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1 week ago
Straight White/Caucasian Male, 62
0 km · Gauteng


A little restaurant fun

A submissive gets played with

We rode in silence, but a comfortable one. You didn’t know where we were going of course you never did. I never told you, but you enjoyed being with me regardless, so the where never mattered much. Besides, part of being submissive was going with the flow, and you were content to do so. We parked in a parking garage a few stories up in the shopping centre. It was dinnertime so you assumed a restaurant was the destination....

Dark desires

Just some musing......

spread-eagled, shackled naked on the cold floor your proud head bowed, hanging. waiting justice for you have sinned. roaring loud, a predator, sleek shiny black coat, circling your naked body sensually. no mercy in his bright yellow eyes. your nipples harden and rise to meet his hot tongue. your essence drips from your needy body. the scent fills the room, your senses. black as night he lithely moves his head and drives y...

Score 5 5
518 Views 518
131 words 131 words

Straf vir n cockteaser

n Cockteaser word gestraf vir haar balhorigheid

Ek bel jou vroeg Maandag oggend en sê ek kom kuier. By jou huis aangekom maak jy die deur oop en nooi my in. Toe jy omdraai om in die huis in te loop gryp en jou van agter vas met my hand oor jou mond. Met my voet skop ek die deur toe en trek jou nader sodat ek in jou oor vir jou opdragte kan gee. In jou oor fluister ek met n waarskuwende stem "Jy is n fokken cockteaser en vandag eindig dit. Vandag gaan ek jou terug kry e...

Score 11 11
2.0k Views 2.0k
1.3k words 1.3k words

Sometimes Submissive Sue

A story about discovery and light BDSM

It was lunchtime. You had been traveling for a few hours now and this ride in the courtesy car from the hotel was the last leg of a trip you had been looking forward to for weeks. Unlike most travelers, you had not been uncomfortable on the too small commuter jet you had arrived on a little while ago, and were still in good spirits. You absentmindedly crossed you bare legs, your fair white skin sparkling with the sunshine...

Score 2 2
987 Views 987
16.4k words 16.4k words

A day on the beach

Fun and games under the summer sun

What a wonderful day to spend on the beach. It is nearing the end of summer but it is still hot enough to top up my tan. So on this hot, sultry, and cloudless day I have made my way down to the beach. It is still early morning and there are almost no pother people on the beach so I have found myself a nice secluded spot behind a small sand dune – close enough to the sea to run down every now and then to cool off, but secl...

Score 5 5
1.5k Views 1.5k
1.7k words 1.7k words

I have been summoned to the Principal's office - ostensibly for tea to discuss some important matter. I have never met the Principal - we have only chatted online - but something tells me that she - like me - may have an ulterior motive since l have no child at her school and it is school holidays! But l have accepted her invite because I have decided l want to fuck her right there on her desk. So today is the day that l...

Score 1 1
2.1k Views 2.1k
1.8k words 1.8k words