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20 hours ago
Straight White/Caucasian Male, 60
0 km · Northwold


Agree with the all above, but also dont get why personals are rehashed as new all the time. Some of the "new" ads have dates going back to December

Never in my life have I found tattoos appealing, something strange is happening to me - Im suddenly (at my age!!) finding them a huge turn on. Doctor, whats happening to me? and no, Im not about to get any...
Interesting indeed. Firstly, one should be careful of what questions one asks, you may not get the answer you think you want. While a 10/10 would always be a fantastic answer, the truth of the matter is that you probably would have got one within the first few months / years after meeting only. Sadly - it does change after that. When you first started dating, you couldn't keep your hands off each other, couldn't wait to see the 'other' or call them to chat. As life goes, some of the sparkle dims a little, but it doesn't mean it gets worse - rather, it takes on a new / different significance. Not bad, but different. A little extra padding here, a little droopier there, hanging not quite as high.....Life takes its toll, but again its not necessarily bad, just....different. Somehow, it settles into something more ...meaningfull, comforting and satisfying. If its unsatisfying completely - well, thats another thing. If you start chasing the 10, well you may find the performance pressure adds to the anxiety and you start scoring (and hanging ) even lower :-( looking at some of the Ads, most guys score themselves a 10 regardless :-) Did I ask you may ask....? Not in the mood.... The voice of reason
Mindset too... My age may count against me - biologically- but my attitude is so much younger. Sometimes I forget Im not a spring chicken anymore...
Only ever been to one club, and that was with the expectation of going, well, just to see. I met some nice people, a host or two that introduced me to their regular attendees and of course had a couple of cold beers in the in all, had a good evening. I was polite and didn't try to convince anyone that we should hop in the sack, and conversely, nobody gave me the bedroom eyes. Disappointed, hell yes, I checked my hair in the mirror on the way out, even took a whiff of my underarm and everything seemed in order. I only had 3 (I think) beers, so i know I wasn't busting Michael Jackson moves on the dance floor which turned anyone off.... As I said, I went with the expectation of...well...nothing other than the experience, and that's what I got - I did however notice that some of the couples were a little stand offish, as though I was trying to muscle in on their action. As a single guy, I guess its a little like being the wallflower at the matric dance - if you didnt arrive with friends - waiting for someone to chat to you so you dont offend them by talking to them first. The poor couple that wears an arm band indicating they are keen for a single guy will get swamped by every honey suckle this side of the Limpopo, and thats the end of the armband again. Oh the decisions ....
Cant help on the club scene, but returned from a 2 week trip just over a month ago. Anything worth knowing..? Depends on where you are staying in Bali I guess, and what you like doing - apart from swinging..? Are you in a hotel ? villa ? Hire a scooter Bintang beer is great ! The locals are friendly Wine and spirits expensive Eat at local (warung) restaurants - good food and cheap (R 200 for 4 including 3 beers!) Some of the temples were a major disappointment Have fun bargaining Not sure I'd recommend the volcano trip ...mail me by all means if you have specific questions I can try answer
So I'm a golfer Im not too shabby at considering I only get to play about a 3 times a year, but still, that keeps me a relatively comfortable handicapper. If I played more often....... Hey, maybe a swinging golf day. But not just the guys...?
So my ten cents worth.... Stamina, I too like to play to win. Participating is fun, but winning is good fun. Having said that, we are not all equal, and cannot all be measured equally despite the will to compete. In weightlifting for example - I happened to see some of the commonwealth games, and a cursory glance at my profile should be enough evidence to prove that I'm no weightlifter - a 60KG lighty is never ever going to lift as much as a 120kg So should he not be a competitive weightlifter any more? Rather let him compete against physical specimens closer to his own physique. Some sports cannot be categorized without getting silly. 100m sprint for example. Dam, we wanna know who the fastest man / woman on the planet is. Period. Now as equal as woman have professed a desire to be, there are some areas where they just cant / don't measure up because of physiological differences, and provision has been made in a gender split. Imagine if the Men bokke played the Woman Bokke.? Darts, you may argue, is not a sport based on physical prowess, and a good argument that may be. Men, i would go so far as to say, are genetically geared differently, and without waxing lyrical on the evolution of mankind, have had an evolutionary need to be better co-ordinated, physically stronger for the hunter / gatherer role. A couple of years of burning bra's does not really change much. So would we (Men) - in most cases be better a darts? I think so... Having said all of the above - and its all meant to be light hearted - when I play darts with my daughter, I accept that Im going to be much better than her (and so does she) so the competition becomes irrelevant, and its purely about fun. I have to throw left handed (and no, im not a lefty) The problem of course is that now Im not too shabby as a left handed player, although thats story for another day. With regards your particular darts club dilemma.... In reality, the woman are never or hardly ever (no insult intended) going to win playing against the men. Everyone needs to accept that. Split the pot, and play 2 'leagues' if it really is about being champion. Play partners again, but then accept that you - Stamina- may not always be victorious because of your partners shortcomings. Turn it into a fun evening, with a little prize and pride on the side, and everyone having a good experience. Start a ' serious competition evening for the guys only ! Woman allowed to sit and watch only. I suspect you weren't looking for solutions to your darts club dilemma, but rather a view on personal view is that its not about equality, but rather about respect, and respect comes about by treating people equally while recognizing their differences. Oh, and sometimes checking that competitive streak for the sake of all involved is not a bad thing..winning is fun, but so is having fun.
Its a funny old world this.... The debate around the use of drugs usually starts and stops with the use of Illegal substances, and skips lightly over the use of socially acceptable drugs or those prescribed - Alcohol, cigarettes, Viagra and the like.... In a previous thread, it was suggested that the use of viagra would have been able to sort out someones 'dysfunctionality' Alcohol / smoking is always the most socially acceptable, and in fact, the question is there to be answered on your profile, do you drink or smoke? Perfectly normal ! A lot of people (most) drink and say so (even if moderately) as do many people smoke. I have seen a few profiles indicate a preference for non- smokers, and a few more indicating their non acceptance of drugs, and I guess we all understand exactly whats being referred to their. I am yet to see anyone suggest they dont want to play with drinkers...? Probably the most reprehensible of all? The primary difference between the lot as I see it, is its legality. Added to that, is the morality of the person/s against its uses. I have often wondered if recreational drugs were legal, and you were born into such a society, would there still be such a moral unacceptance? If a drinker arrived on your doorstep completely blotto, I have no doubt that most of us would send them hightailing faster than the pop of a champagne cork. Yet if someone admits to be a casual user of drugs, they wouldnt even get the opportunity to knock on the door - stone cold sober. Again, many stories abound of people getting out of their cups at a swingers party - and only then being ejected! Now I am neither a druggie, stoner or habitual user of anything. Ok ok, I smoke and I drink, but I am capable of managing that "problem". I have met non-smokers, and dont smoke when Im with them because I realise thats its the habit, smells etc that they dont like, and I am not only repectful of that, but also dont take their preferences personally. It really is about choices and judgmentality. Make your choices because you're entitled to them, not because you're being judgemental.
Quote by Stamina
I am a decent guy (I believe). I do not request a "fuck" from anyone. I am always polite and honest. I contact people with greetings and chat request only at first. If I advertise (very seldom do so, 3 times in the last year I think), I never use that kind of language or insinuate that I just want sex. But believe it or not, this has lost me a chance to shag a super gorgeous hottie once! I replied to an ad with a very well thought out polite, decent message. Used intelligent words and compliments, the whole 9 yards... Got a reply back along these lines: "I am not looking for a nice guy thanks! I am looking for a bad boy to fuck me hard and rough!"... All types here my friend.
I never know anymore what to do. Lately, I am just happy to get a reply...

Go figure !
Maybe those Ads work better than we think. At this point a good marketer would think about restrategising??
Indeed, many ways to skin to a cat!
Quote by Woody
Very interesting comment
May one ask you what success rate you have had from your adds or in general on this site ?
I saw some one here saying the same in there add I want suck your ----- but when I checked there profile I was so amazed at the amount for friends this person had on the profile friends !
Awaiting you views

Hi Woody
My success rate on this site is really not important, and not indicitive of the few personals I have put out (2 or 3)
Having said that, its not been as successful as one would obviously like. I choose to believe thats its either :
A) Because I fit a particularily difficult profile group, ie, married and playing solo.
B) I get to say no thank you to profiles / people that I just dont think would work for me / us. Because Im married and solo doesnt mean I cant make choices too.
C) Maybe its just cause I'm an A#$ hole ! lol:lol::lol::lol:
As for the friends , it doesnt take much to befriend anyone, doesnt mean you play with them, or have even met for that matter. Maybe they're just friendly folk? I would guess that some people use a friends list as barometer for how popular they are too...
Stamina relates a story about where he missed out, and then ends off nicely by saying 'it takes all types' Its not judgemental, its just the way it is, so I dont worry about it.
Amen, and happy hunting
Occasionally I would scan the personals, looking to see who is "marketing' what, and I am constantly amazed at the sort of 'advertisements' I see. Everytime, I am left wondering whether the particular person looking to attract whatever it is that they are hoping to attract, has a snowballs chance in hell of success ! Why would a lady respond to something like "I want to suck your pussy'....thats it! Thats the personal Ad, no more ! ... or a couple to "I have some time and would love to fuck your wife!' ?? I dont get it...well clearly not, because these types of Ads are in abundance, so must be working ? Are there people out there that respond? I have placed one or two of my own Ads in the past, and have always been careful to try and write something a little more articulate - my success rate is not a matter of conjecture :smile: I must confess, that these days I look at the personals not in hope, but as a source of amusement....