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2 days ago
Straight White/Caucasian Male, 60
0 km · Western Cape


i seem to have a lot of old profiles coming up on my home would say last on 5min ago but when you open there profiles it stays they have not been on line for months..clearly im doing something wrong...anyone else having the same where are all the mature single woman in cape town hahahah

Yes am feeling the's just becoming way to much admin..yes I do understand that's its a swinging site..but there is a shortage of single woman and the few that are on the site are overwhelmed with messages and from what I can gather the quality of the messages are very primal...

would be nice to hear about some of your experiences PoohC

often the storys are very badly written....and i think that leads to me thinking they are not true..some are clearly made up...but perhaps thats what its all about for some the writers..fantasy

i often surf the dogging section..have no interest in partaking ...and wonder why people post there..there seems to be almost no response

most of them make me laugh....and often very badly written ....perhaps english is not there first language lol

This topic is really getting tired as far as im concerned....there are all kinds of people from all walks of life on this site....some behave badly...some have no intention of ever meeting...there are way to many single men on the of course they are going to get a bad rap purely on numbers..there are plenty of "couples"here we are not couples...there wives have no idea they are on here...the problem is that people are behaving badly..not only singles...

the site is what it is around the problems...a few polite questions will really give you the answers that you need...(for me meeting at wimpy is a no no..even thou iv been told they have great coffee hahahaha)..have your own filters...and when things dont work out..just move on....its up to you how you want to handle or moan or grown

just looking at Supervrou post far as im concerned she/him makes some really silly points....we cant thats why we single lol..we sit in front of the computer and wank..really......and once we cum we not interested in meeting.... how can i take your views seriously...btw you post was the one its not personal

i like a nicely trimmed pussy...its natural...but not a jungle down there

have fallen backwards out of a chair..and she still managed to carry on riding...

i thought every body had broken things during sex..seems we are in the minority hahahaha

from time to time i click on the dogging link..just out curiosity....not my thing at all..but have noticed that there are a lot of ads but very few reply's here in cape town..i suppose it is a swingers site but is it a big activety or just a lot of talk

stop feeling sorry for yourself..she has gone mate...move on

sounds like im being harsh..but not really

Swinging and the single man..Does it really exist?


I was introduced to swinging by an ex girlfriend who has since moved had some wonderful experiences and played with a few wonderful couples. Perhaps i should explain what we enjoyed..meeting another couple..having a few drinks..perhaps sitting around the pool and then either same room or full swop..really just going with the flow..we enjoyed being naked


I then found myself in the position of being a swinger but finding it very difficult to find a swinging nsa female friend.I suppose part of the problem was that i keep this part of my life a secret from my so called vanilla  friends(who know what they get up to)i have tried to introduce one or two girl friends to the lifestyle but but when one told me its for perverts i know i was wasting my time


i then decided to join SH hoping to find a single woman to swing did not take me long to work out that there were way more men than woman on the site and that woman were overwhelmed with messages...lucky them also turns out that not many of them were swingers or least the ones i made contact with were not....i have met and played with quiet few single woman from the site but had very few swinging experiences and that was the reason i joined the site...the few that i did have were fantastic including a memorable experience out on a farm and an equally good one in Camps Bay...only had one bad one..but that is a story for another day...but i digress


So the real question is do i persevere on the site in hope of finding a single swinger



Here is the bad experience that i had...i had been chatting with a lady(kate) from the site with whom i had been getting along quiet well...we had met for coffee(she was surprised that i turned up as she said that she had been let down so many times)

The stumbling  block was really the distance..she stays in the northern suburbs and me in the southern suburbs..she does not not like to host and did not want to travel...(she did once and we had a lot of fun in the pool)


i was also chatting to a couple who were showing quiet a bit of interest.. we had swopped pics and she looked good in her pics..great tits with nice nipples...after a few whats apps we had set up a was going to be my first 3sum(out of my comfort zone)...on the morning of our meeting i texed Kate and ask her if she wanted to join..she jumped at the chance..i arranged to meet her at century city

she looked stunning when i picked her up..gave her a long kiss in the car...she no bra on and her nipples were sticking out through her top..we both excited about what we thought was going to happen


The warning bells should have gone off as we were getting near the address as it was not in the best part of Bellville but kate and i just wanted to fuck...we knocked on the door and both got the fright of our lives...we thought we were at the wrong flat...she looked close to 70 and nothing like her pics...we had no choice but to go in... we quickly decided to have a drink and then make our excuses and leave...i think she knew that she had made a mistake and felt bad...they both left the room to get drinks.. i took the opportunity to play with Kate's tits while she slowly rubbed my cock..we were so horny that we decided to play but no swopping..they had obviously had a few words and he went to sit on the balcony


We could see that she was very nervous..we asked her if she wanted to just this time i had Kate top off and was sucking her very hard nipples...kate whispered in my ear that i better go and sit with her and that we were being rude...we went and sat next to her..she was very tense...i slowly stroked her neck which seemed to relax her a bit and got her to take her bra off...they instantly fell to her stomach..they were nothing like the pics she this time kate was giving me a fantastic blow job..worked her tongue up and down and was taking me deep...we had forgoton about her by now

Could feel myself wanting to come...had felt Kate's pussy earlier and it had been quiet wet..but now it was soaking wet.. went down on her and felt  a quick shudder as my tongue found her she was moaning and sighing and begging me to fuck her....quickly got on a condom and had flipped kate on all fours....i looked up to see her husband sitting on the coach wanking and her just staring at us..must admit it was a little unnerving...but Kate's wet pussy was staring up at me...i slowly put my cock into her very wet pussy and soon kate was begging me to fuck her harder and harder.. we were really going at it when i felt her behind me..please can i fuck her as well...i just said later....kate came with a loud scream and i duly followed...we both collapsed on the couch..

the husband had gone to sit on the balcony....after a few arkward minutes she asked if i would fuck her as her husband never does....i made an excuse about not being able to get it up again..kate had to comfort her..turns out she cant get wet and needs lots of jell.....


it really was time to get out of there...they wanted to know if we were going to see them again lol....when we got into the car we both burst out laughing..we both could not believe what had just happened...after about 10 min of driving...kate starting stroking my cock and started laughing....i thought you could not get it up again....not easy driving on the freeway getting a blow job hahaha


i often think if that was my first at swinging i would never try again

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straight men dont hook up with other men...i think they might be fooling themselves...

my experience is that woman get cold feet when its time to meet...dont blame them really ..that first meet can be very are basically deciding if you want to have sex with someone

the activity feed is a waste of time..why does it show me pics that people have uploaded 2 years ago

iv been told im to polite...which i take as a compliment...i think some woman are looking for bad boys....and thats up to them...good manners always matters to me 

Quote by LeeEC
Your problem, I suspect, is that while your profile is great, and inviting, you've got no pictures. .. No need to go nude. .
yes you may be right..but dont want to put my face out happy to send by e mail thou...prefer to keep my sex life pvt..swinging is not everybody's cup of tea hahaha
must say as a single guy over 50 who enjoys swinging..there seems to be very little opportunity on the site...the really big problem is that im any suggestions...hahaha or am i not looking hard enough especially here in cape town
so are there any single woman out there who like to swing....since iv broken up with my become incredible hard to find as you all say single men are way down the ladder as far as importance goes