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3 weeks ago
Straight American Indian Male, 55
0 km · Eastern Cape


I could never think of pickup line other than just to show high value...But if you look at it like that.... You should walk up to a girl with you back straight up..chest bulged forward...look the girl dead in the eye....tell her to come closer to you..but do not loose eye contact...And if she is about 3 nose lengths away from you....You start to Yodel. I am sure that would knock any Granny-MILF of her chair and the younger girls would not know what hit them.
My apprehension of a fantasy is that it is a wish....Should I wish for a chick with long legs...I might end up with a ostrich. So there is only one name...Britney Spears..:smitten:..:smitten:. without the singing..I almost boned a Britney look alike in Capetown.I was so close to boning her, I could almost pole vault over her pussy...then I got stage fright.
Hello Kinkcouple69 I am not sure who asked the questions...Mr or Miss But here is my input from both sides.I honestly dont belief you guys are ready for such an act,simply because you "Asked".You are confident enough to ask the questions but are you confident enough to do the deed confidently and walk away with no ill feelings ,and not to be like a lamb amongst the wolves....What I do believe is that you as a person should ask yourself if you are ready or not ask your partner...You time yourself until you can honestly answer it works like this...the time it took you to answer yourself is proportional to the amount of shit that will come your every second as a year. I know that clubs are safe,but I am not so sure about discreet and for a girl like are of are as crispy as a fresh salad. Your body and pussy still looks brand dont start off and hangout with the bottom feeders.I also had a look at your profile.I see in you activities you also wanna do roleplay and threesomes."A ménage à trois".Just dont forget in a threesome there will only be three people involved and in the same breath you capitalize on it by saying.."No Singles".It can only be the 2 of you +1= you could have said and exclamated was ,that should you have a threesomes the total weight of the participants should not exceed 270 kg,that will be to keep the fatties out...."just a suggestion". If it was you Mr Kinkcouple69 who asked the questions,then I would just look at you with a in my mind I would think.."You dirty are using your girlfriend as live bait just to get some foreign dick".But dont worry,many guys have done they all seem to have a trampstamp tattooed on their backs.I have a couple whom I firsttime I did his wife he looked and I was done and busted my nut...he courteously asked me.."What about me" whenever I go visit them.I tie him up and put a apple in his seem to be content with it. Kinkcouple69 I need to tell you that I can talk lots of shit...But I can back it up...And dont forget.A fantasy is only a fantasy until you acted upon I would say stick to the roleplay and become creative,get married and make a Rajesh or 2.I would think that it rolls better of the tongue by saying "Slutwife" instead of "Slut girlfriend" I hope I was of any help.... wink ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take you age divide it by 2 and add 7=the permissible age of the chicks you should date --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Knowing the Swinger bunch is a happy and social group who loves to make me to believe that at every swinger party or party,there must be music is music too.(mind flash-- :twisted: --priests swing too) What I dont know is that should a all Afrikaner group get together to swing and fuck party party!!!!!!.Will they predominantly play afrikaans music and the English swingers,will they play their Fleetwood Mac stuff and the people of they play their R&B. I know that here in South Africa we dont easy cross the cultural and racial line when it come to does it really go down ?What is the preferred music of the Swinger ? __________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Look, but don't touch. Touch, but don't taste. Taste, but don't swallow. And while you're jumping from one foot to the next, what is He doing? He's laughing his sick, fucking ass off! --------------------------:taz:-------- Mr. Al Pacino (Devils Advocate)
Quote by playcouple
LOLOLOL @ Andre, if that was a joke as to the list of questions, then i catch it. If there was nothing to catch then, as per Confucius, danger....................
Just out of interest, some of your comments alone would put us off meeting you at all, without looking at your profile.......

No Playcouple....The list I made up was just an example of the list of attraction which will be published by LeeEc for all of us.I do believe for every action there is an opposite reaction which keep things in equilibrium if it was not true then we would have been statically indeterminate.
I understand what you sometimes I go on a ram-page then I write it becomes difficult for people to understand dont have to worry about my profile.I dont cross the color line,no offense intended Playcouple.....just a preference.
I worked hard today in this Eastern Cape sun.....I am tired
Quote by LeeEC
Sorry I don't suck strangers. .. or toes.

Lee becarefull what you wish there is no rhyme or no reason for nothing.
LeeEc you are a beautiful woman,but beauty is common.I am not coming onto you.I see you as a rhino/ self fertilizing Comodo are my leader my Obi Whan...and I am your Luke Skywalker...You are the one who is going to give me the sacred scroll on how to shag a swinger...but I have hidden agendas...What I actually wanna learn is how to attract a Le ..le..le ..le...Lesbian.I am sure your list will contain the blue print of attraction.
Here is my promise to you you gave me the blueprint on attraction.I will cover myself in rhino we may start a mating ritual.
I am still a criminal.
Quote by LeeEC
Huh? Sorry I don't speak dote.

LeeEC...You know why you suck ?.....being my municipal neighbor I give you my first good feeling for the year and look what you did with it.
You better give me a proper answer or I will take of both my shoes and show you my middle toes.
So what are your good reasons (that you give people or use in private) to give into a shag? LeeEc will you Shag someone if: *He of she goes to a farmers market,enjoy organic food and look for kitchen gadgets. *Only if he does not belong to the same religion as his parents. *They must have colored and black friends. *He or she must have a passion for gifted children. *Should atleast have gone to a wine tasting with a 80's theme party. *The love for marijuana and Bob Marley. *Live close to water. *Listen to black music that black people dont listen to anymore. *Have a true dislike in Juju and being and expert on other peoples culture. The thought of "for every dote there is a antidote" went through my mind on typing on Lee give us the tools on how to shag a swinger..... even if you a single or married guy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Today is a good day to think of all the devious things I did....:violin:...:swingingchair:----Andre3000
My liver is the type he'd like to eat with fava beans and one small glass of wine...' Silence of the Lambs ' Anthony Hopkins
Quote by Adonis
This profile description and colour line getting boring, looking for every excuse under the sun, please get real

Adonis I have to agree with you on this colour know how long I am waithing for the TV probram Mythbusters to air their program on "Once you go Black, You never go back"
Quote by LeeEC
My thoughts too. I had hoped someone here would find some value. It's been quite a useful resource for some of my clients.

Thankyou NawtyCat for making Lee happy today.
Come Lee let me recite a extract from my favourite poem to you while we cuddle cuddleloo cuddledoo doo dooda doo who died on the buss today dooda dooda...... wink
And the afternoon, the evening, sleeps so peacefully!
Smoothed by long fingers,
Asleep . . . tired . . . or it malingers,
Stretched on the floor, here beside you and me.
Should I, after tea and cakes and ices,
Have the strength to force the moment to its crisis?
But though I have wept and fasted, wept and prayed,
Though I have seen my head (grown slightly bald) brought in upon a platter,
I am no prophet–and here's no great matter;
I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker,
And I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker,
And in short, I was afraid.
And would it have been worth it, after all,
After the cups, the marmalade, the tea,
Among the porcelain, among some talk of you and me,
Would it have been worth while,
To have bitten off the matter with a smile,
To have squeezed the universe into a ball
To roll it toward some overwhelming question,
To say: "I am Lazarus, come from the dead,
Come back to tell you all, I shall tell you all"
If one, settling a pillow by her head,
Should say, "That is not what I meant at all.
That is not it, at all."
And would it have been worth it, after all,
Would it have been worth while,
After the sunsets and the dooryards and the sprinkled streets,
After the novels, after the teacups, after the skirts that trail along the floor—
And this, and so much more?—
It is impossible to say just what I mean!
But as if a magic lantern threw the nerves in patterns on a screen:
Would it have been worth while
If one, settling a pillow or throwing off a shawl,
And turning toward the window, should say:
"That is not it at all,
That is not what I meant, at all."
. . . . .
No! I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be;
Am an attendant lord, one that will do
To swell a progress, start a scene or two
Advise the prince; no doubt, an easy tool,
Deferential, glad to be of use,
Politic, cautious, and meticulous;
Full of high sentence, but a bit obtuse;
At times, indeed, almost ridiculous—
Almost, at times, the Fool.
I grow old . . . I grow old . . .
I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.
Ok guys...I do consider myself as a good catch and masterfull lover. Let stop looking for the Devil...Here I am.A funky colored guy with 2 horns....I see we going the same route again. When we have common ground it would be a good idea and share your knowledge on the subject of cuddling,stimulating the erogenous zones with cuddling and the mental ability to give a woman multiple orgasms on demand anywhere....I do believe that is what Lee had in mind when she pasted this article in all her innocence.(correct me if I am wrong).We can also educate ourselves further on the male and female anatomy and how men and woman wants to be touched and the extend of the may also discuss the elusive G-Spot named after the gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg.(I still cannot believe why people is still trying to proof this guy wrong) Can we also alter our grammar when comment by adding the pre-fixes like..."my 2cents,3cents,5cents and the afrikaans one...."net by by by gese" People I can scream if I hear those same stuff over and like having a lack of vocabulary.
Quote by Sofistikitty
Andre what exactly is your problem? I don't get you? You seem intelligent and we chatted long long ago and you were okay.
The article posted was good I think and I believe many women can relate to it. And if men can relate to it it means they are great lovers, unselfish lovers. If they didn't know they are now educated and if they did then they are reminded to keep doing what they doing. So if you think its a load of crap then maybe you are none of the above. We just trying to enjoy corresponding with each other. Why do you deem it necessary to fight and be rude and nasty all the time? If it irritates you so much why participate?
You are obviously well read and somewhere deep deep deep down you are a cool guy , so wtf ?
Sorry curious. Weird but ya.

I have no blogging.
I am a good looking ,cool and I ask has my controversial way of blogging started ?
It started when a young man posted a thread and was viciously attacked by a certain group of people.I tried to change the game for him but he was haunted and crushed.I posted a quote in the quote guy tells me my origin of my quote was wrong.I corrected him in fool pasted my whole conversation in the quote thread.I say the word fat beetle a thread get opened for Site abusers(I am the abuser)In that thread I mentally attack 2 thread gets erased and I get thrown in jail for 7 days and 7 nights and the thread gets posted this thread in 4 parts.I read them all and give my comment as a happens?...I get bombarded with kryptonite.
Nobody actually looked at the whole drama came to the correcting about the fat beetle and suddenly then the fat beetle beetled herself over the fingers and just carried on.
Take it like this a very cold are dressed warm.I come up with the idea to go take a swim in cold are you going to tell me ?....probably..."Fuck you Andre are you mad you fool"..You simply disagreed with my intentions.
Now I have become the same people who follows every thread I comment just keep on ping pong on me negatively they just have to say something about my comment after I come to the conclusion that I was constantly under come naturally when under attack ?...You go into defense.I realized my attackers are actually a bunch of do I do ?....I started feeding them peanuts.
But dont worry Sofistikitty my darling.I will never be disrespectful to any woman.I am just here to blog.
Sorry guys but I cannot allow the sheep to lead sheep. I have never heard of the author Harris O' will I say things without backing it I was not 100% sure of myself and the whole thing started to become a dripping tap. My comment to Lee was not even cold,and after my announcement that I was done with this thread.....doors was opened for me to leave,pictures of weird people personifying me was pasted,someone walked behind me with a broom sweeping my footprints away as I was leaving. Then it struck male who commented after my last comment was per Freuds theory on aggression,the author O'Malley fits the description of a bi-sexual inturn make me to come to the conclusion that the article was written to the needs of a bi-sexual male who wants to be cuddled.(You fuckin bastards) This amplify my respect to a proper gay male even more. Yeah you fools.....The power of the pen is in the wrong hands now.....You better watch what you say.....You one line commenters.
Quote by LeeEC
I think the someone is about to be voted off the island.....
Btw mailing me privately to "explain yourself but not apologise" does give you the right to publicly disrespect me. So back off.

Lee it looks like I was the only one who truly read your pasted article.I read it objectively and commented other who complimented you are fake or faggots or bi sexual.I want you to read Sigmund Freuds theories on sexuality and his theory on will then see why I say what I have said.
I will leave the Island.I will take my bags and leave the Big Brothers house.I will switch of my stove take my knives and leave Hells Kitchen.I will allow the sheep to lead the sheep.
I apologize to any lady whom I have offended humble apologies.....My work is done here.
Quote by LeeEC
Glad you found it interesting.
As did I. Perhaps some of our friends will allow something in his list of notes to really make a profoundly awesome change to their sex lives.
I particularly like this last quarter, changing the focus of our play might be quite rewarding. ..

Lee what you trying to proof here?You trying to reinvent the wheel?..You trying to change 40 000 years of evolution and hard wiring of the brain?
This whole thing of your is crap..utter rubbish....I only like the part..."hope you got yours sister...because he got his"...:laughabove::laughabove: :laughabove::laughabove:........:giveup:
I am a sexual person and will never apologize for it----Andre3000
A person should ask is the color line ?...Is it a line like the Equator or the Greenwich meridian timeline or a social programed issue. It is a social programmed imaginary line which only channel black and that to me is mathematically absolutely wrong. The moment you leave our countries borders,everything the color line will become a cultural line.I went Cuba(had a joll) the people around me was strangely coloreds of looks but not in culture I fitted in over to the Dominican republic(same story)..then I ended up in Shelby Tennessee there I was classified as a Latino and drank lots of Jack Daniels whiskey(their classification same as SA) fair enough I only boned white girls no Latino pussy for me.I think it was because of the group I moved I also come to the conclusion that this black and white sex is a internet propaganda stunt that is pulled....I then went to Libia(extremely religious people) then to Ethiopia(Addis Abiba) there I dehydrated of all the sex I had..(the most beautiful woman in the world).I think they French mixed Italian...then Botswana(tribal)..Namibia(as in SA) then home. Now I am back I have realized is that we tend to speak wrong.I also did not get it when I was in my youth.I was raised by a single parent my mother.I am still looking for my last words I could think he mention was "Sayonara"...then he was during the 1976 riots and my uncle Bernard stood in for me as a father figure,my mothers brother. Oneday I took my girlfriend home to intro to my mothers words to me was "dont come and show me your whore"I could not understand why she could be so sensitive.I hear amongst the guys how they have been told by their fathers and grandfathers great words that they will always uncle Bernard told me "Andre never to marry a Poes".That I even understood less. Now you jmatthews1972 sitting there in Bellville blogging about the color line and your tools and white who tries to compensate for his ordinary shoes throws in that line.."I have black and colored friends"...which is so dear to has become a dont hear people bragging often about their Jewish,Chinese of Zimbabwean always predominantly black ..... predominantly white...where the fuck does it leave you jmatthews1972 ?...smack bang in between the two of you wonder. By now you should realize the the color line does not exist and is other variables will be discrimination and separation of the is out because you can only be discriminated in writing or if someone tells ticks you find in the boxes is optional and people just tick to get their registration done and leave it like that. So the last man standing is separation of the I come to realize what my elders were on I also think it might be applicable here.A couple might look at your where you live...Google earth it and see that you actually live in the Cape Town ghetto' you think is going to going to brush you of and look for a better couple in their class category. Bellvile is a good place to come to go I have also observed is that the more you go on about the color inturn gives me a indication to what side of the railway lines you from. I think this would form a good foundation when not to turn your nickers in a knot when you see people tick and specify things....jmatthews1972 you should ask yourself..."Will I get a prize if I fuck a white woman"
Ok Pussinboots1...... now is a good time to apologize to ME in public and cc it to adminsteve. You can take your 2 henchman (tweedle dee and tweedle dum) with ever my name gets mentioned in a thread and it becomes all whispers and quiet..... then they BEEP. ________________ it ain't over till I say its over---Andre3000
Quote by curvesahead
Id say PIB is always way ahead of us on this one her pics are the highlight my day...

Where do you draw the line between fat and curvy.....Fat or curvy chicks that looks like fat beetles.I personally like thick fat about 10kg over weight.
'Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."
Hey have just made the worst mistake any male could make on this earth....You apologized....NEVER EVER FOR EVER AND EVER apologize, nature will unapologetically rule you out of existence. What is now is going to happen is that these woman(unicorns) is going to see you as the vanilla nice guy,and is just going to do what they want to with you....But I have hope for you.A second chance...Come back with a new profile and just tick all the nice and straight stuff and in the description box you describe yourself as a guy who loves daisy' unicorns are all looking for sensitive can even proof to them how sensitive you are by inviting them to come along to any funeral and show them how load you can will slowly be lured by your sensitive you make the choice of the one's who you like the most.....You give them all individual compliments .Say you give them 2 to 3 compliments above the shoulders make them feel good....and BANG !!!...BANG !!!...You insult them....You flip the power tables and let them know you here to play. I also acknowledge those who took offense on my word uses.I know words can become I had no such insidious Bacardi and folding arms was just a metaphor for a bully.I dont like if I have to be given a black eye by you LeeEC,I will turn and give you the other eye than everybody knows I have been warned twice....LeeEC.....look at my fingers...not the thumb,not the index finger,not the pinky,neither the ring finger... I am also going to erase the word Slutwife from my vocabulary and replace it with Hotwife (same meaning diffrent version).But a cuckold stays a (Joan of Arch) I am giving you props for your explanatory and persuasive skills you must be a conscientious can hold court and a good research itch was woken up and I went to Google the words cuckold and swinger.I found that one of our local kings King Mswati III was cuckolded by his wife...eish !!!...I ended up in England ,in the 1440's during the War of the Roses there was another king I was taken to the Vatican and there they had a huge orgy/swinging party at the Banquet of the then in turn lead me to the conclusion that cuckoldry is a royal act and swinging is for the humble and poor. And you the hating dude....And get out of that fish might suffer a cardiac arrest and drop dead....then we all throw a party after that. ________________________________________________________ Cuckoo, cuckoo: O, word of fear, Unpleasing to a married ear! __William Shakespeare
A guy throws his hands in the air and say..."Full of shit! is going on" Then the so called matriarchs(cuckolds and slutwives) of the lifestyle (proclaimed by themselves) stand up arms folded onto their chests with a Bacardi drink tucked in there shouts out...."Cant you read this is a Swinger site" I hope you guys read when you entered this site..."Swinging Heaven South Africa is the number 1 free swingers and dogging site for South African Swingers and , chat, find friends and like minded couples or singles for partner/wife swapping fun. Guys creating small entities and orders has been proven to be selfish and discriminative and racist if you take it too far. Lets all this site was for swingers alone its rating would not have been what it is today. And for you longjohn89 the androcentric male,keep priming dude learn the way of the swinger or take your jacket and went. _______________________ Every girl I've ever had either says I got too much baggage Or I'm too fuckin' dramatic Man what the fuck is the matter, I'm just a fucking romantic I fucking love you, you fucking bitch------(some guy in my head)
You set up the.... time,place and venue....I will bring my own condoms.. ------------ Just Do it
resistance to "married and single" one sentence. Are you in a state of equilibrium ? ____________________ ***** "Give me 10 minutes to talk away my ugly face and I'll bed the Queen of France"---Voltaire
I am looking for a couple to be cuckolded in PE area..they should have a strong education background..totally discreet. My take on cuckoldry is that is unlike swinging with a party always we have only the 3 or 2 people husband who have willingly agreed to share his wife and the wife who is going to squirm in pleasure from another man right next to him or she can return home and tell him about her erotic night out...I think the latter is when you know the bull and feel secure with him. All this brings me to the point where I said i prefer educated couples ,cause they will understand the euphoria that can be experienced mentally and the processing of it. So yeah. I am a educated colored male looking for a couple of same stature to invite me to be their bull. Regards Andre3000