Just to mention: Wiliam100 does not exist as a member here anymore
Hmmmm highly recommended.....
Ian, I am surprised that anyone could even worry about the actress name. I don't know one single porn actress' name. It just doesn't matter one iota to me. last thing on my mind.
redbruce knows I'm joking of course
I'll set up the grandstand and charge a fee
How you been?
Thanks for the lil messages now and again.
Gawwwddd when is this summer that they have been talking about gonna arrive.?
WTF is Maiville Mall please?
Don't discount the part the mind plays in the whole act - not just the physics hey
Reminds me of the Wintergreen in the Vaseline bottle at boarding school.
Only one member of my family knows that I am here.
My wife.
And she is the only one that matters.
Love your story PIB1-----
Glad I'm not alone.....
Agree, Sunny Sundays is def the best.
Travelling out of Benoni on Pretoria road, pass the firestation, continue out of town into industrial area. On right hand side.
Wife and I were sandwiched between a couple on the left and one on the right, in a crowded restaurant on Friday (Valentine's evening)...
It was lovely to watch these youngsters wooing their maidens. The singers girlfriend was fawning over him and mouthing every word he was singing, with a look of absolute adoration in her eyes and continued applauding after every number even long after the clapping from the rest of the patrons had died down.
We can truly say "Love was in the air" that evening.
But what really attracted my attention was the (older) couple beyond the one to my right, who struck up a conversation with our neighbours and were laughing and joking before very long. They looked to me for all the world, like a swinging couple, full of joir de vivre (ok, spelling sucks).
So yes, I agree, I look at fellow humans in a different light too while in a crowd. Its sooo enjoyable.
So if it was you in that rustic little restaurant in Boksburg, sitting 2 tables away from us, on Friday night............. own up and make yourself known, tell me if I was right or wrong........... LOL
Fantastic touching story Stamina.
My heart goes out to the girls in your life.
May the Force nurture them and support them to a speedy recovery.
I trust they have both had counselling (and I don't mean by the church, heaven forbid)
God Bless
Just listen to yourselves,
I have been on this site for 2 years and I have yet to come a cross a profile saying: "single females, give us a miss, single females move on, single females, don't call us, we'll call you, if you don't have permission to play alone, stay away......."
and please don't try the story, females don't do as much damage as single males. They can be easily as relationship destroying........
probeer " " Litie.
hier is noi sulke vrouens hier nie, glo my.
Welcome Dear.
Go for it.
I hope you enjoy yourself here
You are all assuming that because a guy signs up here with a blue label that he is here for some underhanded cheating skelm activities without his wife's knowledge or approval.
Its that attitude that makes us and dogs unwelcome on a site like this.
Catch a life, get real, this is 2013 FFS!
My wife of 43 years, spends her evenings in front of the TV because that is her preference. I spend my evenings here chatting. She knows exactly where I am, she is cool with it, I have her full approval to meet and go with any one I chose, she trusts my judgement. She often pops in out of curiosity to see who I am chatting to. She loves listening to the stories.
We have enjoyed a lifetime of an open, mutually trusting relationship.
So what should I rather do? sign in as a couple when I know she will never actively participate in the activities of the site?, and then be criticized for misrepresenting myself?
No, I chose to sign in as a single.
So please, try and reserve judgement until you have at least exchanged 10 words with the person that carries the blue label with him wherever he may venture on this site.
Do bi guys go to horwood farm for action with other guys? Im thinking of going there today (14/06) after 13:00. looking to suck on some cock
That's hardly "dogging" guys
What gets me upset a bit about it thought, when I use the search, and say profiles with in 100km from us it give me a profile or 2 from Australia!
Australia is 100km from us the other way around the globe ----- *smile*
No need to make excuses,
what ever floats your boat