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What is the best pick-up line you have heard or used?

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Lets face it...there are some that are cheesy, some so lame they are embarrasing and others that are just beyond belief! But which ones actually work? Think back and share...who knows maybe you will hear it again!
Here's a set of the best ones
...which ones have you used! Come on... dont take the lazy way out!flipa
Ha ha, I think the measure of how good a pick up line is, might just be the gullibility of the chick in question.... rotflmao
Quote by LeeEC
Ha ha, I think the measure of how good a pick up line is, might just be the gullibility of the chick in question....

Or the levels of inebriation . . . lol
Hi, my name's Norman. I've got a nine inch tongue and I can breathe through my ears..........
@ Norman_Smth That pick up line will make me ask me to show me by showing me your tongue... I would then proceed to grab your tongue and pull it right out your mouth and jam anything sharp right through it... Just to see if you can scream and breath through your ears as you so eloquently profess to do. (Me looking very innocent right now)
I've don't the one where you ask to borrow a girls phone to call a friend then call you own phone instead. Then when it rings save her number and say thanks, chat later.
Quote by Pussinboots1
@ Norman_Smth
That pick up line will make me ask me to show me by showing me your tongue...
I would then proceed to grab your tongue and pull it right out your mouth and jam anything sharp right through it...
Just to see if you can scream and breath through your ears as you so eloquently profess to do.
(Me looking very innocent right now)
LOL! Right PIB...but what if he is being honest? And the innocent look fools no-one!
Hi I like the way you laugh, I would like to chat to you to hear more, by the way my name is X and yours? but then its been thirty plus years ago that I needed to use pic up lines.
We'll for me, I distinguish between "pick up lines on the site" and "pickup lines" outside of the lifestyle. Personally, I have a quite a high "conversion" rate. I was fortunate enough to be taught and learn specific techniques for being seen as interesting by a woman. I don't like the term pick up line. Mainly because, to "pick someone up" is to be seen as interesting, to be magnetic and demonstrate some sort of appealing quality. I have a fixed formula that tends to work for me, but everyone is different. Guys tend to think they need to use a cheesy line or impress a woman. And those guys, thank you! You make it so much easier for me ;-)
One that got me moered quite often... My face would be leaving in 10 minutes and you should be on it.. Somehow that never seemed to work. lol
Holy shit you're gorgeous has worked or Look down at her shoes then her eyes Nice shoes! Fancy a fuck? Didn't always work but it had its moments
I seem to have lost my phone number... can I borrow yours? Have you got any German in you?... Want some? I would love to take you out to my car and have my way with you in the back seat, only problem is that Ferrari's don't have back seats. That's a nice dress... Would look even better scrumpled up on my bedroom floor in the morning. Point of fact: None of these has ever worked... :sad:
lol ever tried Hi my name is ...... lol Having said that any good clean pick up line could possibly work if you know how to use it properly
I could never think of pickup line other than just to show high value...But if you look at it like that.... You should walk up to a girl with you back straight up..chest bulged forward...look the girl dead in the eye....tell her to come closer to you..but do not loose eye contact...And if she is about 3 nose lengths away from you....You start to Yodel. I am sure that would knock any Granny-MILF of her chair and the younger girls would not know what hit them.
fuck me if i'm wrong, but i think your name is sara. :grin:
Well best "pick up" line was actually two words, and it worked,one night while at a bar/club there was this gorgeous woman who had been harrassed most of the night by single guys so i never got a chance to actually chat or meet her , so i bought a condom out the vending machine, wrote my cell number on the wrapper, walked over placed it in front of her , and said call me. Well to my surprise, next day i got a call asking if i wanted to go on a date.

Man: Do I know you or you just look familiar?

Woman:...maybe I look familiar.

Man: Can I get to know you?

It works better in is'Zulu, but it works.

Want to come back and watch porn at my place? I just got a 40 inch mirror.

Want a 40inch organ too? You close right.

sitting in a bus in Reno a few years ago on a hunting show, attractive blonde woman sitting next to me- sniff sniff and a tear, I look at her in the eyes and my soul stirs, she looks at me and I quote "under a Tuscan sun" please don't be so sad, otherwise I will be forced to make love to you...

well we killed laughing, we went out drinking that night and she ended up staying with me in my hotel room for three nights

I saw a sexy young women appear to be harassed by an obnoxious guy. I walked up to her and witnessed in her ear "do you want to get rid of this guy?" to which she replied YES!. I the told her to kiss me passionately...she hesitated thinking for a second and then she agreed amd stuck her tongue down my throat. by the time we came up for air, the guy had moved on. smile

"Do you believe in love at first sight or must I walk past again?"  Never used it but love it!

Man : Excuse me...are you wearing space panties

Chick: no why?

Man: because you have a arse out of this world....

Sometimes it works 

Something I would like to know. When you meet someone who you would like to see again, what could be a line to use to find out if they are perhaps lifestylers?? Wifey and I met someone yesterday and it was in a business environment. Couldn't flirt. Kept the conversation on business. Mrs wanted to ask if she was also bi. We left with the question hanging. Very frustrating. So...  how can one approach someone else without been kicked in the groin?

Am sure my hubby was admiring you with my eyes

Best pick-up line I’ve heard..... “Hi there my name is John, I’m a fighter pilot. How do you like me so far?”

haha I don't talk I just bend over to fix or tie my shoes lol

Had too tell years ago we where staying in Ceres . I went to the tiolet in the tiolet a guy came up to me "Sorry just wanna tell you you have a very nice wife"Back at the tabel he keepon looking at us . i told my wife what you said . She walk to him at the bar put her hand on his leg "Sorry Sir  thanka will you maybe like a 3sum " But the true story was me and the guy was chatting for 2weeks online . And she had a big surprise the guy said yes . I told her you always wana pickup a guy in the pub so lets go home -