in this lifestyle only for sexual pleasure. We are not in to Gentle Lovemaking, that is something we feel is for people that are emotionally involved.

I think kissing is very intimate...

Quote by wetemke
I love watching my wife being gang banged and she loves me watching! Finding the right guys is the challenge. How about we like minded husbands start a club whereby when we find clean, discreet, respectful guys, we share them amongst each other. (With their permission of course)! Say 10 couples, 40 studs. Wives always satisfied, husbands always getting their kicks and studs have regular sex and we know the stud has been tested and passed the" respect for the couple" test. :twisted: And we as couples never have to meet. Just start passing the info among each other.


If i could choose between getting a Blowjob Or Going Down on a woman, i will always pick going down on a woman... (Its my thing). I go down on my wife for hours

Quote by oldduckgoat

I like my boobs always gets guys talking to me, and quite often they get an erection looking at them this drives me crazy

I agree. I definitely got an erection looking at them

I hope they Don't ! Ours is so long we haven't even read it... Lol (just kidding)

Would be awesome if all the guys did read our profile (and followed the instructions/tips)... We would be having more fun

Quote by fadnad

1. been driving around by hubby while I had sex with a guy in the back of the car and vise versa hubby had sex with a lady while I drove them around

This is still one of the best things to do ....

Only Fans has Killed the amateur "porn" scene. If we have to see another message about subscribing to someone's account I'm going to scream.

We really enjoy having a good time and kinky fun that (by some miracle) I actually manage to record(occasionally)

We don't Act in our videos

We don't Fake anything in our videos

Nothing is Planned / Staged / Rehearsed

We don't make "Content" we just record our fun

We have a Twitter Profile (account), XHamster, Pornhub, XVideos etc etc

Are we Pornstars? I WISH! Unfortunately not.

We are just a married couple having fun. Our videos are of us living our best life.

There is no problem with having a OnlyFans account just don't ruin the fun you guys are having in the lifestyle getting caught up in the "social media" Likes and Followers Bullshit or to try make money...

Quote by slenders

As an Uber driver/owner I carry alot of people around...have even become personal drivers to plenty ladies and I will tell you this,conversation can go anyway,I always read a persons body language and yes some ladies are quite open about their sex lives or the lack of sex in their marriages etc....I know where to draw the line and when to pull those panties to the side lol...all I will say is it's fun driving people around and meeting new people and yip I have been with 3 ladies so far whom I picked up on a trip and ended up getting naughty with....

Send me your contact details so I can arrange for you to pick up my wife and take her somewhere.....

I love hearing about others sex life and past experiences. I love the VOYEUR aspect of it..

We are keen. Had an awesome Gangbang for my wifes birthday one year and we are looking to do it again soon...

I speak for all men here, when it comes to preferred size Big or Small.... Men Prefer Blowjobs!

Ps: We dont care if they are small... We still want to see them

Quote by Jaycee

Hehe, funnily enough...on the very date that you posted that message, my girlfriend Chanel (the one who stayed with us) and I took turns licking each other clean. Got it on video as well.

So .... are you going to show us the video

Quote by sa35couple

To watch her being pleasure by others ... is the most amazing experience ever.. all that beats it is to hear the enjoyment and not be able to see. Omg wow

Thats sounds Hot, please share your story... must of been intense

Got the best Blowjob / Handjob in the Emergency ward in front of a few patients and nurses... (Didnt know if i was going to make it)

Trying to Google a quick online sex instructor course so we can have the qualifications... lol

Quote by Jaycee

From our experience, I can tell you that ladies mostly love this. However, for straight guys like my hubby Jay it is kind of a turn-off when guys lick his semen out of me. He allows it (because I love it), but struggles a lot to get it up again after in our case we usually leave it for the very end (when we're basically done for the night).

Would it turn your husband on if another lady licked his sperm out of you?    Instead of a guy


To any of our past playmates that may have secretly recorded us having sex or any sexual interaction we beg you to Please "LEAK THE SEXTAPE" damit.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to leak your own sextape?  I literally have to stand at the robots every Saturday morning and hand out DVDS for Free!

PLEASE NOTE: This was not meant to upset anyone. I realise that It is a serious subject. And I can understand why it would upset someone.

Having said that; 


Especially the one of that time, When we did that thing ... Yes that one 

Quick question. Can we delete vouches on our profile? Our latest vouch is from somebody we don't know and all it says is "I LIKE YOU".

I see it often on people's profiles that some guys get confused between VOUCHES and MESSAGE (F#ck Knows How) and they end up writing a message in the vouches section.

Ours is PG enough to not be vulgar but easy to figure out if you have a naughty mind!

Found it by accident about 7 years ago. We have our profile on a few different sites/platforms, but without a doubt SH is our favourite and most successful site.

As for the "wankers" and bullshitters... They are unfortunately on everysite in every country (just the quality of some humans at the moment)

But when you meet and click with other people,  it makes it worth while.


Ignore everything I said about peeing on guys in pubs and the rugby. I was just (Taking the Piss). 


Everything else that I said was true and genuine.

Quote by Albadad81
but if proprlerly hidrated, it hardly smells though, so i guess some planning is needed ie drink 2l of fluid per hour or something. You both like the idea so have you tried it?

100% correct!  We have tried ita few times and it was fun. The problem is, it is way more harder then it looks. 

I know you must be thinking "How can having a Pee be Hard" ? 

TRUST ME its extremely difficult to have a pee in front of someone else now try and do it (ON THEM) while they are (looking directly at you). Stage fright is nothing.

There are so many factors that prevent you from just peeing, from what society has taught us, and how the act is. I mentioned how hard it was to start well that is even worse if you are HARD  as well!  It also doesn't matter how much water you have had because that won't make you pee. 

Its something that you have to be committed to doing and you have to practice as much as you can. 

What I did to get over my shyness of peeing on someone was I would go to the toilet at a Pub or at the Rugby and while I was standing at the urinal i would accidentally pee on one of the guys standing next to me. 

I didn't do alot at first, maybe just a few drops on their shoes. As my confidence grew I started to pee on their shoes, ankles, legs etc. I eventually started getting so confident that I would stand by my urinal and pee into theirs causing "Splash Back" (ladies you won't understand) from my pee hitting the back too hard.

But do it subtly because you don't want to get Klapped. I used to pretend I was on a call and I was having an argument and my hands were moving all over the place while I was holding my penis. It looked like an out of control fire hose.

Quote by jtrdbn
Quote by Chappie
Quote by fadnad
So me and wifey enjoy the strip club lollipop was very nice but it's closed at the moment the other strip club that's nice an friendly is the grand the ladies like couples and the women will give the Mrs alot of attention and you might get lucky with one of the strippers we did plus the is always other couples at the club 

Where is The Grand located?
The Grand is situated in Rivonia. It's an upmarket strip club with the hottest strippers vs. most of the other strip clubs I've been to. Some definite fun to be had! 

I've been to Chivalry once. Didn't have any drugging or bill padding incidents. Maybe it was your unlucky day @Trx

 I know. Some guys have all the luck

Quote by usisfun
So ...... my problem is that everyone loves boobs.....Me myself does as well but the size is the problem....Would it be a good choice to make mine smaller 

 This is a very difficult question for men to answer for a few reasons.

1. Most men believe that "Bigger Is Better" So there is NO way a man would be comfortable or willingly spend money reducing the size of a woman's breasts

I'm almost certain that NO Man on earth has ever gone for a Penistone Size Reduction in the history of mankind.

2. Most men are so fascinated and obsessed with boobs that if we had it our way NO Woman will be allowed to wear a Bra because we dont see the point of a bra is or how they work.  (It shows when we try to take them off of woman)

Quote by sexysam69
@ PoohC... the bartender was okay ... nothing special but not bad. 
I enjoy random hookups. And I like to "play down". It sounds egotistical i know, but when you give that guy a chance that clearly didn't have a shot, the sex is better . Or maybe it's just my fetish... . 
And no, the boys won't learn a thing..... because the popular belief is that swingers is a bunch of horny sluts that would screw a nightstand if it stood in the right place. Also that our partners just freely give us to any bloke that happen by. ...sigh....
There is the odd gem out there though, and this trend got me thinking.....
I'm going to find me a tubby shy cuddly guy, dress his ass in a santa suit.... and bang him like a drum . 'Tis the season....

 You are a LEGEND! The world is a better place because of woman like you. GOD BLESS YOU!

 I think I can speak on behalf of all the Shy Cuddly Guys on here... We don't give a Shit what you call us as long as we have a shot at banging you... 😁