Out of curiousity, how do the *experienced* swingers go about oral sex with playmates, with regards to safety?
For intercourse, condoms would be obvious to me, but what about oral?
Do people use flavoured condoms and dental dams, or just go comando?
I think the idea of oral is to swallow, so if in doubt dont suck
Mmmmmmmmm Lady now you have brought up something which has been on our minds as a cpl!!
Well on the safety side of things. Do you buy sucker (lolly pop the sweets) and suck it with the wrapper still on? I think not! I think it is irresponsible and disrespectful of any cpl that think they can have oral with another cpl and they have not washed themselves properly before hand. If you do not wash yourself then how must a person have oral? Dam ladies there is wet wipes. That is what they are there for. And men have some respect go to the bathroom and wash it before the fun starts.
Ladies now I might be wrong with the idea of oral, but is the idea that only the man must do the sucking and not the ladies too. In the last 4 encounters we have had not once did the lady even suck me. All they wanted to do is lay on their backs and be treated, that is not right. Ladies just as much as what you get you must give back, be fair!! I pride myself by been very clean down there. I do not want to hear via the grapevine I was smelly.
O, guys well, well, well. You all have such big mouths saying you will suck the lady into the 7th heaven. Don't talk the kind of shit when you only suck not even 2 to 3 minutes and then you want to get on and ride the lady. In our last 4 encounters the men could not wait to get on and ride. Guys the ladies want oral that is why they say yes to the meet. It does not go about suck and f____. It goes about the pleasure given during the oral. As most men out there can not last even 10min once they put it in and I am talking on the experience we have so far. So men when you do the oral do it right. Don't f____ it up for the rest of us!!!!! O and another thing men, when another lady is giving you a blow job don't just cum in her mouth it is just wrong and disrespectful, ask if it is okay before you shoot your load. Don't think of just yourself think of the lady, will she mind if you shoot your load in her mouth or not.
Oops, I did it again, I have just pissed a hole lot of people off AGAIN
Getting rid of my frustrations.
If oral means swallow i off opinion about no Oral will take place between diffrent partners
Blowjobs and cunnilingus are really really VERY NICE to receive and to do....
Everyone is always very strict about using a condom for penetrative intercourse, to stay safe they say!!!Do, for goodness sake ,not have unprotected sex !!!
But NO one thinks about the consequences of a non covered penis rubbing over a pussy and clit...or
Using your fingers and tongue to tease or to do a BJ or doing a *muff dive*
Sexually Transmitted Infections is not just from a penis or a pussy, it is also transmitted through fingers and mouths.
The virus ( HPV / HSV-1 OR HSV-2 ) (genital warts AND herpes is not always noticeable and can be transmitted with out you can be a carrier and you will not know it unless you asked to be tested for this.
It spreads even if the virus is inactive.
There is no skin sores or indication you have it.
It causes cervical cancer in of oral you can be a carrier for life.
WHAT TO DO...it is not always possible to be 100% secure and safe...
Abstaining is the only 100% you will ever get.
Blow Job.
Insist on using a condom even if it taste like hell.... Pop in a little lube before rolling it on,it will help with the *nice wet feeling* or hold a vibrator against your cheek for extra stimulation.
Muff dive.
Use a little cling foil over the lady bits.....and give extra LONG care.
Now most people will ask you WHY you insist on playing is as safe as possible and they might make you feel like you are spreading the diseases...but
If they are reluctant to uses safe precautions and HERE just by being washed and clean does NOT apply!!!!!! then be very very careful.
I myself will walk away.....I know, I am safe, BUT I do not know the other person and they from their view should feel just like me...they know them selves but they do not know me.
How safe are we really???
Swallowing ..... is a personal preference....
My 5c on this delicate issue...
Now you see the teacher has spoken. Thank you PIB
But assure yourself that the partner is safe then things become easier
LMAO @ Thumper......we all like to live dangerously , tell me who is really really safety conscious at all times??
THAT is the reason I am looking for a LONG TERM NSA fuck bud.......ONE whom I know does not hop from bed to bed.
I think that is also why people are astounded when I say I have very little sex for the amount of people I know personally.I can really count on my one hand the men I have slept with, since my regular FWB retired.
Now I am not saying I do not play...I love kinky play, but it does not always mean *sex*
And of course I love giving Lingam and Yoni massages.....
It all comes down to respect for the other person. That is why it's important to set boundaries upfront so everyone knows what to do and not to do.
Read an medical article somewhere that states that the HIV virus is very diffycult to keep alive and that the the saliva in your mouth kills it so the chances if getting it from oral is miniscule
You actually need an open wound as in anal or blood transfustion
Can anybody confirm this
They say you can swallow a bucket of someone`spit who has HIV and not become HIV positive.
But I am talking about HERPES and Genital WARTS and OTHER *gagga* STD`s that is NOT visible and people does not always know they were in contact with it and now themselves is a carrier.
and it its HIGHLY contagious....
I read (or might have been told) that if you have any kind of mouth sore or even a bit of a gum infection, that you were at risk of contracting the Virus through oral . . . . .
To be honest, we all play and do things that has a certain amount of risks associated with it.
It is up to the individual to decide what he or she or they would want to get themselves in to.
I still enjoy oral and I have come to terms with it that you can get certain infections or diseases.
Most importantly I make sure that whoever I play with and myself do take some precautions.
It could be cleaning before we start or if one of us have an open wound or cut to stay away from that
Every thing in live has a risk aslong as you aware of it. we would not do it on the spirit of the ,first meet and became associated with playing partners, and if we satisfy ,then we will take the risk
Gerrie, I am still torn between saftey and fun.
From the little I know about HPV and Herpes, I do know that I do not want them! The chances are that you can contract it unknowingly, and years later, when you are very stressed, the infection rears its ugly head!
Think of cold sores, if you have ever had them, they are Oral Herpes. Do you know where you got it from? Probably not, but it could have been as simple as sharing lip balm in school many years ago, and one day when you are extremely stressed...BAM! Herpes!
The idea of having a similar experience with my gentials is quite a deterant! The scary thing is, unless I get tested for such things, I have no idea if I am putting others at risk, never mind exposing myself! Thats an interesting conversation.... "Hi doctor, can I get a blood test for a full STI screening please? Why? Oh, I am planning on swinging and would like to know if I am clean"
writing that out doesn't seem so strange, but saying it to my doctor would be AWKWARD!
as you say, asking your doctor for a full STD screening might be a little awkward, but I can assure you of one thing . . . it will be more awkward for you than him (yes, I know that doesn't help any) Doctor's get asked for the strangest of things . . . . . when was your last Prostrate exam?
Okay guys, YOU NEED never feel shamed about asking for any sort of test,not at any doctors visit..he is used to will NOT lift an eyebrow...if he is a *good* doctor.
IF he does ask Why...just say you have read about these things and it is scary, and you would like to know if you are safe.
Or say you heard about someone who has suddenly developed this, when you had a ladies night out,and you would like to know if you are safe.(you guys know how ladies can chat and gossip)
Guys can just say you *over heard the conversation* and you wondered about this.
BUT it has NOTHING to do with him why you ask.
If he says it is unimportant, I would advice you guys to change doctors!!!!!!!!
I am fortunate to know a doctor who is also in the swinging scene. So for me it is not such a weird request to him when i go for tests. I do make a point to go regular for tests just to put my mind at ease and to ensure that whoever i play with are not put at risk.
Went to my Dr, he said you dont need a test, I can see, so I told him I want my staff to take a test so I must be an example
@ Voyeur....I am really really disgusted with your doctor...HOW in the world can he *see* you are okay??? Some STD`s are invisible...and HE should KNOW that.
but yeah, you gave a great come back.....
The safest way is to play with well known friends
Currantly my wife has 2 lovers, one of about 13 years and the other 6 years
We all know each others history and trust each other
A new lover gets explored in all senses