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Why are we still being hypocritical about interracial?

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Please show me where I have accussed anyone in here of being racist?.........."The initial use of the Nature vs. Nurture Theory was credited to psychologist Sir Francis Galton in 1869 (Bynum, 2002). However, it is unclear who initially described the impact of genes and biology versus environmental influences. Scientists, doctors, researchers, psychologists, behaviorists, and many others have debated these theories since Hippocrates was -Jacques Rousseau and John Locke independently thought that people are born as blank slates (i.e. "tabula rasa"), and that their eventual individual differences develop solely due to the result of environmental influences (Psychology Encyclopedia, 2017; Duschinsky, 2012; Nesterak, 2015). Twentieth century behavioral psychologist John Watson shared a similar perspective, believing that the events that take place during early childhood have far more influence on what kind of adults we become compared to the effects of our genes (Haggbloom et al, 2002)."......this debate is not new 

This has been going on for centuries and the point is you are not going get to screw anybody who doesn't want to be screwed by you unless you do it force ably. Doesn't matter what race or sexual orientation they are or how they were brought up. Rather focus on people who are available and willing instead of running down those that are not. You not going bully or intimate anyone into changing their minds. Time to accept it and move on swinging is for adults not spoilt brats that cry when they can't get there own way.