We are a married adventurous Indian couple that enjoys the Life style with like minded couples. Our preference will depend on the chemistry with the other couple as well and the mood and setting we're in and also the openness of the other couple to new ideas and experiences.
We do play with single guys, however we will contact you should the need arise.
We would prefer couples with the female being full bi as one good turn deserves another. However if she isn't and we are told upfront then we cool with that as well.
Kindly note that we we not keen on ping pong mails.
This should narrow down the list. So lets get chatting.
Oh one other thing, we are living in Jhb, Alberton to be precise. The reason for the name 'HotDbnCouple' is cos intially we were from Durban and can't seem to change the name now. Unless someone can assist us with this?