'Men are pigs'. Rubbish. That's a cop out.
It's difficult to simplify by saying SA men tend to be a bit primitive and unevolved, but to some extent that's true. Making excuses for that by blaming porn and the basic nature of men is a sign of weakness. A man takes responsibility for his own actions and attitude.
I've been on many swingers sites over the past 20 years, from all over the world. A depressingly great many SA men on this one do act like pigs, but it is not because they are pigs. It is probably because they have not been educated and traveled much.
A favourite is 'but this is a sex site'. No, it's a swingers site. SwingingHeaven NOT SexHeaven. There's a vast difference between the two. Find out what it is.
From the male of a couple's perspective: If I was a single male, approaching me with the 'wanna fuck' line is fine, as the husband of a female it certainly isn't. You are showing a mindset that will reduce my wife to a free whore. That's not why we swing. I am being patient by not reacting to the insult and simply deleting your mail.
The insult is to the female, not me. Geddit?
You are not a pig. You are uneducated, primitive and being a pig. There's a difference.
And FFS, PLEASE learn to read. Show some respect - for yourself.