Sorry the full story is corruption.
You say dont jump to corruption so quickly, as per the topic,how is this racism then?
I'm not gonna discuss the pro's vs con's of BEE. However I have done audits for the AG and i've read up on SCM policy as required to audit procurement tenders. All I'm saying is that stamina's story has no evidence of corruption or any wrong doing and technically if he got the contract despite the lack of BEE credentials he would be liable for tender fraud.
@SDMR on my last AG audit we were testing a tender that had 20+ applications and only one met the requirements to get a call back for a presentation. Generally that presentation is the only time they can see how professional the company is, but if everyone gets kicked out because of tax clearance and bee certificates then what choice do they have. Sometimes it's not as easy as everyone makes it out to be.
Erm what was this thread about again?
Yeah.... I was also wondering...
Its of great value that a discussion on racism are aloud in the form, now we can give our input on a tread where it is not aloud on other sites.
Can even hear how did the corrupted tender proses work in this beautiful country of us. That we call democracy.
It's true;
I've heard of the Postal Service, the Police Service, the Government Service departments, even the Municipal Services... Never quite understood what they do, til I heard a farm neighbour of mine talking about his bull servicing his cows....
Please people it's a joke, no body get uppity now if you happen to work for any of those service departments... besides! It's a compliment... you're a swinger you should be well qualified to work in any place with the word "service" in it's name!