Hey all you daring people...i really hope you are daring..maybe even as daring as i am..im a transvestite from Springbok,Northern cape area.I love challenges,i know im asking for a lot,but i am seeking a controlling bi or lesbian lady...(straight if you can deal with me dressed).i am submissive,i want to be pegged with a strapon..i love being spanked and dominated...IS THERE ANYONE IN THE AREA THAT CAN SEE THE FUN AND GAMES IN THIS??im very open minded.....so now show me who have is brave enough in this town of ours...Please dont get me wrong..im not a girl,nor a drag queen,im a guy,a farmer,no one would ever suspect me of having a fem side..but am a crossdresser/transvestite,transgender, boy,girly.I was born this way..it is part of me..i dont go around embarrassing myself or others..it is only a play thing in private..unless im dared otherwise...i need a mrs Grey...a strong woman to make me her toy....if she is not strong enough i might make her my toy...to the other crossdressers and transvestite,transsexuals,Transgenders,she males,lady boyz...let me hear from you...as for the dudes..i am bi curious...so just maybe i can be daring enough to let you in...?.