I was on another site were the question was posed, "Why don't men enjoy eating pussy?" I could not answer that question if my life depended on it.
Having a bit of a short fuse myself I love to eat pussy.
Quote by The_Valentinesor don't allow the pics to go live until cleared. As it is now anything can be put out there and stay there until a mod becomes available to clear it. ie. personal details, child porn, to name but a few. I imagine it would be in the sites best interest to prevent stuff like that being viewed even if only by members.In my opinion the only way to stop this is to introduce a registration fee for free accounts , say a once off R 10.
Just my thoughts!
What I cant understand is how the mods allow the pictures to be posted when there sole purpose is to advise another site or do I have it wrong. I can understand a profile going live under their noses but not the pictures. It has been a while since I posted any new pictures but when I last posted, a mod had to clear them before they went live.
Quote by PoohC
Quick question. Can we delete vouches on our profile? Our latest vouch is from somebody we don't know and all it says is "I LIKE YOU".
I see it often on people's profiles that some guys get confused between VOUCHES and MESSAGE (F#ck Knows How) and they end up writing a message in the vouches section.
One of my pet peeves!
Quote by speedybeexxx
Can someone please bring some sense, especially the folks with the tittle on their profiles. When I see that for me its a clear instruction and a specific preference, now at what point do I get a Private Message from such profiles and how am I supposed to react to it?
I assume you are getting messages from folk who state that they don't cross the colour line or barrier or some such reason. My response would be on the lines of, " Sorry, we are not a match due to conditions stipulated by yourself. Should you have a change of heart please feel free to contact me."
Just be yourself. If the person you are writing too likes what they see they will look at your profile and if that gets their engine running they will write back. Being yourself also means that if you should meet you do not have to rack your brains to try remember what it is the other person liked.
I will be perfectly honest here, I had never given it a thought. That was until I read this of course.
I consider my self average when it comes to life style. I have a job and I have bills. I have a house and a home loan. I am also healthy and go to the doc when Dr. Google gets it wrong.
I treat others the way I would like to be treated. I wake up ever day, happy with who I am and if there are those out there who don't like what they see, feel free to move on.
I like people for WHO they are and not WHAT they are.
That said I had better get back to work.
I came across a lady friend I have known for ages. She also took a look at my profile but knowing a little of her situation I decided not to contact her via the site. A few months later she deleted her profile and has subsequently met a guy and as of early Jan they were still as happy as can be.
Quote by Sofistikitty
I met my last long term boyfriend here and that was actually where and how I learnt about what I liked and was into. We got it on like rabbits, all day everyday. One day we were making out but only that because I was on my period. Things got hot and heavy and soon we couldn't resist and stripped down and had sex. It was freaking amazing!! Best sex ever. After that that's what we did. I haven't met anyone that wanted to try it again. Has anyone had this experience? How was it? Would you do it again?
Yes, Fantastic and yes!
I do not have any children of my own so have never had the opportunity to be intimate with a pregnant woman that I know of. If they were they were not showing or I was sure as hell not going to ask. I would be honoured and delighted to have the opportunity to spend intimate time with a woman who is pregnant.
Some of the comments from the other site really surprised me. Short of falling from a rotating ceiling fan in the last months, there is little that can harm the woman I also believe there are even fewer guys, and I include myself in this category, with the equipment needed to black the eye of an unborn infant.
Anyway I like the idea!
As a complete outsider I don't see it as a ridiculous question. I could well imagine one or the other partner expressing a desire to try something new or different that the other may or may not have thought of or thought worth trying but the partnership is open and solid enough to discuss the topic and decide to try it for the sake of the other partner. I agree with gcbfw that both partners must be open to it. Just my thoughts.