Quote by PoohC
Quote by Bignblck2
Honestly I don't see why one "black guy" should be putting a best performance for anyone who says they don't cross race barrier, this sounds like favour is being done when you say one should be flattered & feel special being approached by such.
My opinion is anyone curious of crossing racial lines must be the one putting an extra effort & going all out to prove they are ready and not just wasting one's time. What is the probability of those saying they don't cross racial line ever crossing it??
What is the probability of those saying they don't cross racial line ever crossing it?? About 40% from the people I've spoken to.
Interesting conversation and something we often discuss. With being an interracial couple especially. When we browse profiles, as soon as profile has a statement of such, out of respect for the the person or couples preferences, we pass. After all, if we as a couple don't meet the requirements of the other party, there is no point.
On the flip side, we are contacted by numerous (well over 40%) people (couples, women and men) who have this listed on their profiles and want to chat and meet. Now we are not sure if this is because we would be "the exception to the rule" or what the reason is. But as part of our requirements we don't engage with profiles who have this statement.
Similarly to these profiles, we have a statement of, if race is an issue please pass us by.
We don't take offense, we have our rules just as others have theirs. Two tit bits of advice
1. READ a profile
2. Respect the the profile
If you are offended, agree or disagree with the content of the profile is irrelevant. I am sure many disagree with our profile content and could be offended.
Our 2c worth