If you're a sense of humor and high sex drive and a sense of adventure then contact us again but please do not waste our time and resources this is quite annoying to say the least It would appear that your penis in terms of the size of your penis may suit my wife to have sex with you.
But right up front and clear but it’s not going to be that easy you will have t0 put in some effort into the meeting, it’s not going to be a meet, greet, and fuck, we’re trying to get rid of all the time wasters, freeloaders and idiots on the site we have come up with a few things in terms of the pre-selection.
I had a response saying from an idiot who was not prepared to even answer any basic information about himself and then stating that he is not applying for marriage apply for marriage license nor job interview, that may be the case but we get to make the decisions we want to meet, especially when it comes to respecting my wife and just because we are on the site it does mean to say that she is a working girl.
WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING for things that put us off and turn us on
1. People who do not arrive despite having confirmed meetings, show little breeding and commitment.
3. Guy that keep glancing or using their mobiles when we are meeting, we don’t care how urgent it is all mobile phones off
when we meet without exception
4. Guys that won’t put in the effort to plan out a date
5. Guys that don’t keep themselves clean below the belt. And Guys who smell like they gave up on the concept of
6. Guys that treat women like their toys instead of like their equals
7. Guys who don't ask any questions about my wife her passion etc
8. Guys who expect my wife to carry the conversation and sit like a rabbit in the headlight and that look anywhere but in her
direction when you are talking to her
9. Guys that think we are portable ATMs and expect us to pay all the expenses each party pays their own way and
expenses yes meeting people on this site is the cheap way in having sex, but if you cannot afford to buy at least a round
of drinks and meals don’t bother
10. Guys that make their game with my wife physical and unstructured and have high sex drive.
11. Guys need to be kind and thought full and be able to have a sense of humor and make my wife laugh with touch
affectionately without thinking sex is imminent.
12. If you think that you may fit the bill then let us know or else don’t bother us as we are sick and tired of all the time
wasters, wankers, and people that are bored on this site