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18 hours ago
Straight White/Caucasian Male, 63
0 km · Gauteng


Quote by Freckles

How do you do that??

I'm also intrigued - Please share how you mastered it

I'm into MTBing - tried to get a group on here for some raunchy MTBing weeknds away - Only had males join so it was kind of pointless LOL !

Squirting is something both need to know about - It doesn't just happen

The woman needs to know what she needs to do to achieve a squirting orgasm

The man needs to know what / how / when and his way around the vagina in order to get her to squirt.

I've heard of too many stories where the man uses his fingers and jack hammers her pussy to get her to squirt - they watch too much porn.

I spent many hours reading up and researching how the female orgasm happens and how the pussy works.

I've yet to be with a woman who I've not been able to get to squirt, that's of course those who have wanted to squirt - it takes time and patience. The mind blowing orgasm they have is beyond anything they have experienced, but they must want to experience it and be open to allowing and trusting their partner to take them to that place where they basically lose control.

I have a very vanilla wife, she has seen squirting in porn, when i asked if she has ever squirted, she looked at me funny and said they were peeing.

During all my research i started testing learnt skills on her without her even knowing what my end goal was. I was getting her to the point where i was sure it would happen but she kept backing off telling me she was going to pee, when she went, there was no pee, very confusing, i played dumb and convinced her to let it roll let i happen and see what the result was.

When it did happen she was a bit tipsy and very horney after fairly rawkus wedding reception we had been to, I was playing with her the whole way home while driving and by the time we got to the bed she was dripping wet. the minute I started fingering her i could tell she was gonna let anything happen just to get off - 1 finger became 2 and then 3, I was stretching her and kept massaging her spot in the hope she wouldn't back off - she was getting wetter and wetter and suddenly started to orgasm and bearing down and pushing like when you give birth, i encouraged her to push harder, try push my fingers out, which she did with a loud grunt her pussy exploded, I actually got a fright, but she squirted across the bed, by now her back was arched with her ass completely off the bed, thrusting her hips with more pushing like she wanted more - she squirted 4 or 5 times and then collapsed almost passed out her whole body shuddering - she was nearly in tears (tears of joy - I promise i never hurt her) she was like WTF just happened, i said you just had your first squirting orgasm. she sat up and looked at the bed and said no way, thats pee ! - I said smell it - she did, it doesn't smell and dries very quickly on the sheets.

After this event it was normal for her to want it at least once a week. If i came to bed and found a towel, bottle of water (women get very dehydrated when squirting a lot) and lube on my pillow I knew what she wanted, no talk, I just knew i would be busy for an hour, especially if she was stressed out - she said it was like doing a heavy gym session for an hour - its very draining for the women due to the intensity but the release very satisfying, she said it was like floating on a cloud afterwards and she didn't have a care in the world.

At times I would start to remove the towel and she would be like, just leave it and give me 10 min, and we would start again.

My wife really squirted large volumes in 4 or 5 squirts or jets (if you could call it that) and could go 2 or 3 times in one night but mostly she was so drained she was done after the first round.

Unfortunately the big menopause hit her hard and we haven't done it in 10 years now, we haven't even had sex in the last 3 years - A compete fuckup But that's story for another time.

I have also learnt over time with other women i been with - you get different types if squirters - Some women just get very wet and it kind of dribbles out - Others really release a lot of fluid and it runs out with not much pressure so not really squirting, even if they push. these are the best because as long as you keep up the massaging you can roll the orgasm for as long as she wants and as long as she is cresting her juices will keep flowing. I also realized that the vagina becomes distended and open during this type of orgasm, so if you into fisting, like me, then this is the perfect time to try insert your hand and stretch her out. My wife has a fairly small pussy and certainly wont take my fist, but I've managed to go wrist deep on 2 occasions while she was squirting, which of course just added to the intensity.

A word of caution though - her squirt juices are very alkaline and have no lubrication capacity and like it dries quickly on the sheets they will also dry up her pussy - so make sure you keep using a lot of lube, or her pussy is going be raw and very sore afterwards.

Long winded post, but i hope it helps some people get to enjoy this very misunderstood form of female orgasm

happy squirting people

Quote by fadnad

So this is my thoughts on this topic me and hubby are fine with male and female who are playing with out consent never judge a book by its cover you don't know what made that person choose to cheat or play alone the only thingfor us as a consenting couple you keep us out your drama

Like we have this single guy we got close with and he is playing with out consent but not because he wants but because his wife refuses to explore sexually with him his opened up to her and she does not give a damn so again you don't know why that person is choosing to play alone

Thanks for your comments as a couple, only whish more couples would comment and think the way you guys do.

I came across this thread by pure chance - its old I know, but to add to the OP.

I'm a cheater, player or whatever you wanna call it - I won't apologize for it - I'm in a dead bedroom marriage and when it comes to my needs, the wife is not on the same page, damn she not not even in the same book.

Never cheat with a woman who has never been married - they will eventually start with the pressure to leave your wife and marry them.

leave the young horny women alone - they are not emotionally mature enough to handle a cheating relationship you will get burnt later on.

Never meet up at your house (when wifey is away) or their house, always a hotel that you book and pay for - change the hotel for every meetup.

Never go home afterwards - its an all night away from home on business thing.

Never say you going out with a mate - If she asks them later they will drop you.

Here's a really bad one that most will call me out on - I have compromising pictures of most of the women i've been with - If they ever threaten to expose me I can do the same - its insurance I never needed but its there.

make sure the women you play with are into the same things you are - Nothing worse than getting into another relationship where you not getting what you really want.

Make sure there is not even the remotest possibility that you will bump into her in public.

Make sure they have very little knowledge of you outside the play relationship - with me they have my 2nd cell number and i go under a different name (crazy but true) but that's about it. Twice I have had to make a sudden exit from the relationship (they were getting to emotionally attached) and all i did was change my 2nd pay as you go number, never to hear or see them again.

lastly get the ground rules down so she understands from the start why you are there - its sex and that's it, if she wants anything else then move on.

I have only ever played with married women who are in the same boat as me - they not getting what they need at home but won't leave their partners and are not prepared to risk one night stands - its a fuck buddy relationship, where you both feel secure and can satisfy whatever fantasy or fetish they not getting from their partners. We meet, play and go home, the only contact we have is messaging plans for the next meetup. We both have 2nd phones left at the office

men need to be very careful out their - I have 2 mates that got caught (Both from their cell phones)- they lost virtually

everything - A scorned wife is your biggest nightmare, they will fuck up your life forever.

Fuuuuck !!! it seems all us single or married playing without consent guys are toast on here LOL. But its okay, somewhere out there is our little place in the sun, especially the genuine guys.

i'm reading your post here in absolute shock. You get 10/10 for your restraint, if i was in your shoes I would have punched the guy in the head. Your question "How do you come back from this" I can't answer and I can imagine how your wife must feel. From what you say happened i'm sure this guy was trying to make your wife squirt, but has no idea of what he is doing other than what he has seen on the millions of videos on the net, which most of all are bullshit and fake. I'm surprised his wife didn't intervene and stop what he was doing.

From my profile you will see i'm a married guy playing alone, so i'm not sure if that qualifies me to give you any advise. But I am 55 years old and been through the university of life. If i was in your situation, I would never play on the first date, a few meets for drinks or socializing would need to happen until i was really comfortable and got to know the couple on a social level first. There's no better way in finding out the true character of an individual than a few drinks, when they get a bit drunk they lose their inhibitions and display who they really are. When I was a manager I often went out for drinks with my staff just to see who they really were, and I was shocked at what i found out about most of them.  Also I would be very selective on the age group I chose, and older more mature couple who have been into the lifestyle for a long time with good experience would be my choice.

As much as there are loads of single males / married males playing alone who are just here for a NSA fuck who have generally given us a bad name - there are also couples on these sites who have serious issues, I have not met up with many couples, but only 1 from those i did, i felt were the real deal, all the others had some issue that made me walk away, from snorting habits and actually up to a couple where the wife wasn't even aware that the drinks meet was a possible hookup for a 3some. whatever these may be, be very aware the couple profiles can also be fake, you need to have a vetting system that kind of warns you before you hit the bedroom that they are not what you want. As a male, always take particular note of how another male speaks, looks at your wife when socializing. Is he focused on her or on you as a couple.

Hope you guys get over the bad experience and move on

BTW - hot profile smile

Quote by Mike_Pta
The lifestyle is built on trust and respect. Therefore if you are cheating on your wife, you can't be trusted because you're not honest with your wife. Additionally you don't respect her since you are going behind her back and ignoring her. Therefore if you can't even follow the basics of swinging why should a couple invite you into their bedroom when you can't be trusted and you don't respect your marriage.
FYI. I've already told the single woman I'm chatting to I won't go further with her until I speak to her husband first.

It's good to see the married players coming out and putting it out there. Its a pity no couples have commented on here, then we could really get things going.

Mike I respond to your post specifically because you seem to have a problem with us players. Which is not a problem as we are all entitled too our own opinions, I'm not judging you and if what we do is against your moral constitution then i'll respect that and not try change your opinion of us. But what is this respect thing you speak of, how does one justify or explain your reasoning that if i don't have my partners consent then i have no respect for a prospective swinger couple. How does my respect for my marriage affect my respect for another couple, especially one that has invited me into the very core of their relationship. The one has nothing to do with the other. I'm sure that players especially male players have got a bad name because of the way many of them conduct themselves within a swinger community, thinking its an easy place to pick up a quick NSA fuck. Well that's different and i would be the first to say disrespectful and probably can not be trusted, but experienced swingers should be able to weed those out very quickly. But painting us all with the same brush certainly isn't fair.

And the premise that us players don't respect our partners or our marriage is completely bullshit as well, if this was my case i would be divorced long time ago. This is not an emotional attachment we are looking for, thats called an affair, which is not what we do, I could have had many in my life and walked away from them all. This is a physical act or need that we want to satisfy, all be it a dangerous one, some of us are willing to take the risk.

I've read numerous posts about married males (mainly males) maybe some would place the females in the same bracket, playing without their partners consent. lots of opinions and judgement calls where this group of individuals are relegated to the bottom of the swingers world food chain. I'm not refering to the single guys disrespecting and simply looking for a vaginal receptical for his so called 18" dick. I'm specifically refering to a group of men or women who play around and their reasoning

I posted the below response to another thread on this site and thought i would post it here as well to see what other peoples comments would be on the subject.

Its an interesting and conflicting subject with many couples. I don't see any detailed responses from the so called "Single Swingers" or "Married men playing without consent". I am one of these, so allow me to put some perspective on the subject from the opposite side.

I fully agree with the fact that this type of play is cheating or a form of cheating - lets not argue that point. I don't view myself as a swinger per say, in fact i'm not sure what i would call myself, I'll leave that up to the swinger community out there to judge on. Do I consider what I'm doing to be wrong, well yes but only in terms of what is socially acceptable and in the eyes of my partner. In my mind i have certain needs in life that are not being fulfilled by my partner, and I emphasize "Certain" these all fall into the realm of sex. Everything else in my life work / social / sport / kids / family / mental health etc etc, i'm more than content with.

I come from a middle class upbringing in an era where there was no internet, porn was banned, Gay's were still in the closet and we all went along with our lives under the rules of what was socially acceptable. We went to school, got a girlfriend or 2 or 3, got married, built a family, brought our kids up, stayed married no matter what, all because this is what society expects of us. So i'm now 55 been married 29 years and been with the same woman for over 30 years. when we started dating, everything was perfect, we ended up getting married and having kids, and still things were perfect and exactly what society expects from us. So what changed and what happened to this picture perfect marriage that brought me to this place where I have a need to play around. I mean this is cheating, this could cause unimaginable problems for many people in my life. I've really done a lot of soul searching on this because no husband or father wants this to happen unless of course hes a real shit, and there are many out there. 

Well i have isolated the reason to only one aspect of my life and its SEX. What is it that i'm not getting ?, because its not that we do not have sex anymore, its more a question of variety and what my wants and needs are as apposed to what my partners wants and needs are at our current time in our relationship. Our world has become such a small place with the advent of freely available information that I realized a number years ago that there were certain things deep in my psyche that i wanted to experience and were no longer part of my relationship, these needs I have always suppressed as maybe a phase which would pass. At the beginning of our relationship I Introduced these needs on a subtle level with the greatest respect to my partner those that didn't interest her I let pass and considered well it would take more time and those that were totally not part of what she wanted were thrown in the dustbin. So we found common ground of what satisfied us and what we were both comfortable with. If things were the same today, I wouldn't be here writing this. As our relationship grew, we had a family, wife stopped being a wife and became a mother, I never let this be a problem as I accepted that this is how life works, but I always lived with the excitement that one day it would return i needed to have patience, well I was wrong, my partner changed the rules without discussing it with me or giving reason. I still today after many discussions with her I have never got a proper explanation or been able to put my finger on it. And just for the record I have never screwed around or played the field up to this point so that could not be the reason. In all my discussions I clearly told her that this was causing problems in our marriage, her attitude was well we'll work through them, which very soon became clear that i was the one who would need to work through them. she clearly does not realize or want to realize the magnitude of the problem. Today its just not up for discussion.

I respect anyone's opinion or reasoning behind their actions or decisions in life. With proper explanation and reasoning on my partners side I would probably have a different outlook on what i'm doing. My partner on the other hand has not reciprocated the same. My partner was making judgmental calls on my thoughts without looking at it from my perspective. I approached these subjects like any educated person would through proper communication, opening my mind and understanding as well as respecting their opinions. I tried on many occasions to subtly re-introduce my needs and kinks into our sex life again after our kids left home and we had more time to ourselves, on the few occasions she played along I realized they were certainly not into it anymore and simply going through the motions and the sooner it was over the better, this is not my idea of a good thing in the bedroom and just leads to silent animosity and a feeling that i'm forcing the issue on her once again. A perfect example (not wanting to air all the laundry here) was anal sex, I wanted to try it which my partner agreed with some reluctance (I think most woman would be reluctant the first time) we tried it and she actually enjoyed it, it became part of our sex life for 3 - 4 years. not all the time, mainly when the mood was right, I always let her set the mood and never became pushy. Then it ended like a light switch with no explanation, I tried to discuss it with her, no reason other than it wasn't on the menu anymore - Exactly the same happened with the few sex toys we played with for years.

So in a nutshell our sex life has gone from very exciting to very vanilla and I mean very very vanilla - the saying "she has the pussy so she makes the rules" is certainly not just a saying, it is actually the rule of law in the bedroom. but where does this leave me and others like me. We don't have a switch that can be simply flipped when the rules change. We will eventually stop suppressing our needs at huge risk and go out and look elsewhere to satisfy them. Women may have the pussy and make the rules, but many don't accept that men are natural born hunters and simply not satisfying their needs will also lead to them wandering off into other hunting grounds where they shouldn't really be. so I suppose this is where i find myself now. On SH looking to chat and meet up with people who share my interests and kinks.

I'm not here to be judged as i don't judge others against what they want or need. So if single women or couples that don't play with people like me, or detest people like me then they should make this very clear in their profile and we won't try contact or friend request you. But please don't judge us as you don't know the circumstances we find ourselves in. I suppose there are many married guys on here that simply want a 1 night NSA fuck, but not all of us are from this group. Many of us are certainly very respectful of our partners and our marriages as well as your lifestyles in fact i think all of you are in a very fortunate relationship to be doing what you do together and you have my utmost respect. I would love this to be my partnership but I know after many years of marriage that this will clearly will never happen unless i divorce and seek out a new partner specifically with these interests, I have never even thought of divorce or ever leaving my wife, as risky as i am being and at the possible expense of being caught and ending up getting divorced, I still have this need to experience things in my life.

I was once asked - If you respect your marriage, your partner and your family so much, how do you justify what you doing with your own conscious - Well in my way of thinking whilst it is termed as cheating and wrong i see it as simply satisfying a deep down need of which I will never be emotionally attached to the person i'm doing it with. If I ever got emotionally attached, that would become an affair. which I've never or will ever have. If that should happen then i'll get divorced in a heartbeat. For me its just sex !

Some on this site say they demand utmost respect and go further in stating "If a married person cannot respect his partner or marriage then how can they respect a swinger couple" - People ! that is such a shallow statement. Surely you can think up of a better reason for not wanting to play with a married person. EG. "You don't want t be part of the potential breakup of a marriage if he or she is caught". Its got nothing to do with not having respect. I have the highest regard and respect for my partner, even though she doesn't respect my wants and needs in the bedroom. 

I wrote this not looking for justification or approval its wrong and its cheating this we won't deny, but in many cases, unjustified or not, there are deep underlying reasons behind it. All we ask is not to be judged too quickly, and allowed space that we won't get anywhere else to venture out into your world 

Its an interesting and conflicting subject with many couples. I don't see any detailed responses from the so called "Single Swingers" or "Married men playing without consent". I am one of these, so allow me to put some perspective on the subject from the opposite side.

I fully agree with the fact that this type of play is cheating or a form of cheating - lets not argue that point. I don't view myself as a swinger per say, in fact i'm not sure what i would call myself, I'll leave that up to the swinger community out there to judge on. Do I consider what I'm doing to be wrong, well yes but only in terms of what is socially acceptable and in the eyes of my partner. In my mind i have certain needs in life that are not being fulfilled by my partner, and I emphasize "Certain" these all fall into the realm of sex. Everything else in my life work / social / sport / kids / family / mental health etc etc, i'm more than content with.

I come from a middle class upbringing in an era where there was no internet, porn was banned, Gay's were still in the closet and we all went along with our lives under the rules of what was socially acceptable. We went to school, got a girlfriend or 2 or 3, got married, built a family, brought our kids up, stayed married no matter what, all because this is what society expects of us. So i'm now 55 been married 29 years and been with the same woman for over 30 years. when we started dating, everything was perfect, we ended up getting married and having kids, and still things were perfect and exactly what society expects from us. So what changed and what happened to this picture perfect marriage that brought me to this place where I have a need to play around. I mean this is cheating, this could cause unimaginable problems for many people in my life. I've really done a lot of soul searching on this because no husband or father wants this to happen unless of course hes a real shit, and there are many out there. 

Well i have isolated the reason to only one aspect of my life and its SEX. What is it that i'm not getting ?, because its not that we do not have sex anymore, its more a question of variety and what my wants and needs are as apposed to what my partners wants and needs are at our current time in our relationship. Our world has become such a small place with the advent of freely available information that I realized a number years ago that there were certain things deep in my psyche that i wanted to experience and were no longer part of my relationship, these needs I have always suppressed as maybe a phase which would pass. At the beginning of our relationship I Introduced these needs on a subtle level with the greatest respect to my partner those that didn't interest her I let pass and considered well it would take more time and those that were totally not part of what she wanted were thrown in the dustbin. So we found common ground of what satisfied us and what we were both comfortable with. If things were the same today, I wouldn't be here writing this. As our relationship grew, we had a family, wife stopped being a wife and became a mother, I never let this be a problem as I accepted that this is how life works, but I always lived with the excitement that one day it would return i needed to have patience, well I was wrong, my partner changed the rules without discussing it with me or giving reason. I still today after many discussions with her I have never got a proper explanation or been able to put my finger on it. And just for the record I have never screwed around or played the field up to this point so that could not be the reason. In all my discussions I clearly told her that this was causing problems in our marriage, her attitude was well we'll work through them, which very soon became clear that i was the one who would need to work through them. she clearly does not realize or want to realize the magnitude of the problem. Today its just not up for discussion.

I respect anyone's opinion or reasoning behind their actions or decisions in life. With proper explanation and reasoning on my partners side I would probably have a different outlook on what i'm doing. My partner on the other hand has not reciprocated the same. My partner was making judgmental calls on my thoughts without looking at it from my perspective. I approached these subjects like any educated person would through proper communication, opening my mind and understanding as well as respecting their opinions. I tried on many occasions to subtly re-introduce my needs and kinks into our sex life again after our kids left home and we had more time to ourselves, on the few occasions she played along I realized they were certainly not into it anymore and simply going through the motions and the sooner it was over the better, this is not my idea of a good thing in the bedroom and just leads to silent animosity and a feeling that i'm forcing the issue on her once again. A perfect example (not wanting to air all the laundry here) was anal sex, I wanted to try it which my partner agreed with some reluctance (I think most woman would be reluctant the first time) we tried it and she actually enjoyed it, it became part of our sex life for 3 - 4 years. not all the time, mainly when the mood was right, I always let her set the mood and never became pushy. Then it ended like a light switch with no explanation, I tried to discuss it with her, no reason other than it wasn't on the menu anymore - Exactly the same happened with the few sex toys we played with for years.

So in a nutshell our sex life has gone from very exciting to very vanilla and I mean very very vanilla - the saying "she has the pussy so she makes the rules" is certainly not just a saying, it is actually the rule of law in the bedroom. but where does this leave me and others like me. We don't have a switch that can be simply flipped when the rules change. We will eventually stop suppressing our needs at huge risk and go out and look elsewhere to satisfy them. Women may have the pussy and make the rules, but many don't accept that men are natural born hunters and simply not satisfying their needs will also lead to them wandering off into other hunting grounds where they shouldn't really be. so I suppose this is where i find myself now. On SH looking to chat and meet up with people who share my interests and kinks.

I'm not here to be judged as i don't judge others against what they want or need. So if single women or couples that don't play with people like me, or detest people like me then they should make this very clear in their profile and we won't try contact or friend request you. But please don't judge us as you don't know the circumstances we find ourselves in. I suppose there are many married guys on here that simply want a 1 night NSA fuck, but not all of us are from this group. Many of us are certainly very respectful of our partners and our marriages as well as your lifestyles in fact i think all of you are in a very fortunate relationship to be doing what you do together and you have my utmost respect. I would love this to be my partnership but I know after many years of marriage that this will clearly will never happen unless i divorce and seek out a new partner specifically with these interests, I have never even thought of divorce or ever leaving my wife, as risky as i am being and at the possible expense of being caught and ending up getting divorced, I still have this need to experience things in my life.

I was once asked - If you respect your marriage, your partner and your family so much, how do you justify what you doing with your own conscious - Well in my way of thinking whilst it is termed as cheating and wrong i see it as simply satisfying a deep down need of which I will never be emotionally attached to the person i'm doing it with. If I ever got emotionally attached, that would become an affair. which I've never or will ever have. If that should happen then i'll get divorced in a heartbeat. For me its just sex !

Some on this site say they demand utmost respect and go further in stating "If a married person cannot respect his partner or marriage then how can they respect a swinger couple" - People ! that is such a shallow statement. Surely you can think up of a better reason for not wanting to play with a married person. EG. "You don't want t be part of the potential breakup of a marriage if he or she is caught". Its got nothing to do with not having respect. I have the highest regard and respect for my partner, even though she doesn't respect my wants and needs in the bedroom. 

I wrote this not looking for justification or approval its wrong and its cheating this we won't deny, but in many cases, unjustified or not, there are deep underlying reasons behind it. All we ask is not to be judged too quickly, and allowed space that we won't get anywhere else to venture out into your world