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9 hours ago
Straight White/Caucasian Male, 53
0 km · Middelburg


Yes, I think someone could be curious forever, the only thing with that is that they are actually only trying to fool themselves.

I think you said it perfectly, after a few times, you are either one or the other, and if you have another go, then I guess it's pretty clear which one. 

LeeEC could have something as well, but Bi-Friendly is (to me) still Bi . . .  or maybe just downright greedy, hang on, that kindof sounds like me . . . . greedy!!!! 

A Knee in the Face????? well, I guess it's better than a Knee in the nuts. bolt

Very little beats a good blowjob, becuase lets be honest, people who can give a good one are not easy to find. But like with any form of sex, crap sex is still good sex. haha

Like Redbruce said, I have also experienced different things with different partners. As for preferred position, mmmmm, again totally depends on partner, but a lady on her tummy is always a great way to start.
I myself have two or three. My first one, done 20 years ago, is something I "regret" today (poor choice of image) and am currently looking to have covered with something more appropriate. I agree with PIB, they do have their place, but art is important.
So 2 things jump out at me!!!!! 1) take advantage of her . . . . 2) cum anywhere you want !!!!!! Ummmm, translated, they could be interpreted as 1) 2) disease . . . . But hey, not my fantasy . . . . . . .
Quote by Voyer1105
Just browsing and I notice again that most of the females are Bi and the men straight, evan though I saw one lurking in the Bi chatroom
I think it is time we are honest, men it is so obvious when you try all kinds of tricks, you give yourself away in small ways and I wonder how many of the bi females exhist
I am sure they exist . . . . in the heads of the profile owners 
another truth, Man who does not do housework, has dirty house when wife not home
My thoughts are that it is not so much that an Egg Plant is powerful, but rather that the world we live in is weak. Weak in a sense that all the majority of us do is moan and find offense in most things.
Specifically of the Minora variety!!!! The longer the better, the plumper the better, hell, the closer the better
Quote by Mike_Pta
Personally i don't trust those video courses. I think the best way to learn is to talk to a lady as see what she likes. I also prefer reading over watching, I find I loose interest in videos but a book stimulates me more.
Still it's an interesting link, but one I feel has been repeated a lotion the Internet.

I have to echo Mike_Pta's comments on this.
It's much like Penis enlargement, if that shit worked, 90% of all men would have dicks too large to have sex with.
Quote by VoyeurMan
Thats how you pull girls LOL

No No No!!!! Intoxicated "strange" is never a safe bet.
Quote by VoyeurMan

Also I've been with couples that show everything on their pages and others who don't. Guess who I have better conversations with.

The ones who do more what YOU prefer!!!! I really hope you were not thinking the conversation was better because of their choices???? Its simply because you take a different approach to those profiles
I take every conversation with a pinch of this one for instance ;)
Everything should be taken with salt, everything except for an open wound that is. rotflmao
Dont forget
Nope, tequila is for girls!
Quote by Pussinboots1
You should actually always keep salt handy wth an open is what is used on wounds these days.

Sounds less than comfortable!!!! :shock:
Quote by VoyeurMan

Also I've been with couples that show everything on their pages and others who don't. Guess who I have better conversations with.

The ones who do more what YOU prefer!!!! I really hope you were not thinking the conversation was better because of their choices???? Its simply because you take a different approach to those profiles
I take every conversation with a pinch of this one for instance ;)
Everything should be taken with salt, everything except for an open wound that is. rotflmao
Quote by Mike_Pta
Also I've been with couples that show everything on their pages and others who don't. Guess who I have better conversations with.

The ones who do more what YOU prefer!!!! I really hope you were not thinking the conversation was better because of their choices???? Its simply because you take a different approach to those profiles
And yet when certain other contributors took others "head on" they were told their fortunes ??????? I maybe need to go get the dictionary out and have another look at the meaning of the word "opinion" I might even check the word "undertone" as well!!! Voyuer man, some things are just not worth it, and yes, the next time you walk through a pub, make sure you have a "Drink" in your hand, or is that also not acceptable?
Quote by embrasser
We have been isolated so long it is strange for some people to mix sexually and people will naturally navigate to their comfort situations. I have yet to see pda couples listing the proviso of race. about 70 % of profiles are caucasian and of that a significant percentage play within their own race groups. this narrows the search ultimately.
personally, i look for culture, class, manners, all the attributes which will make us compatible. When i was overseas, it is similar although not as blatent.

The difference between SA and "overseas" is that overseas people are "expected" to tolerate each others differences, yet in SA it is only the people of Non Colour who are expected to tolerate people of Colour's differences.
Your statement above (pasting in) "personally, i look for culture, class, manners, all the attributes which will make us compatible" . . . is what the majority of people in this country need to get right (in my opinion)
You have made a choice for yourself, and that is entirely acceptable. But if you had made a choice where you had specifically said that "this or that" was not acceptable to you . . . . . . well now, lets just say you could possibly have been called some very interesting names.
I have said it before and I will say it again, the reason the younger generation, such as High school students (yes, I used the word student) have very little issues with each other is because their use of a common language (English) is on the same level.
Only a blind idiot would think that SA does not have race issues, but I still maintain that the majority of our issues in this country revolve around a language barrier rather than a skin colour. Non Coloured English and Afrikaans (isn't white a frigging colour?) speaking people even have issues with each other, but because their skin colour is the same, it is not looked at as a racist issue, but rather as some form of disagreement.
People People People. . . . Mike_Pta was only applying for a position as a Mod when he jumped to the defense of the "ad" placer . . . @Mike_Pta, take a breath and read the heading of my post . . . . ;)
Quote by LeeEC
My best suggestion is to mail them and ask them.
Chances are they themselves will have to think about it.
I'd venture that vast majority of swingers in S.A. have never really come in contact with people who are Chinese, let alone been offered the opportunity to meet or play with Chinese folk.
It's good to calculate into your perspective on rascism (or race avoidance which may be more accurate in a lot of cases), that most people are indoctrinated in terms of their viewpoints, and if not, their perspective will be inextricably entwined with experience.
Usually meaningful contact must happen between groups to birth prejudice.
S.A. people largely have very little meaningful interactions- as yet, with Chinese folk (although Zuma's latest antics may change that significantly in the near future), and as such I expect that in most cases folk will be open to you.

I think LeeEC's usage of the phrase "Race Avoidance" is pure genius and it should be used way more often.
As far as Zuma's latest antics though, I think there is more chance of the existing Chinese people in SA feeling some of that "Race Avoidance" as opposed to feeling more welcome by the people of SA.
Quote by kinkychinese
hi guys,
As we browse through the profile,
We cam across lots of profile tht says
"Apologies, but we dint cross racial line"
My ques is, where do my partner n i come in?
As there r so few other chinese cpls around....
If we try to reach out to the above cpl,
Does it consider to b rude?
Or who can help us to classifiy which "race" do we fall under....

You could be opening yourself up to a mountain of "forum abuse" here. The race topic is never allowed to go past more han a few responses, so let me get my thoughts in before its locked.
People (well most of them anyway) who add the racial line comment on their profiles do it to be seen as doing it, as many times one of the first questions people ask you is have you been with a person of another colour. I have no doubt there are a number of other reasons that people add this line, but this is my contribution to your question.
As far as what race you fall under is concerned, it depends how you look at it. The SA government is very clear as to their classification of Chinese people, which does have a large number of people in SA from a different race group a little upset.
Quote by quack
Nelspruit is dead...
Nobody up for a grwat old gang facefucking bukkake

If anybody was, I somehow doubt they would be looking in the Dogging section for posibble participants!
If only our country was policed like this. I am almost speechless, almost, but never completely. FFS, if one puts "stupid" comments on a PUBLIC website, one is surely looking for random abusive comments, or at the very least be expecting some. BUT NO, this is SA, we don't say anything about anything in case we offend people ( did you see how I showed how I was 'almost' speechless there)
Quote by Adonis
Sit and wonder, looking at this add of a 25 year old male, what can his success rate be to get laid for what he asked for. My own opinion would be that nobody would respond to a add like that, we can be total wrong. Only a question.
"i jus want to fuck someone. wouldn't mind a CD. possibly a couple"

1 in 67000 maybe?
Quote by Voyer1105
The island of lesbos is in the news a lot lately
Now is this where lesbians originated

Quote by Mike_Pta

Men in contrast, tend to be more set in their ways.
The researcher said: “Men are less often attracted to both sexes. Men’s sexuality is, in a sense, less flexible. If a man is only attracted to one sex, romantic opportunity would little alter his sexual identity.”

I myself am honest with myself that I am Bi-Sexual. I do however prefer the feminine of the species as first choice, and male penetration as far as I am concerened, is a no go area!
As far as romantic / emotional involvement goes, I have to date not once ever had the slightest inclination to be linked in that manner to a person of the same gender as myself. So, my thought now is, am I in fact Bi-Sexual or simply some kind of . . . . for the sake of choosing a word, some kind of sexual pervert?

Interesting article, I do however wonder why the number of female participants differed to the number of male participants.
Quote by Voyer1105
Looking at the members profiles it has struck me that nearly all males are Straight and the ladies Bi
Now I wonder, I know this is not true for the men

Haha, indeed.
My first reaqction was that more than half the "lady" profiles on this site are in fact males or couples where the man wants to experience a FFM threesome. But yes, like you say . .. . .I wonder