My wife suffers from sexual boredom with men we have met on this site Mediocre sex is not an option
My wife suffers from sexual boredom with men we have met on this site and having sex for the sake of having sex is not an option take clear note that Mediocre sex is not an option
If you’ve sense of humour and hig
h sex drive and a sense of adventure then contact us again but please do not waste our time and resources this is quiet annoying to say the least It would appear that you penis in terms of size of your penis may suit my wife to have sex with you.
But right up front and clear but it’s not going to that easy you will have t0 put in some effort into the meeting, it’s not going to be a meet, greet, and fuck , we’re trying to get rid of all the time wasters, freeloaders and idiots on the site we have come up with a few things in terms of the pre-selection.