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Don't Kid Your self Size Does Matter

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Okay who has the guts to prove me wrong? This is a subject close to my heart. The size of a mans penis does count and here is the reason why. Have a look at how many men like to enlarge their pic of their penis when it is in the meantime not even 3,5 inches long. lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: You must see what expression is on the guys face when I am WAY BIGGER than him and that his name has just been made gat in front of his girl or wife. And when you are not just longer but thinker too. And when the guy see's his wife's expression on her face, it is just something to crack yourself about. And it does not stop there. When she makes those lovely noises of getting out of breath and unbelievable whaling noises of extreme pleasure. And to put the cherry on top, you hold out longer than him. Man then you must hear the excuses that come out to make up for his short comings :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: And then ladies say, it is not the size but how you use it. Ladies wake up and smell the roses. Have a look how many of you WOMEN like the position where the man can go nice and deep. So yes size does matter no matter what. I am sure when you ladies are looking for another man or cpl to join you or you and your hubby. You do look at dick size!!!!!!! So which man has the Balls to say I am talking the truth. And ladies who of you have the Guts to admit what I said here :twisted: :twisted: Joyrider Big and Proud of it and Know how to use it :twisted: :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Joyrider in a previous discussion i said, you totaly right, and i must commit, i am one who couldt not compare me with you in size.
I would tend to agree with all that you have said here. I also think that it is mostly men that have an ISSUE with it, because they know it. BUT, yes more women prefer a bigger penis, but most of them will be happy with whatever they have at that moment, men on the other hand have been condiiotned by all the talk around the world of "Size doesn't matter" . . . if it did not matter, it would not be spoken about so often it's the same for women, just like men prefer tighter vagina's regardless of how big their penis is
Ok ok it does matter there is nothing like being "filled" but im not sure if that goes for every women. BUT WAIT most times when a guy is bigger he assumes that is all he needs and does not work. He comes across like the woman he is having sex with should be "graced by his presence". And drill women cos they feel thats all she needs . Usually men that are average or smaller are better lovers than those with black n deckers but hey thats my opinion , lol pls dont shoot me.
I really do believe it is how you use it that matters. We had an mmf with a guy that's penis is HUGE! Like, nearly double the length of K_! The thing is, because it is bigger than what I am used to, we had to figure out how best to use it ;) The things he did with me would not have worked with K_, and the things K does with me would not work with him. Luckily for me, he knew how to use it! It did not take anything away from the way K pleasures me. K knows exactly how to use his penis to get me moaning! What I am trying to say is, like Softiskitty said, it is nice to be filled, but there is a lot more to good sex than just filling me up! ;) C
@KC , exactly yes its all wow and that when a guy is well hung, but sometimes a big disappointment if they only depend on their penises to give pleasure. I have been with guys that didnt have the biggest tools but WHoa!
Ladies I know you are only trying to let the little guys feel better of them self's. Because the majority of the men out there are small. lol :lol: :lol: and I know you don't want to hurt their feelings :twisted: :twisted: But like it was said if the guys know how to use a big tool and knows it takes more than just the tool to please. then it is difficult to go same again :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Joyrider It is all in knowing how to use a BIG tool :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I disagree. Its about knowing how to use YOUR tool, regardless of size. And just as Softiskitty is saying, I expect more than just your penis to pleasure me. Everyone has mouths, tongues and fingers, which can provide a completely different type of pleasure. I expect my playmates to use all their tools to pleasure me, as I use all of mine on them! I once had a friend who was very well hung, and I can honestly say one of the worst lovers I have ever had! Never even gave him a second chance! I really do not think it is the size that matters. More the person's skill and ability. I am not saying this to make the "smaller" guys feel better. I am saying it because this is my experience. What do the other ladies think? ;) C
As C from KC said, sex is about more than just penis and pussy, you also need fingers and mouths and hands and feet and and and and are what makes the entire experience worth it or not . . . (well to me anyway)
Have seen this subject being discussed over and over ...... rolleyes on many forums! I read them all because men wants to know if his sword in the fight would be long enough, thick enough and sharp enough to last the whole fight!!! Yes, it is (always?) the skilled swordsman that's everybody's hero at the end! From all the fora I picked up that it was (yes...) the SKILLED lover, with a ......... (yes wait for it!)........ thicker, rather than longer penis that really passed the 'Test of the penises', BUT it was the 'reclaiming sex' afterwards ........ where size does not matter .......... that keeps your lady in your bed!!! Hiehiehiehie!
Quote by Gerrie2012
Have seen this subject being discussed over and over ...... rolleyes on many forums! I read them all because men wants to know if his sword in the fight would be long enough, thick enough and sharp enough to last the whole fight!!!
Yes, it is (always?) the skilled swordsman that's everybody's hero at the end!
From all the fora I picked up that it was (yes...) the SKILLED lover, with a ......... (yes wait for it!)........ thicker, rather than longer penis that really passed the 'Test of the penises', BUT it was the 'reclaiming sex' afterwards ........ where size does not matter .......... that keeps your lady in your bed!!!

Ah! Finally a man that can read....
Everytime Joyrider brings up this subject, I roll my eyes and think, "oh god! Another opportunity for rider to surreptitiously brag about the size of his dick" *sigh*
Boys with big dicks, please get over yourselves. You are NOT ALL THAT.
Oh boy ,I am gleefully rubbing my hands you just gone and done it Joyrider, you are so in for some *abuse* from me..... yippee . Man you are so bragging.... I think I need to see WHAT you bragging about you gonna show us ladies why you are bragging??? Back to the forum.... Nope once again ,size does not matter in fact, I will run my legs of if a guy is to big,I am slightly small and narrow,so I prefer a normal to smaller penis, BIG one`s scare is painful and I dislike my uterus bumped..well that was when I still had one, now I am even smaller after my Hysterectomy, or so it feels like to me. I prefer normal penises......not LARGE monsters.....and yeah, I have seen plenty of monsters!!!
Why don't you post what you really want to say: "I'm so huge and I know you chicks would all be dying to f*&k me if you knew how huge I was! So come on own up, you all WANT me so bad coz my dick is big!" Sorry, no. I don't. I once turned a guy down and his reply was: "But I've got a big dick!" Me: "So? I honestly don't care if you have a purple elephant with green stripes, I still have absolutely no interest whatsoever in shagging you... or even talking to you if I'm going to be really honest. So, thanks but no thanks and goodbye" The question isn't whether size matters... what you boys really NEED to know is How Much it matters.... Along side all the other stuff... about 10% probably....
@ Lee. You are totally right. Yes men do think that because they are smaller they might not be able to satisfy a woman than a man with a bigger tool. Those men have not grown up enough or matured enough to understand that its not all about size. Those with big ones generally lie back and expect the woman to everyting because they are blessed with a big oe. Come on and get real. I bet anyone that I can give the same amount of pleasure to a woman without even having to use my own. Like someone else said, you have hands, tongue, feet etc.
Quote by Pussinboots1
Oh boy ,I am gleefully rubbing my hands you just gone and done it Joyrider, you are so in for some *abuse* from me..... yippee .
Man you are so bragging.... I think I need to see WHAT you bragging about you gonna show us ladies why you are bragging???

@Joyrider! Show Joyrider show!
Show Joyrider show!
Show Joyrider show!
Show Joyrider show!
Show Joyrider show!
Show Joyrider show!
Show Joyrider show!
Show Joyrider show!
Show Joyrider show!
Show Joyrider show!
Show Joyrider show!
Show Joyrider show!
Well thank you for the hot reply, but here is something you think about. Ladies that is defending the small tools. On a cold day do you wear a pair of gloves that is too big for your hands or a gloves that is too small. On. :twisted: You wear a pair of gloves that you hand fits into nicely. Right or wrong. Now the older the gloves gets the bigger they feel is that not so? Now the same with a ladies p.....y. It gets use to of the same size the whole time and every now and then it is nice to to feel a nice tight fit. Just so you can appreciate your old gloves! :twisted: :twisted: Now I feel sorry for the ladies that say they had a big tool and the guy was useless. You ladies have then just gone threw what I go threw every now and then. All my experience's I have had with other women and I mean all. the women just want to lay on their backs and want me to do all the work. Now I mean from using my mouth hand right up to my d....k All they want is for me to do the pleasing. So to say a man with a big tool is not a good lay is the same as what I say. Nothing fits as my old glove :twisted: In other word a person gets use to wearing the same old gloves and no matter what anyone say no one can change your mind set!! :twisted: :twisted: O, I got into this life style to see if the other ladies are as good as they say they are in bed. Sad to say they are NOT and it is always the ladies that think they are just the one and they know how to do it right. And guys you who agree with the ladies let me think of the saying. KLEIN MAN SiNDROOM. You are the men that, when you have a few drinks you look for the biggest guy in the room to take on. And the reason for this is YOU know your piepie is smaller than his? You never see a big guy looking for shit at a party or bar. So yes you guys are the one's that always tries and kruip gat by the women. O and regarding my profile why must I advertise, I am BIG. There is so many men out there that lies about it, just now the people think I am also a liar. And another reason why I don't advertise it, is because the men with small piepies feel threatened by it. Especially if you use ALL your TOOLS. O, I just realized something that is why there is always eruption after an encounter with another cpl. Aaaaaa :twisted: Joyrider lol :lol: :lol: THE MAN
Joyrider ek vind jou antwoorde nogal ammusant, kan net nie besluit of jy bragg en of jy iets probeer se, want party goed maak net nie sin nie. Ek weet my engels is maar swak maar gebruik die woorde boek baie As ou Mod het ek baie foto's goedgekeur onderander joune ook en ek kan jou verseker jy gaan verbaas wees om nie voor in die ry te staan nie, miskien net so regs van die middel. Maar jy is reg ons met die klein pielletjies moet ons bekke hou, maar uit ondervinding weet ek dat as ons speel le die vrou nie net op haar rug soos jy beweer nie.
Well Adonis when I speak I only speak out of experience which I have had. And thank you for trying to read english as when I read your comments I too need a woordeboek. Joyrider On the FAR right hand side of the pack lol :lol:
Size does count but more thickness than length
Were are the ladies why are they ALL so speach less. I mean come on I have had a full on go that you ladies that just want to lay on your back and be serviced and not want to return the deed. Or have I just spoke the truth? Joyrider lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by joyrider
.........On a cold day do you wear a pair of gloves that is too big for your hands or a gloves that is too small. On. :twisted: You wear a pair of gloves that you hand fits into nicely. Right or wrong. Now the older the gloves gets the bigger they feel is that not so? Now the same with a ladies p.....y. It gets use to of the same size the whole time and every now and then it is nice to to feel a nice tight fit. Just so you can appreciate your old gloves! :twisted: :twisted:
O and regarding my profile why must I advertise, I am BIG. There is so many men out there that lies about it, just now the people think I am also a liar. And another reason why I don't advertise it, is because the men with small piepies feel threatened by it. Especially if you use ALL your TOOLS. O, I just realized something that is why there is always eruption after an encounter with another cpl. Aaaaaa :twisted:
lol :lol: :lol: THE MAN

Your gloves analogy is a good example.
And it make sense that a large penis does have certain advantages - "Variety is the spice of life!"
The eruption you're referring to - the lady erupted after you entered her .... OR .... the hubby erupted and turned green with envy?
LOL nope @ Gerrie I can just imagine the statement of Joyrider that eruptions are to follow as a fist fight....or cat brawl. @ joyrider....I can only imagine how BIG a braggart you are, and I for one am going to come visit you guys to SEE for myself just how big and good this *golden man hood * is......seeing you are NOT inviting me to view your MONSTER in your profile pics.. .OR better YET Put your good s where your mouth is and........ Show us on webcam....and show us how you impress the ladies with your sexual *moves* if your Lovely agrees to we can give you points outa 10...... HUH you guys game???? just sent me mail as to *when you gonna do that* so I can be on cam to watch.... Waiting in anticipation.....
No, we have nothing to say because it's all been said, you refuse to listenn even though every single women who posted bar exactly one single individual, said that a big dick was not in itself more attractive than a smaller one...but no, you refuse to listen. And my dear, you should know, that no matter how many times you ask, I'm not interested in shagging you... even if you are hung like a donkey. If you're right about the pussy wearing out, and loosening up - then yours isn't doing enough exercise - Get some benwaballs! Oh wait - is he saying I should call him when I'm 70? I'm not sure... Ok - well you can give me your number but I think you're rude arrogant and a bit of an arse... so it's doubtful I'd call you even then... lol
Quote by joyrider
Okay who has the guts to prove me wrong?
This is a subject close to my heart. The size of a mans penis does count and here is the reason why.
Have a look at how many men like to enlarge their pic of their penis when it is in the meantime not even 3,5 inches long. lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You must see what expression is on the guys face when I am WAY BIGGER than him and that his name has just been made gat in front of his girl or wife. And when you are not just longer but thinker too. And when the guy see's his wife's expression on her face, it is just something to crack yourself about.
And it does not stop there. When she makes those lovely noises of getting out of breath and unbelievable whaling noises of extreme pleasure. And to put the cherry on top, you hold out longer than him. Man then you must hear the excuses that come out to make up for his short comings :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Big and Proud of it and Know how to use it :twisted: :twisted: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

So, let me get this straight -
A couple trusted you enough to share their bed, and this is what you come away with? What are you, 14? Grow up!
Having been both average and big, I can tell you that knowing how to use a bigger tool is often, but not always, better. It really does depend on the woman. And yes, thicker is also almost always better - but even here there are limits. My wife can't handle thicker than me. I can't even use a thin (2mm) vibrating sleeve during sex - irrespective of how much lubricant we use - there's only so much a non pregnant woman can stretch.
Hopefully one day, as you mature, you'll understand that penis size is only one small aspect of intercourse.
Since the little things are so important to you, here's something to wrap your mind around...
From a strictly physical point of view, if both are the same girth, a short CURVED penis will usually do a better job than a long straight one ( if the owner knows how to use it, of course.) wink
Have a great day!
Oh Cfn we love you... Please meet us. We just want to meet such awesome intelligent and emotionally mature people... and you know how rare those are in our area! We don't even mind if you don't want to shag US, we just would love to have friends like you!
Quote by CamFun

Having been both average and big, I can tell you that knowing how to use a bigger tool is often, but not always, better. It really does depend on the woman. And yes, thicker is also almost always better - but even here there are limits. My wife can't handle thicker than me.

Ok, so now everyone (males especially) are going to ask how you managed to be both average AND big ?
I think they meant "seen" rather than been or "been with" I have both seen and been with guys from "as big as his thumb" to "Oh f@#k me!" to "Oh f@#k! Did you steal that thing from a horse?" And I'm 100% in agreement with Cfn - The size of a man's dick is completely unrelated to: 1) how awesome the experience 2) how much pleasure I get (more to do with his/my attitude and my level of arousal) 3) how much pleasure he gets (more to do with his attitude and my level of arousal) 4) whether I want to go there in the first place (more to do with number 6) 5) whether I'd want to go BACK there (more to do with number 7) 6) how attracted I am to a person (more to do with his physique and face and his character and personality) 7) how good a lover he is (This has more to do with his ambition and aptitude) 8) whether I'd give him a bj (what he has eaten in the last 24 hours and when he last washed is more important) 9) how I behave in the sack (whether I lie back and let him do all the work or if I'm swinging from the chandeliers, back to number 2/3) And yes - that CURVE is what I get most excited about when reviewing those push-pops on offer... It's the thing Matt would most like to see me get coz.... well he saw my face the first time I found a nice curve online ... smile
Yeah well, Penisses,curved or not....I like all shapes and angles...As LONG as the ITEM I LOVE playing there............ Hanging LOOSE and can stretch a bit and can go into hiding when I need to go *look* for it.... and here of course I am talking about the EVER NEGLECTED..... testicles /balls. THERE ,I agree size does count for me......