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Over 90 days ago
Straight Coloured Female, 38
0 km · Windhoek



Do I Dare.....

Everyday we come across something forbidden. It may not seem that obvious however it happens more often then you think. It can be a naughty thought..... A guilty pleasure.... Maybe even that which you know to be the FORBIDDEN FRUIT. For some it's worse then others but one thing is true throughout...... No matter how much you refuse the temptation the thought you cannot escape. For me it has always been that which I probab...

Score 30 30
1.7k Views 1.7k
162 words 162 words

A Daring Encounter

Unexpected but much needed FUCK

She walked through the door with him holding it open, greeting her with a smile. Nice place you got here, she said as she made here way into the living room. Well it's a bit too big for just one person but it was too beautiful not to buy, he replied as he closed the door behind her. She noticed something around the corner. A long dinning room table. Modern. Wooden. Designer probably. Nice table, she said. She walked towar...

Score 19 19
1.4k Views 1.4k
378 words 378 words