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Over 90 days ago
Straight Other Male, 51
South Africa


Are there any clubs in Middelburg or Witbank? If not, lets start one. Come on ladies and gents. Let us join/form a club.
Quote by Vee1
I really wish it could happen.

Still nothing in Witbank. Come on people. Lets get started.
Well. Thas is creepy. But also, are these people real?
Quote by Vee1
Do you know of any dogging places in Witbank?

There is a perfect dogging site in witbank at the game parking area on the roof, but nobody is willing to go there. Come on people. Let's start making arrangements and start dogging. Come on ladies and couples.
Any one interested in Dogging in Witbank?
Come on ladies and gents.
Quote by Vee1
Do you know of any dogging places in Witbank?

There is a perfect dogging site in witbank at the game parking area on the roof, but nobody is willing to go there. Come on people. Let's start making arrangements and start dogging. Come on ladies and couples.
Dude. there is no action in Witbank. None that I have seen, unless you have some action here in Witbank. Don't know whats up with this place.
Quote by dbncpl
So many things to speculate. And everyone is speculating. But, after we finish speculating, It' doesn't look good, It doesn't even sound good.

I agree with you. Maybe we just have to be patient in order to get what we want. it is just frustrating though.
Quote by Two4Taboo
That particular strangeness is shared by both men and women....Just like not appreciating what we have until its gone.
To want what we can't have is natural. To no longer want it once we have achieved it is either the result of foolishness or enlightenment...
The number of fools far outweighs the number of enlightened.
When dealing with fools, always remember that anything worth having must be difficult to attain. If it is not difficult, we will not value it.
Its late. I'm tired and not sure if I'm getting my point across clearly...

Actually. I get your point, but consider my point as well please. I know what I want and want to get it, but my circumstances do not permit me to do so. This is because of my location and ethnicity, etc. I am from Witbank, and no one in this area will give me what I want. So unfortunately, I have to keep looking until I find it. The thing is, with being in this area, my chances of getting what I want is very slim. So I have to be patient and hope for my wants to be fulfilled.
Are there anyone in Witbank/Middelburg area that want to play? I am a 35yo straight indian male. Lets hook up.