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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious White/Caucasian Male, 59
0 km · Western Cape


OK...I have had enough of trying to get laid during a dogging session...In 4 years of regularly dogging I have been only successful twice...So now I have purchased a mother fucking large neon orange kayak and fitted it on my roof...please feel free when you see this kayak to watch me ,touch me ,invite me or whatever....It is a nissan hardbody bakkie...old shape,double cab
I kinow of a few places,PM me and we can maybe arrange something....this forum is usually full of empty promises
bbw ladies are always welcome to my dogging sessions feel free to come along!!
I am going cruising tonite...can anyone direct me to a nice place where liberated people hang out? :twisted:
Anyone here like to hook up for a session of sex related fun? dogging etc, I am free tonite and would like to meet somewhere for mutual masturbation or anything else....drop me a line lol
I would like to drive to the undercover parking at somerset mall and park fairly far away from the other cars and have a wank while someone watches me from a car parked next to anyone interested? could lead to something more
The shopping center in in strand has a glory hole that is active,I once got a woman in the toilets but she was so drunk that I thought discretion was the better part of valour in this particular instance so I gapped it out of there, i have had two incidents at adult world in somerset west with couples,but got pickpocketed by the women while she was blowing me,but the other incident was damn fine,The adult world in somerset west has since changed there are no more gloryholes,they have tried to make it respectable but have lost a lot of customers I suspect.... the cape town adult world also has gloryholes but never had any decent female action is a adult world in montagu gardens also has gloryholes,but have had no woman action there. There are public toilets at blouberg beach which is mainly male action if you are into watching men jerk off this is the spot for you they just sit in their cars and wank quite kinky ( I enjoy it), but if you drive further out towards vissers hok there are parking areas with wooden walkways,that is a good dogging spot at night,cant vouch for the safety though I have never had any bad incidents there but it is just fucking dark
I am trying to post pics on my group but cant seem to work out how can anyone give me some advice? please
hi just popped in to say hi........ male from somerset west,ardent bbw lover,any people from somies here??