Hey everyone
I created this profile when I was running events for both men and swingers style parties. This was pre-the World wide agenda.
Since then people and their needs have changed. Some people have awakaned and others remain blissfully unaware. Respect for all as it is each of us who choose for ourselves.
That being said I have debated what the adult type environment in SA wants or needs and whether we have the capacity to enjoy without agendas or discrimination. If anyone has thoughts let me know.
People playing privately offers little security and anything can happen. What then? Is the pursuit of pleasure worth our own health and danger? It remains and the way of "adult" lifestyle should be safe, sane and consenting.
If anyone has any requests or needs something specific then please send me a message.
I am in a relationship where our foundations are honesty, openness and exploration. We have been in the lifestyle for many years and enjoy meeting people to develop friendships and, where there is a connection, may be tempted to play or see where it goes.
We believe in safe, sane and consentual at all times and these are our beliefs. Every has a choice and we respect those choices. Boundaries also play a part in healthy relationships. Above all else though, it is Communication. When last have you had an honest conversation with yourself firstly, then with other people?
Due to external factors we are unable to post pics for public views. Please be understanding.
Feel free to send me or us a message if that something triggers...
Thank you