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1 day ago
Pan White/Caucasian Male, 60
0 km · Gauteng


Hi there, and welcome.

☝️ Do pay attention HERE first, if you don’t mind. This a long, energy-drenched attempt to show more of me and us—please ensure you DO just that; Pay Attention, pretty-please… Thank you.

If you do mind paying attention though, by all means move along and away from this boring bla-bla. It’s a free world they say.

However, I only ask this once as it’s becoming boring to repeat the request and I will simply not respond to the “wilful uninformed” anymore.

Use the preamble “Please…” wherever you feel the itch ;-)

  • Don’t assume your cute ass, cock, or smile all on its lonesome will grant you a hall-pass into my or our lives or beds.

  • Do introduce yourself properly when messaging for the first time, and indicate your intent and or interests.

  • Do work on You and your “fuck-resume” (profile) if you haven’t already, even if it’s only for the sake of self-respect, if all else fails, please, big fucking-please!

Unsolicited friend requests, and messages with “What are you guys into?”, or “Hi, when can we meet to fuck?” show one of two things:

  • Poor or no self-respect and/or

  • No respect towards the energy and effort that’s been put into explaining “me/Us” to You.

You will simply be ignored for a while to see what gives (maybe the lights reflect some brightness and they go by this before simply storming in “cock-n-cunts” blazing.

 Some continue to gnaw at the same chains they bind themselves with. I mostly let them be and attempt to guide them with a few very straight-forward, but always polite and kind words.

Sometimes a truly dumb-ass comes along and simply doesn’t want to so they get blocked eventually. Hey, they are and will always be there the universe caters and provides for all, even the outliers.  It’s the way things are and always will be.


This profile was created quite a number of years ago and used to be a couple’s profile until now, April 2024. Although the relationships I’ve had changed, I haven’t and as things evolve and people grow, so does our individual positions and settling down in our individual uniqueness in life.

I dislike being placed inside a box of the social-collective design, but understand some people need some form of reference, so: My sexual orientation is people-oriented. I used Pan since it’s the closest available option I can relate to. Omnisexual would be the best fit currently.

This Profile, “fuck-resume”, “Play-House”, and “Carnal Cave (my fav)”, are mine. My rooms, my carpets, my furniture. You are most welcome to wander anywhere you might feel like. Touch, look, peek, poke at or comment on... I’m asking nicely that you consider the following:

Should you have the urge, or need, to do anything in here, that you keep things “tidy” and “neat”, and I beg of thee…

Dearest Romeo, Juliet…, doth not shite on mine carpets, nor pee on me paws, please. Nor in passages, rooms, or scary dark corners you may find here. They are all a bitch to clean and cause flaming nostrils this side. Ironically then, shit gets escalated, singed, and sometimes even burned to a crisp.

We don’t want that, do we? Thank you.

🐉The Dragon, or Red as I refer to myself is the keeper and guardian of this wing of the “Cave of our Lives” the people in my personal romantic and emotionally-invested life and myself roam around in.

You are invited to come in for a visit and look around freely. Here, on my FetLife profile or various other forums, I have.

In most cases, the nic would be RedDragonX else Drago on others like Feeld.


I am involved in multi-partner ENM relationships. So, to prevent any confusion or cause loss of any of my, her, his or our individualities, you may ponder on the following at leisure before coming knocking.

One of my “corner-stone” ENM partners, aka the Brat and I have opted to rather continue to build our own unique lifestyle profiles IRL and online.

Some of these activities overlap, others don’t. Some of my partners, like Brat for example, have roamed the swinging scene for a while, but found it not quite to their way of life.

Others are intrigued and might join up at some stage, depending on future experiences during M&Gs.

Brat is one of the people in my life who is peering over my shoulder now and then to reconsider whether she might join in again or not.

🐇Brat, or depending on the old coot’s and her combined moods, is also referred to as, Princess, Poppet, 🧚‍♀️Bae-Fae, Baby-Girl, and a few other X-rated “fondjectives”. She’s the “Harley Quinn” in our dynamic, a mother and a fucking awesome Being.

She is NOT present here but might on occasion fly along in support or to have some fun on HER terms as and when hosts to their Swinging events permit.

So, should you get to interact with her; She’s NOT your Goddess, Princess, Babe, Short-shit, bitch, fuck-toy or piece-of-sweet-ass slave or sub, UNTIL and IF, SHE decides to swing in that direction with YOU, and then only after a thorough and frank discussion about how things can and cannot develop among ALL of us, that means YOU included and in person. Not via chats or even video calls.

“Any exceptions?” You ask? No, nada, nee, geen, niks, aikona, abso-fucking-lutely-not. It’s an open, free invitation.


If either of you opts to “fuck around” and therefore damage a hard-worked-for dynamic family, well then there’s the door. It means you simply and wilfully don’t WANT harmony, stability and the utter freedom it offers.


We as a family or polycule for the technical geeks, are an average bunch looking for solid friends AND sexual partners to enrich our whole lives, NOT only our sex lives.

We mostly live in Gauteng and are in open ENM relationships, applying "Kitchen table" poly, which is mainly structured around RA principles. If you don't know or are unsure about these terms and how they might influence your interactions with any of us, DO come ask and be sure to UNDERSTAND as it's key to our way of life, especially if you might later opt to “move in and join” us.

We do have kids, and love them to bits! Some are young, others not so much anymore. We never have said kids living in or roaming around while we entertain, socialise, play, accommodate, or visit you, or venues we might join you at while swinging, playing, or biting into our BDSM side of life.

They, our inner poly-circle and direct families take precedence over any planned activities, and there might be cases where cancellations of long-planned things happen. Live with them, as you hopefully expect us to live with unexpected changes in your own life.

We are easy-going humans, hard workers, professionals, entrepreneurs, and definitely NOT biased towards social statuses.

I have absolutely ZERO issues with gender, ethnicity, or culture scopes but, I AM biased towards intelligence, humility, and integrity.


My and in general, our journey is NOT focused on getting or giving "quick-fucks-for-fun". We approach it from a different angle. Making good connections with the minds and spirits of people of all kinds the planet has to offer first. Should that be a good connection, then only would we connect sexually.

Yes, we are "strange", "dark", "weird", "interesting", "fucking crazy" and "extremely perverted" beyond most norms as measured by what... 95% of the world's population? So, what. We are what we are and wouldn't budge, twist, warp or " " ourselves for anyone, any group or institution designed by humankind to manipulate, fuck-over and harm humanity at large.

I joined SH several years ago with a former partner as Dragon & Brat, but it was another brat — I clearly struggle to get rid of the pesky things! Since then, the old, scaled man hasn’t learned his lesson and a few years after another brat strolled into his cave, swaying her cute ass all over, touching this touching that and poking him where ever she found a gap between his ribs or scales.

The old fool couldn’t resist her charm, her depth and quiet insight into living a richer spiritual life along and intermixed with a very intriguing, kinky-as-fuck sexual life, heartily dusted with the sweet spice aroma of BDSM wafting around her like perfume. So, he got bewitched, slithered closer and in no time, she snared him with some magick spell. (Offers of help by both wise sages and horny wenches to help save his sorry ass are appreciated)

The Dragon hasn’t been active here since he was not living in SA permanently after end 2015. He does visit SA more regularly for business and vacation sessions and is again in search of like-minded people in SA to connect and develop relationships with.

Brat, is a key, a 5th-Element in my personal and kink life. She has been fluttering in and around the local SA Kink scene for well over 4 years. She knows exactly what she wants, needs and NOT, even though she’s continuously discovering herself and is fearless of treading where angels shudder at the mere thought. And for reference, yes she is also a mix of Bi/Panish/Demi/Omni-sexual and open to trans, NB, queer and other-gendered folks too.

We are also fluid-bonded, meaning we take extra care and expect this to be respected. We take good care of our health in general and don’t mess around by taking unwarranted sexual health risks with people we don’t know well, forget with someone who might only be an ONS at a party or event.

More detail on this specific point further. That’s if you’ve bothered to reach this point.

🐉🐇☘🌵☝️ 🤗🤓🐇🤩🤨🤷🏼‍😈☠️😻👏💋🗣️🧚‍♀️🧶🦖🦄🐲🐇🍄🌝🌛🌞🌈

Personally, I thoroughly enjoy expanding my life’s horizons with people whom together or individually we can as easily enjoy a great meal as friends and as easily enjoy having great, kinky sex with on the very same table should things deviate that way.

So how does this dynamic actually work? Well, some will consider it complicated, but it’s actually quite simple. The Dragon is spear-heading the swinging side of the lifestyle and as said before, no one else involved with him should be seen, regarded or even considered as “part of the package”, should I or we meet with you, or your unique partner arrangements, please be sure you are totally aware of this.

We are all looking for meaningful friends and life partners, which may fall into various levels of commitment or involvement with us, and indeed it surely includes possible partners with whom one click, connect, and could love at a deeper level than ONLY fuck well with.

🐉🐇☘🌵☝️ 🤗🤓🐇🤩🤨🤷🏼‍😈☠️😻👏💋🗣️🧚‍♀️🧶🦖🦄🐲🐇🍄🌝🌛🌞🌈


This DOES NOT mean we (our ENM family members) will always be together, play together, or fuck together, or both be deeply involved with you, or lightly involved with you, both bang you just because I or she likes the way you play or operate, nor assume to play with you or any of your other partners.

What it DOES mean is that all involved are open, and clear about each other's character traits and what everyone is into and what they are not into as far as the swinging, kink, BDSM and standard, “vanilla” lifestyle activities go.

What it DOES mean is that everybody knows and will know everybody else in person, have spent some quality time together in PERSON and would or will have discussed all the dirty desires, dreams, "hell-nevers", hard limits and very sensitive emotional-wrecking-ball-shit to pre-empt rather than doing a patch-up afterwards, frankly and before getting it on sexually.

🐉🐇☘🌵☝️ 🤗🤓🐇🤩🤨🤷🏼‍😈☠️😻👏💋🗣️🧚‍♀️🧶🦖🦄🐲🐇🍄🌝🌛🌞🌈

It is important to me to build drama-free friendships, have open and frank conversations and all involved contributing by actively and steadily building and forming lasting relationships, not necessarily romantic ones, but friendships. Yes, for sure also with sex and all its various flavours added as an ingredient.

Sex and related “sharing” of partners is after all what is mainly sought here and on other platforms like SH. Additionally, for us, goes the potential of meeting someone here who feels and has the same “voice calling”. So, it’s well worth some of my time to be here seeking out like-minded humans.

As stated, sexual health and a responsible, ethical sexual lifestyle are very important for ALL involved so we don't simply jump on "bones and faces" nor do we get jumped right off the bat, no matter how fucking hot you look or actually are as a person.

Trust is extremely important, hence we come as a package deal, and as our own inner "clan" grows the exact same principles will apply. We want to collectively as EMN partners explore this part of our sexuality together or separately depending on the various interpersonal dynamics that might exist or evolve over time.

My partners and friends are career professionals with diverse backgrounds and fields of expertise, whether they be “solopreneurs” like myself, work in teams with others, or operate in a corporate environment, all mostly enjoy their work and lives, bust their butts to keep all afloat, and are open-minded to all life has to offer, including our views on varieties in sexuality, gender variations, ethnicity and cultures. If they weren’t they wouldn’t be in my life for long.

🐉🐇☘🌵☝️ 🤗🤓🐇🤩🤨🤷🏼‍😈☠️😻👏💋🗣️🧚‍♀️🧶🦖🦄🐲🐇🍄🌝🌛🌞🌈

Next, The Not-So-Fun-and-Games Part

If you find the following condescending, underestimating your intelligence, then so be it. I can’t get burned for being vague or deflective here ;-)

As perverted and horny as we might be…, or not be…, we will play and do sex, ANY sex as follows, or we simply won’t interact, play nor fuck at all:

Applying good old common sense is at the top of the list, followed by the following key elements in any dynamic we have internally or with any new play partners:

·       Consensual play and sex can only happen through very clear, very explicit communication.

·       Responsibilities and taking ownership of Your health and Mine lie with each and every individual and no excuses are accepted, especially when bullshit and lies are sniffed out eventually.

·       If you are unsure, suspect, or fully know you have any infection, go get it fixed without shame or blame.

·       If you had unprotected sex or were indulging in oral sex without knowing for sure that partners you were with were/are all in good health, well then you are fucking around with fire, no matter how you try twisting it. Don’t be that person. Would you like to be on the receiving end of such irresponsible behaviour? Didn’t think so.

  • We do sex Safely,

  • We do sex Hygienically,

  • We do sex Healthily,

  • We do sex with Conviction.

    Recent and appropriate full-pallet STD/STI screenings are essential, and though costly for most, non-negotiable should we want to move forward to any sex where any fluids are exchanged. Yes, oral sex falls in this category.

  • If you want your pussy eaten, cock sucked, or ass licked, or desire to return any of those pleasures to me or any of us, well then you had better be in good health and prove it. Simply put, there's no room for guesswork.

  • We do practice safe sex all-round, yet knowing everybody is reciprocating, in the clear with a suitable STD/I certificate and declared healthy via regular (4-monthly checks minimum) takes a shit-load of stress away from everybody.

  • This leaves wide-open spaces for spontaneous fun as and when it arises. Yes, offering or sharing a juicy pussy or cum-oozing cock is a big turn-on, and trying to manage and satisfy someone through a condom or dam simply isn’t fun. So come clean, be healthy with us and let pleasant fun be had by all.

  • All penetrative sex i.e. penile, vaginal, or anal will only be done using condoms when we play “in the wild”.

More so, is doing all of this lifestyle ETHICALLY. No shortage of explicit openness and no fucking around with people whose partners, marriages or general lives might be damaged or hurt due to us being part of your sexual and emotional inner circle. So, Girls and Boys, Ladies and Gents, don't approach me if you are cheating on the side to get a fix. If I/we find out you are, you will be dumped like the proverbial bag of shit. Immediately, no looking back, no second chances, no matter how sweet-n-nice you were in and out of the sack or in person.

Hard drugs and getting ugly drunk are a big no-no for us (weed and recreational stuff are typically accepted, depending on the surroundings and the legality of the substance being used at that location or in that country, and if it doesn’t affect your sound judgement about all of the above. I don’t use any myself, have been there, had the greens, head-in-toilet on three occasions and it felt like death, LOL. I will and plan to still go on various other spiritual adventures and journeys like sweat-lodges and psilocybin trips for personal exploration and chatting with the spirits, animals, bees, trees and blossoms when visiting those realms.

Recap on Sexual Health and Wellbeing:
Erm would you be happy to be in the dark about this specific topic? No!? Well, there we go then, all clear and no doubts should be left fluttering about.

If you are unsure about where to get tests done and their costs, here are a few options for consideration:

   |           |       


The More Fun-and-Games Part

To refresh, we have very few hassles with ethnic, cultural or sexual orientations, and are fully LGBTQIA + S friendly. Yes, we do have gay, lesbian, queer, and trans friends, not fuck-buddies, but friends. Some are here in SA and others are abroad. They are cherished as such for the very valuable energy, companionship and peace they contribute to our individual lives.

Our ideas of a great swinging-time ranges from having fun at home, indoors or outdoors through to going on longer vacations together with lovers, play-partners and friends. Places like naturist and nudist resorts are favs during summer or winter. Being naked and free to get to terms with your own body and that of others quickly peels off so many layers of all types of insecurities and turns into mere pleasant acceptance and admiration of your own and others' physical appearances.  

Relaxing in the sun on a beach or in the bush, and engaging in various outdoor activities like hiking, swimming, scuba-diving, camping, cooking and general relaxation counts so much more than focussing on sex only.

Having great conversations over a glass of wine with some music is another ultimate turn-on, especially when everyone is in a relaxed, fun, touching, savouring, lusty mood.  Things naturally start flowing freely and people spontaneously relax and start “fooling around” without the typical awkward stiffness, and uncertainties, making space on the table or cuddle-heap, and easing into having their fill of a wanting pussy or cock right there, freely and openly without pressure, shame or inhibition.

🐉🐇☘🌵☝️ 🤗🤓🐇🤩🤨🤷🏼‍😈☠️😻👏💋🗣️🧚‍♀️🧶🦖🦄🐲🐇🍄🌝🌛🌞🌈

We enjoy but are not into kicking off with noisy clubbing as a starter goal as much and would rather get to know you in a relaxed dinner setting. Situations and settings where everyone has the opportunity to chat freely and communicate properly, get a good idea of how they might gel as a group of like-minded people and what each person's hard limits are regarding anything, whether it be “liking filtered still water or not through to loving or hating extreme stuff like scat-play” for example.

Yes, communication seems continuously underrated, and it’s insane how often this mistake is made!

No topic should be considered , and respectful “no thank-yous” should be readily accepted, though not judged. We think you get what we mean, if not, simply ask.

Getting to know your minds, the true you and also your bodies — For example:

·       My knees are buggered, I can’t kneel while eating you out, let me put you on a pedestal and devour you standing…

·       I hate being uncomfortable while having sex, so let’s find some soft grassy patch to roll around on and frolic wildly…

·       I love being handled roughly, so rail me when you bang this guy

·       Please be gentle, my clit is extremely sensitive, but don’t be shy to manhandle my tits...

·       Never go near my asshole, please, I have a big issue with anything anal

·       I hate a sloppy blowjob, but do grab my balls and slobber all over them…

·       I love to be on top and want to ride you like a wild cow-girl. Do slap my ass while I’m galloping away ok!...

·       I’m open to MFM, but please don’t touch me while we fuck my wife, it’s about her pleasure and feeling secure when she gets DP-ed. She will always face me, so you will need to be ok with only railing her in the ass…

All those types of communication are 10-times worth their weight in platinum!

Discovering You the person, Your desires, and fantasies, Your fears and concerns, and all of ours, would be a most pleasant experience before simply dashing off for a quick, uninformed fuck. I mean, allow us to stare, ogle and see the people wearing the pussies-n-cocks first before they get hammered, railed, or slurped up like melting ice cream, right!!!?

🐉🐇☘🌵☝️ 🤗🤓🐇🤩🤨🤷🏼‍😈☠️😻👏💋🗣️🧚‍♀️🧶🦖🦄🐲🐇🍄🌝🌛🌞🌈

We are not going to waste your time nor will we allow you to waste ours. A one-night stand is not what we really have in mind for entertaining in the swinging scene. (It might happen, but very rarely has it or will it in future — statistics are a bitch!)

The better we know each other, and the more people we all might bring into the group dynamic, the easier things "becum". It is always a good idea for all to know that every individual will always be treated with respect, and safely (emotionally, physically and sexually as well as other health-wise).

We are not new to swinging and getting involved with people, single or as far out as triads or polycules may reach is the goal. We are here to continue to enhance OUR and YOUR emotional and sexual relationships and want to allow you to freely enhance yours by being with multiple sexual partners in a consensual, safe, relaxed group dynamic.

Thus, initially, should I and one of my ENM partners partake, we would mostly want to play together in the same room, enjoying each other's passion is one of my major turn-ons. I want to look into her or his eyes whilst she or he is being fucked by another man or woman... I want to share her/his passion whilst she/he is taken to new heights by another woman or man.

We may share and please one of you together and tag-team on you till you moan in pleasure. Yes, although I’m more of a dominant and my other partners are switches, submissives, or even dominant like me, and depending on the setting and our relationship structure with new ENM partners, they all do not consider eating a lady or gent out from both sides as being:

From a “No thank you” through to “Hell, yeah! This is good fun!”,

Nor when others like You would enjoy doing so to me or them as anything but great sex, so don’t be shy.

Ask freely and be frank, screw vagueness and the uncertainty it causes. Whisper in my ear if you feel a bit shy, it's ok.

Whatever it may be you are into or not, it all depends on the connection, levels of trust and willingness to be vulnerable between or among us who would be playing together.

🐉🐇☘🌵☝️ 🤗🤓🐇🤩🤨🤷🏼‍😈☠️😻👏💋🗣️🧚‍♀️🧶🦖🦄🐲🐇🍄🌝🌛🌞🌈

Weekends would be the best time for us to meet you, get to know you better in person and hopefully have fun afterwards.

Good communication with, and no manipulation of your partners to "try something at least once" kind of pressure is going to fly, so guys, respect your partners and rather come sit down and have free and open discussions where all the concerns, fears and potential negativities can get addressed before we all jump onto a "fuck-heap".

I am indeed into hard-core BDSM, Kink and have a sinful amount of Fetishes of a wide variety, I love my lifestyle on that side of the kink spectrum and expect them to be respected as my/our choices.

If you are not into such, no big deal at all, I/we are here at the swinging base to have sexy-fun with various interesting people, not to tie you up, whip your asses and then fuck you silly, so relax. We aren't even going to hint nor ask even once whether you'd be interested in any of that, if you are, you come and ask and we'll tell. If you want, we will start slow and cautiously with your guidance, nor our swagger.

The above is only a very brief outline as we all know that human beings, their relationships and their sexuality are complex. Getting to know you and vice versa will be a pleasant, exploratory journey, hopefully leading to lasting friendships and possibly fun adventures of all kinds.

Hell, even going to a very, very vanilla "scones-and-tea" party somewhere in Parys at someone’s grans' birthday, for example, will still be a wholesome experience. So, relax, and approach me here or in person without feeling the need to be awkward. I am what I am, look the way I look, and speak the way I do and that’s me.

Love it or Leave it. Change this dragon will not though, don’t waste your time trying.


Adult parties
Anal sex
B & D
Clubs and Parties
Double Penetration
Erotic writing
Gang bangs
Group sex
Living Abroad
Making videos
Oral sex
Outdoor sex
Phone sex
Role play
S & M
Safe Sex
Same Room Swapping
Separate Room Swapping
Soft Swing
Straight sex


Met at a meet and greet, great guy
Met Mr Dragon, and felt like I met Ms Brat in spirit. Not a take away, but a whole damn sit down six course meal to be enjoyed. And talked about for days after. If you're looking for a fast or cheap thrill... I have bad news for you. If you're looking for connection, passion, understanding and some intimately sexy times? Look no further.


Single Trans Male
Single Trans Female
Single Non-binary
Male Couple
Female Couple
Couple with Trans Female
Couple with Trans Male
Couple with Non-binary
Age: 25 - 60
Distance: 150 km