Look, I have been known to use my personality as a form of contraception, but there are few genuine swingers on here or other similar sites. There are lots of 419 scammers, cheating spouse and my pet peeve - all talk, but no show. At the risk of being called zenophobic can we not limit this website to South Africans only? It is called Swinging Heaven South Africa.
I feel this is a reasonable request based on section 2.1 of the Terms of Use (I can be an anal retentive geek, when I need the fine print to work for me). Sure the cut n paste fine print defined under the terms of use do prattle on about falling under UK law and would stand about as much chance, under SA law, as Riva in Oscar's toilet. For those of you that have not read it, let me quote just section 2.1" Swinging Heaven South Africa is a website dedicated to swinging. It is completely free to register as a member of this site. On this site you'll find a personals system, a forum message board, web cams, a live chat room, swinging advice and information on all matters relating to swingers across South Africa." I did not see Nigeria, Canada, Ghana, Southern England, Germany et al. Just Souf Africa.
I must admit from personal experience, the admin staff do take the reported stuff seriously, deleting & blocking the scammers quicker than a Nigerian can tell you you have won the lotto. Now, to the Nigerians legally in SA, who take umbrage, may I point out that, you are the only country in the world that has a government department for the 419 scam. France has Champagne, SA has Rooibos and Nigeria has The 419 Scam. You also have Ebola, please don't export either to us here in South Africa and we will try and keep that philandering ex goat herder and Nkandla Graft in South Africa.
I digress, my original request is to limit this site to those with SA IP Adresses only. To those who are watching Netflix via a VPN illegally, sorry for you.
Can we have Swinging Heaven for South Africans only? That's my stir of the pot, feel free to post comments and generally do your thing under UK law.