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7 hours ago
Straight White/Caucasian Male, 46
Pan White/Caucasian Female, 39
0 km · Bloemfontein


So we know a girl who has an account, and it's defenitely not the get rich quick platform people think it is. It's A LOT of work and endless marketing. Thinking as an avenue to express your sexuality, it's great. Kinda shocked by the porn connection that was mean people are having safe, consensual sex on a platform, maybe taking a few classy nudes, and maybe making a few bucks doing it...? Yeah, that sounds terrible. 😂

Quote by kw4040

Thank you for this, I as a single male really appreciate it, But I do have some question in response;

  • What would be an acceptable first message? Because "Hi" is too generic and a waste of a message, But I also don't want to write a full Paragraph.

  • How do you politely ask for a response even a negative one to help improve yourself, I understand most accounts are free and don't want to waste a message saying no. But if I don't know why people reject me how can I improve?

Dude...write the paragraph. You already have a decent profile with pics and an "about" section that explains what you are looking for. We instantly get annoyed with a generic "hi" message, cause for us it means you skipped the part that we're not interested in endless chatting. Your first message is your foot in the put in the effort and do the paragraph. Be yourself, the right couple/lady will appreciate it.

Has anyone else noticed the high traffic of obvious fake profiles on the site lately? In Bloemfontein alone 20+ something female/female couples joined, and something like 50+ single female profiles.

In Bloemfontein.

In a week.

Valid point, and we agree totally...some people tend to push newbies where they don't need to be just yet. everything on the site...there is a flipside to the coin. We always try to be the couple we would've wanted to meet first...a couple with experience and has seen some stuff, done some stuff, and know some stuff. So when a newbie couple approaches us...we always offer advice, in a open minded way. We have noticed the past 2 months...chatting with newbies is getting harder. We have to literally coax info out of them...the communication is one sided, and blunt in a way.

We WISH we had the same support when we newbies, take note...if an experienced couple puts in the time and the same. We get you're nervous, we get discretion...but if you can't have a light, honest discussion about what you as a couple want/need/feel comfortable with...eish.

For depends. If it's someone who obviously didn't read our bio...hard pass. But if they seem cool, and a chat/meet seems plausible, we usually respond with a thank you and see where it goes.

Very well said Happyfeet....we're at the same place now. Playing with 2 regulars we trust, fully vaxed, and cautiously eager to meet new people. Baby steps getting back into this. 

Quote by adventurecpl5

We think our profile makes it very clear who and what we are ...Weve met very rich people on this site  that are amazing down to earth couples They are very very wealthy incl doctors dentists legal eagles  and im a German car technician and my hands do get dirty...We spend hours grooming before a playdate . They never juged me ever ...... But my hands are always groomed to perfection and  so our bodies ..Weve seen some pics of bedrooms looking horrifying Dirty clothes paint peeling off the walls We always look at the background of the pic ...Does that make us snobs noooo ...Being neat and clean counts....See  profile vouches !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that counts 

Basic hygiene should be a given, in no way part of my original post. Looking good and attractive for the peeps you meet goes without saying. 

Glad to see this is getting some comments, finally! 

We cut down not only plays, but vanilla meets too. We're turning down invites, but still host 1 or 2 super close friends. We weren't hermits before this, not just very adapting wasn't that difficult for us. 

Glad to read most people are playing it safe(r)... 

I'm posting this in the hope of getting people's opinion on Covid and swinging. I'm sure like on most other platforms and social media sites there will be some nutbags who would want to debate the origin, numbers, vaccination etc with YouTube videos as "proof"...but this isn't for you zany bunch, mkay.

So as a couple we decided to approach the pandemic as we do with most things, including swinging...weigh up the risks. We did have a play session or 4 the last year, but it wasn't during curfew, and with people we know, trust and have played with before. We had opportunity to meet new people...but even a simple meet is tricky, between work and where due to most restaurants currently not being a viable option. We might be overtly cautious, borderline paranoid...maybe...but working in the medical field, I've seen firsthand the damage Covid can do.

Question are other people approaching meets and play session during this interesting time? Is the risk worth it, or are other people also on a semi hiatus in meeting new people? 

Kinda on the spot choice, and we decided (cause logistics) to try and meet people locally. The "1234" knows. 

We used to try and reply to every message, even the bad ones. BUT...that has changed...if you send a "halo da" it's obvious the sender couldn't be bothered to put in a pinch of effort, so why the hell should we even bother with a response. People seem to forget...the first message is the "foot in the door" message...making it a proper one isn't rocket science. 

@haveusbc...your comparisons and proclaiming everyone is class conscious just validates my original post.

Wimpy makes a kick ass cheeseburger, Spur has decent breakfasts and McDonalds stepped up in the chai latte department. So why choose, or limit yourself to one place? My original observation was and still is this...

If you only want to eat at Mugg and Bean with other Mugg and Bean patrons who are proud to overpay for a toasted But proclaiming you will ONLY eat there, and that someone who prefers Wimpy isn't worthy enough  to eat with you...yeah, that's a less than classy move.

As far as your "everyone is class consious" comment goes...did you not pick up on the general consensus in the replies? It's 2020...the time for arrogant, classist entitlement is done.

Anyhoot...just look at that. 3 Paragraphs and not one bad word, gosh darnit. 😋

I have to be honest, it's nice to see the regular posters getting what I'm saying with my profanity riddled post and sharing experiences.

We saw first hand with helping to host and moderate parties the laid back, "blue collar" crowd is the crowd that has the most fun. I guess it's easier if you don't spend the night trying to impress people. Lol...we've even heard comments like we are not approachable because of our tats and body mods. 

Which is fair, but we're the couple who'll be into that thing you like. Nudge nudge, wink wink. 😜

@haveusbc...I assumed most people would get the quote I ended with. My bad, should've tagged the source. Which is a Tyler Durden quote from Fight Club, by the way. But...just curious...what spoiled the post? The 2 "bad" words? 

I get that this topic might ruffle a few feathers... I'm kinda hoping it does. But seeing as though this specific group of swingers are SO special, they deserve the extra attention. And I know for a fact some others feel the same.

I'm speaking of course of the Professionals, the Exclusive and the Upmarket couples. The special group who seems to think these titles, their income and socio-economic status earns them some deluded degree of awe.

Professionals... I kinda get. Kinda. It's a weird flex to proclaim you have a job, but I get it. Some might see this as a way to show you have a steady income, you have a place and can host etc. Still...weird flex to proclaim this on a swinger site with a free profile...but ok. You do you, booboo.

The Executive couples. fave. Executive meaning having power, some form of senior managerial responsibility, I presume? These couples are almost always looking for the same...most likely luxury sedan owners, eating Woolies only in posh gated complexes.

And then we have the Upmarket couples. Same as the above, but with bigger paychecks and therefore more targeted to the expensive and affluent. Apparently. 

So let me get this straight... Do these couples REALLY think what you drive, how much they make, and where they stay will automatically push them into a bracket that ensures better play dates? Or more play dates?
We have had personal experience with a couple like this...sadly. And the sex (no shocker here) was terrible. Seems money can't fix being awkward and a terrible fuck. 

To summarise...we're a middle class couple. We work our asses off to live comfortably. We choose play mates based on honesty, experience, personality and sexual attraction. 
It's sad to see in that even in swinging we have people with a sense of entitlement who thinks something as generic as your income will define you or your experiences. You just sound like a pompous douche bud. 

You are not how much money you have in the bank. You are not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You are not your fucking khakis. You are all singing, all dancing crap of the world.

Cool topic. And interesting, to boot. 

As far as people getting frustrated about the labeling and the unwanted attention on the site...I have to say it goes both ways. It stands to reason if a bi male looked at our profile and shows interest, I would assume he noticed I'm straight and the sexual interest is directed at the lady. The standing issue about the sites kicks in then...cause who the hell reads profiles anyhoot? I have seen straight male profiles looking for gay female couples...for what? Tea and scones? Half of the site labels and and easy to fix with a well set up profile and a quick read. If someone isn't comfortable with your preferred sexual needs, move on.

The other thing equally interesting is the sudden surge of people not identifying anymore as their biological sex. But that's a whole other topic... 

Final thought... Respect. If you're a straight guy, don't let a bi guys interest in your wife scare you. News flash... He might not even be that into you. 😉

Proddster, there's definitely room for single guys here...and trust me, meeting a nice respectful guy that gets swinging from a couples view point is no walk in the park. Our profile clearly states we are into meeting guys...but out of a 100 mails, 1 will be something other than a generic wink or a "Hey, does she want to fuck?" After 6 years it gets old. But keep at it...when you eventually meet a couple and you click, it makes up for the BS. 

Noticed that too. Mind you, we started swinging even before we were guessing we can't judge. BUT...we have learned to avoid playing with newbies, regardless of age or marital status. Just too much issues, usually jealousy issues popping up.

At the ens of the day we would rather play with a couple that recognized their sexual needs and wants early on in a relationship, than a couple using swinging as a tool to "spice up" a sexually boring marriage.