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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 51
0 km · Dainfern Valley


So I've learnt a lot from being on this site in the last two weeks or so and I've considered whether I should delete my account and move along. But I've chatted with a few interesting normal sincere people and I've decided to not let the bad outweigh the good. Guys with monster dicks promising to fulfill the carnal desires of any female he comes across - really guys really - are you going to just bash them over the head and drag them back into your cave !!! Woman with the most voluptuous assets and list of hang ups and preferences and rules - lists longer than it takes Trump to launch a nuclear attack !  

So in contraction of the above I have a new rule. Sincerity. Really don't care if you're married single divorced a couple whatever just be who you are. I'm ok with that No one is perfect and in a place to judge. 

I'm am not here to waste your time. Not looking for a cheap thrill either. Turned on by your intellect rather than your looks. If you can hold a good conversation- that's far more or of a turn on than your saucy pics - that's just me. I believe that  manners maketh the man and respect is very high on my agenda. 

Life's just one big rat race for me and see this as a time to get off the Ferris wheel- a little distraction . So I'm not desperate for anything- I'm really happy in my space. Respect and discretion for me are key. 

I'm not into photos so don't ask me for mine and I won't ask you. I am in Northern JHB but travel a bit so distance isn't ever an issue.

So if you're relaxed, not some weirdo masquerading behind an incognito profile and have a great sense of humor lets just chat and see where that goes. Am a professional so discretion is an absolute must. 

Great sense of humor and I have a weakness for great wine. Regrettably I have Gordon Ramsay's mouth but also some of his cooking skills which comes in handy. Life's too short for regrets......(and bad wine)

"I prefer to be a dreamer among the humblest, with visions to be realized, than lord among those without dreams and desires"


So I've had a few premature endings to a couple of chats and met some people fun and interesting people. I feel I need to say this. I'm new on here and therefore naturally have some apprehension about sending a pic 2 sentences into a conversation and feel that ending a conversation on the basis of "send or else I will block you" is somewhat myopic. Having said that I do realise that they are a few freaks on here who look like their parents were cousins who got too friendly but you can't paint everyone with the same brush. 

I am a normal salt of the earth guy. I drink braai love music and sometimes can be really funny. My feet on the ground.  2 eyes. 2 hands 2 feet a nose and all my teeth. I said discretion about 4 times in my profile description .....

Leave your hang ups in the closet and you might be pleasantly surprised. 

My 2 cents worth. Use it don't use it.......


Adult parties
Erotic writing
Straight sex


Age: 18 - 56
Distance: 490 km