Very interesting piece of writing, thank you sharing your point of view!
The biggest mistake that a lot of men do, usually single - claiming to be "bulls" are the fools paradise that they live in and assume that when a couple are looking for a 3rd player to join in is that the Husband is incompetent in the bedroom and automatically has a small penis! Ironically the majority of so called "bulls" actually have average size penises, in-spite of them claiming the contrary! ....They will come with toilet rolls, spray cans, and tape measures ,,,, and anyone can see the technique that they apply is incorrect - it is easy to ad a few centimeters. Besides most woman will tell you, it is not the size of the penis but rather the way it is applied! And it is not just up to the penis, but also the hands, tongue, body language, respect etc! ... The biggest fact that puts most couples off is the arrogant attitude that some "bulls" have - that if a lady would like more than one male - then that makes her a cheap slut and easy! ..... Most "bulls" needs to be brought back down to earth - The reality - That is that most couples would like to experience these 3soms with a decent person that respects the couple!
What we found is that the true single males that is real swingers that is in the lifestyle generally understand what it is about! unlike the misinformed that think that they are a "bull"
And this is why most couples won't even entertain single males, unlike single females!
Please feel free to agree or disagree and ad your opinion!
Kind regards