When I was still playing, people used regularly ask me how to either introduce someone or how they would know, if someone is into Kink.
Heck I can only usually tell them what used to work for me. And only after I was mentored into the lifestyle!!!
Except for asking directly if someone is into something, there is a few methods I used to use to see if someone is either into or at least open to kinky play!
It also differs from female to this was way way back before I went into my permanent relationship.
Females was always easier for me, although I do not look or act *Butch* in a female to female situation, I do tend to take the active role! In Fact I do not really like BUTCH ladies, they must really still remain feminine that is why I like ladies, they must not try and be like a man.
If I did not know my partner well and wanted to play kinky games, I used to start of testing the waters, by pressing the lady to a door or wall or on the bed, holding her hands tight so she could not touch me, then kiss her, and give her little bites. After letting her hands free, I would then demand she do NOT touch me, when I start playing with her body. She would either tell me to fuck off...or do as I said. That was usually my first indication to know if she is open to kinky games. Next was not to only rub and pull lightly on her nipples but to also give them the unexpected pinch and even little bites. Slapping her inner and outer thighs. Giving her slaps on her bottom. Asking her to keep her eyes closed and stop play if she opens them. These was early early signs that she was open to kink. Only then would I chat about Kink and all the possibilities.
For men well they are way way more complex, usually taking the active role, was not always easy, while sexually playing, I would also give them little ass slaps, play with their nipples, give little bites...once again....it would work or not.... those years, doing anal was considered KINK, by many, many men, heck pegging was mostly unheard of so if you just slid your finger down their ass crack and over their anal opening (not even penetrating the sphincters) they would either freeze up...or moan...... You guys should remember, in those years being kinky was totally a NO-No... and you had to know people who would vouch for you before you EVER gotten invited to any party or get togethers. I had a great mentor and teacher who guided me. One should also remember kink is NOT just being hit and tied up...it has many, many facets. And the main thing is, ALWAYS think of KINK as a dangerous sport...as there is many many dangerous little issues to remember when playing kinky games. And like I always try and tell people THINK about the LONG term issues that could develop after years of doing /allowing the same thing, when you do certain activities!!!
What was your first indication of being slightly kinky or being KINK just open to the thought? Or did the thought of kink never cross your mind?