Simple and uncomplicated photographer type guy. Easy going, clean living, fit and healthy and very open minded. I have a creative eye, know my way around a camera and do professional photography and design for a living. But taking product shots and people in business suits is not very exciting.
So my sexy and secret outlet is taking gorgeous, sexy and stylish photos of sexy women and couples.
The idea is simple - you invite me to take photos, we discuss the shoot and theme - set a date and off we go. You pose and I take the photos.
You keep ALL the photos and I keep the memories : )
If you ever wanted some professional pics taken of a naughty nature to keep for your own enjoyment, or perhaps to share with some selected naughty friends - or even just to improve your profile here on Swinginging Heaven - then contact me!
I have done this for a number of naughty peeps here on SH : )