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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual White/Caucasian Female, 43
Straight White/Caucasian Male, 42
0 km · Vryburg


There is some really dirty assholes out there. Picture having a braai, people drinking and peeing and all sorts of ING... And then when the action start they don't a trip to the bathroom to wash up... Sif I tell you.

Mostly people who specify that had a run in with a cheese taco or cheese Russian before lol

Yes we do. And we had a chance encounter once because of it. So in our view.... Recommend 

Wow can't believe I missed this one. 

Must say I fully understand the frustration. But I would like to say something on the topic. 

People have preferences yes, and rules and regulations and and and..... But as I have said before any limitation you put on, only limits the fun you could have. 

If you want to have limits imposed on you by archaic laws, social norms or just plain prejudice.... Then enjoy. But I can tell you life is so much more fun when you let it all go 

Funny enough no. 

Swingers are in stable relationships and this lifestyle is just an add on to what they have. Although you do "connect" with partners it's never at that level. 

However those "playing" swinger or unstable couples do fall for others. And thinking this would save a strained relationship.... Usually just ends it completely 

Don't think you will find that here......... 

Love making is something swingers reserve for their partners. If a swinging couple swap or invite an extra, then it's sex purely for pleasure. As swingers (ie a couple) it is important to know the difference and keep the two separate. 

Huggs and sloppy wet kisses 


I'm gonna get in trouble..... I'm gonna start a fight.... Na na na na na na.... Lol

Firstly the definition of swinging is not a matter of opinion. And by definition no single person can be a swinger. Look it up. 

And yes every cheating person on here Will try to say that the culture has adapted. But no the definition really hasn't. Swinging is the swapping of wives. 

As for class.... That is a matter of opinion. And once you sift trough the 99% you don't like you might find that one gem. But don't hold your breath. You can count the amount of true swingers on here on one hand. 

I know the linch mob is coming. But what ever is said next can't change the facts. 

Hugs and sloppy wet kisses 


@ PoohC... the bartender was okay ... nothing special but not bad. 

I enjoy random hookups. And I like to "play down". It sounds egotistical i know, but when you give that guy a chance that clearly didn't have a shot, the sex is better . Or maybe it's just my fetish... . 

And no, the boys won't learn a thing..... because the popular belief is that swingers is a bunch of horny sluts that would screw a nightstand if it stood in the right place. Also that our partners just freely give us to any bloke that happen by. ...sigh....

There is the odd gem out there though, and this trend got me thinking.....

I'm going to find me a tubby shy cuddly guy, dress his ass in a santa suit.... and bang him like a drum . 'Tis the season....

oh my I have to say that the dad bod and even a few Santa's have completely blown my mind in the past. 

I dont know why but some of you ladies might want to try this ....

Avarage and below avarage joe tend to really put up a stellar performance in bed . Especially if you ( the girl) is a 9 or 10 and he is a 2 or 3 . 

Think about it ... if you get one chance to take that Lamborghini for a spin ... you will drive the hell out of it wouldn't you ? . Same goes for men . If you look like you might be able to feature on a cover of a glam mag if only you had an agent . That guy is going to give you all he has . 

Mind altering sex ladies... I promise 

this post will be unpopular but here goes. 

Most ... especially new people throw caution to the wind . It's rare to see people insisting and playing with condoms. Or maybe we just move in the wrong circles? 

People are lying creatures.  If your profile says no glove no love they follow suit . If it's time for the nasty and you didn't go for the condom they probably won't either . 

We have been with people who agreed " never without a condom " and then see them riding bare back at a party . 

I'm not preaching to the experienced ... but if you are new hopefully you learn from this trend. 

Always use condoms ( of good quality) and never believe peoples lies. No one is exclusive and no one is that close that you can know who they have been with. 

Not all std's have symptoms u early onset 

I agree with the other couples . A guys should cum and go . Dont know why we wired like that .... but having him sleep over just feels weird . 

Couples though we usually have over for a weekend if they traveled far. It's just different..  or maybe just us

believe it or not ........ I once responded to this tipe of add. Was something in the line of " home alone and horny.  Need a quick fuck ".

I was in JHB had time to kill and the guy had a decent body and pretty huge member . And I thought... what's the worst that could happen ?

Arranged to meet at the bar of the hotel I was staying. Waited in a little red summer dress as I said I would wear.

Had this really scruffy guy check me out for like 20min and just as I thought my meet was a bust and got up to leave. This sweaty scruffy guy walked up and said " I believe you ordered a good hammering " . Now this person was obviously working up to that line and it took a few beers to get the courage. But he looked nothing like his profile. And although I have a fluid concept of what shape will turn me on , I really wouldn't do him even if he drugged me. 

I politely said no thanks, and mentioned that his false advertising wont get him laid and left. Before I did though he called me a " poes hoer" . Like seriously dude if you took a shower before you whould have got it for free ... lol ( not a whore but do have a lovely pussy).

Later that day I screwed the bartender . That was fun ..... 

As a woman I can say that sex , any sex is intimate on some level . For women arousal is 99% mental.  Taking kissing out of the play does take some arousal out of it as well . 

When we play ( these days more if than when ... ) we go all in . It's up to you to enjoy that moment.  

I do understand that people have reservations about kissing and why ... but to each his own . 

I have found over the years though that those with less " Rules and Regulations" tend to be and have more fun 

Kisses xxxxxx

my story 

Daddy was a preacher,, yes really... I have never been one for religion or social norms. So by the time I was 18 I have succeeded in seducing my entire Sunday school class. I loved seducing people especially couples gave me a sense of power . When I met hubby he was innocent in the ways of the world and I corrupted the shit out of him.  

We seduced most of our friends in the first year, and then moved to social platforms and sites . But seduction of vanilla people still is the most fulfilling way to play for us . 

You could say I'm just sick and made him into the perfect partner in crime 

okay the woman's perspective.... 

I have done it twice.  1st 5 men and 2nd 7 . 1st time was great,  but we were new and the setting and everything just worked . Made me super horny and I couldn't get enough.  2nd time around was a few years ago.  Hubby arranged it as a surprise and set the stage . While it was good one guy couldn't get it up but still tried fucking with n limp dick,  and one other kept slapping me and that got old quickly.  So eventually I just lost the mood and gave them a Marie and went to bed. 

hey we've had an HIV pandemic for many years already and most people we have met doesn't even use condoms. Yes seen it at parties and clubs even. 

Les be honest..... people are still meeting,  and playing.  Its only moved from public to a home setting.  

mystery and anonymous encounters sounds great in ones wet dreams . But sadly reality is different boys. 

You would be shocked to know that most people in a club or on a site isn't swingers.... not in the true sense anyway.  

"Swingers" these days are couples ( and singles) that are looking and testing. And by the grace of the All Mighty people have become very picky. And that is a good thing . 

People who play generally look for some kind of attraction. Mostly intellectual , because body type preferences isn't easy to cum by. 

So the idea of " mystery " may sound great to n single guy , but to a lady or a couple not so much . And it's simple.... the more you get of the same the less you want it.  And couples see more action,  therefore they can be picky 

for some the past tense for being swingers is " we are fed up with all the bullshit " or " that one time on that site we put in all te effort and stuff but couldn't find what we were looking for " 


Lockdown is making me sinical 

OMW pooh c , you nailed it. Lol

I think most dont even read the ads anymore . Because of the sad " come all you lucky sluts " ads .

Ps . Couples also post ads like that 

and she jumps is again

Limited views leads to limited experiences. I don't like dry white wine,  I know this because I tried it . 

Think about it , every experience adds value to your experience somehow. Even if it teaches you not to go there again. We all have our comfort zone,  and most prefer playing in their bubble. But making that bubble too small limits you and then you'll get bored . Those that step outside that boundaries find lots of fun adventures. 

I have posted something similar before " open minded limitations". 

Anyone that has tested their limits,  and broken through their prejudices,  has been better for it 

Hugs and sloppy wet kisses 


true story : 

We once met a couple and they invited us home. They lived in a flat and their car was one cable tie and a piece of gum away from falling apart 

They were young early 20's and did not have much, I mean the apartment was like the stuff you would take camping,  only less . 

But they were amazing people, the apartment was clean and tidy and they made us feel like old friends . And then the sex .... was mind blowing.  They didn't have a tv so I guess the had a lot of time for practice because both of the new exactly what to do and how.  One of our top ten experiences.

On the other hand,  once went to some upidy folk as well , and we had a great time talking,  good conversation and some really good booze . But the lady was very disconnected during sex , I started doubting my own ability,  my hubby didn't even go there he just watched. The guy did have his moments but nothing special just normal good sex. So although it's not a horror story , experience has led me to believe that , sex really is just sex. And when we are all naked , what you have wouldn't help you ( unless you have a monster cock ..  that will help ). But ability is not measured in economic status.  Its measured by the smile on her face 

oh no ... gosh darnit  you used a bad word .... lmao 

I have always felt that this lifestyle breaks social barriers.  Because it breaks social norms . Meeting and interacting with people on different levels is interesting,  and mostly we have found that those with less .... mostly have more to offer. Being middleclass or poor isn't caused by a virus,  so you cant catch poverty from banging the mere mortals ....

yes the numbers come out my sexy ass lol. I didn't sit and count . But seriously pretenders don't make it in the life , I'm sure you can agree. 

As for the cum stats ..... thanks for sharing a delicious alternative to torture.  Cum on girls start slurping those kilos away 

I have a framed meme in my office that sums up the road to success very well. 

10 golden rules for achieving success 

1. Dont be a doos 

2. Dont be a doos 

3 dont be a doos 

And so on and so on . I find that's good advice to anyone not achieving the success they crave 

I don't really know the stats , I usually pull figures out my ass and post it as truth.... who ever checks it anyway. 

But 2% divorce rate for swingers makes sense . And I'd bet those divorces had nothing to do with sex. 

But I would gather that we then define swingers as actual swingers . Like Poohc and a hand full of others . 

I'd say 60% to 70% of the couple's we met over the years didn't make it .  And it's very true , if you have problems before you try this you'll have more after you try this .

OH I love it ..... 

Yes I 100% agree.  I dont have anything against wealthy people,  or successful people.  But upidy folk that want to advertise their wealth and success? .... now that drives me crazy as well. 

I would rather shower a hobo and ride him till morning,  just to see his grateful smile .... than try and impress some upidy little shit that is bad in the sack more often than not . 

no man wants to wear a condom , they say they do but they really dont . It's up to the girls to be sensible and insist . 

I mean how many woman have you heard say " dude hold my beer and watch me ....... ( insert dumbass idea that sound cool) 

Boys are reckless always but girls do get reckless when they are really horny. 

Condoms are best , but penetration isn't the only sexual act we perform. There are very real risks. The best thing to do is get tested regularly, and if they look like they might have something.... they probably do , and you probably shouldn't 

booty call !!! 

Yeah baby .... think about it , why would you want to get all personal and stuff... that's the reason she stole your hubby or he ran away with her . 

The focus must be on sex , and in my humble opinion.... if I had to get to know all my partners , I wouldn't have done half of them 

if interested 

The ratio is the same about 4:1 ...

That is people who try the life and then separate and people who come together in the life and the separate. 

You would think people who already have exposure would be more of a success story... right ? 

Well no .... sadly and the big killer is jealousy and it's not the girls it's the boys.  Jip boys gets jealous because us girls have more fun. And the plucks everything up. It's like on a preschool playground.... he wants to play with the others toys , until some other kid makes his toy look more fun . 

oh bonbons ... 

Soft swinging by definition is having sex with your own partner in the company of others doing the same . 

Some might have adapted the definition over time but in reality that's still what it means . Most swingers would just pass by if they see soft swing.  Because having sex in a same room and not getting to touch gets kinda boring.... it really does 

more posts in the forum I guess.  It's a fact no one posts more than pib