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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious White/Caucasian Female, 62
Straight White/Caucasian Male, 67
0 km · Gauteng


Hi there! Did you meet the couple from George and did you get it in? If you ever in the Vereeniging area let us know. I love watching my wife get banged.
I love watching my wife being gang banged and she loves me watching! Finding the right guys is the challenge. How about we like minded husbands start a club whereby when we find clean, discreet, respectful guys, we share them amongst each other. (With their permission of course)! Say 10 couples, 40 studs. Wives always satisfied, husbands always getting their kicks and studs have regular sex and we know the stud has been tested and passed the" respect for the couple" test. :twisted: And we as couples never have to meet. Just start passing the info among each other.
Quote by couple4_pe
do any of you married couples have this similar " problem"
we a married couple. I enjoy watching my wife get a good hard f*** much as she enjoys getting one.
we met a few "single" guys who enjoyed my wife while I watched and took some pics...these guys then want to get her alone with them. What part of SHE DOES NOT PLAY ALONE...they do not understand.. I'm not bi ...just watch the show.
They had it all with my wife... but now we will never invite them again..
The guy is offered everything on a platter, then goes and blows his chance for a repeat visit..
why is it so difficult to build a good relationship withH a decent guy?
Any suggestions?
I will be glad to hear of others experiences.
Hi. We need to start a clud (group) where we share the guys who have proved they can be trusted. We keep a list and that way we as husbands get to watch, our wives are satisfied and tha guys have regular pussy. Contact me please. K.
Quote by feenicks
just a question how many of you blokes out there enjoy watching there wife been banged by another bloke
I love it!!!! We usualy have 3 guys taking turns for me to watch.