PIB, I am under the impression that the main difference between the Taoist and Tantric massage is that the Taoist massage remains outside the body, and the energy movement is slightly different.
The tantric massage I went for included a Yoni Massage. WOW! I am going again this week for another session :twisted:
I want to learn more about this stuff. I have been attuned to Reiki 1, so I pick up on certain energies fairly well.
When K went for his second Taoist massage, I was invited to sit in. I could feel their energy movements, it was such a strange sensation. I sat in the corner with my eyes closed, and *felt* their massage. It sounds very strange and *out there* but, it was very cool to experience their energy work without being *part* of it.
We have definitely grown together a lot since we began this massage journey. It has opened us up to many different ideas and possibilities.... and swinging/threesomes is just one of the branches that has opened up since then.
We are planning on having a learning session where our masseuse is going to teach us about expanded orgasms. I CAN'T WAIT! She says it is easier to do expanded orgasms on each other, than to do the full taoist massage...
I forgot to mention that after our initial Taosit massages, our masseuse gave us homework:
we were to set aside time for massage. Either massaging eachother in a very slow sensual manner, or to simply give ourselves a slow, sensual massage.
We now give each other regular massages, most of them end in very wild sex!
A 4-6 handed massage does sound phenomenal!
A colleague of mine recommended that we go for a sensual taosit massage.
We found a wonderful woman who does taoist and tantric massage, and we each went for a taoist massage.
She uses very gentle touch massage, and works with sexual energy.
Your eyes are closed for the duration of the massage. The sensations that move through your body are very intense, and it feels like she has more than 2 hands, as you feel sensations in many places at one time...
What an amazing experience! There were very pleasurable tingly sensations moving around my body from the beginning to the end of the massage. For the Taoist massage, all bodywork is external, and every part of you gets worked on.
We went seperately a week apart, and both thoroughly enjoyed it! The sex after the massages changed! It is difficult to describe exactly how, but things were definitely more intense!
Since then, we have been back for more taoist massages, and I went for a tantric massage, which involves an internal element. Very pleasurable!
PIB! Lady, if you can go! GO!
Volunteer your knowledge! and watch as many stage shows as you can!!!!
Sadly, backstage was Very tame! The other lady and I were told to wait in the wings for the lap dance, so all we saw was sexy men oiling up backstage, and them rushing past us in their g-strings to put on the uniform for the next item...
I was still quite shy, and didnt reach out and touch the gorgeous men rushing past me wearing next-to-nothing!
I hired one of them for my bachelorette party....
HOT! I dont think there was a dry crotch in the room when he was done with his set...
My mother-in-law had her camera on burst, so its like watching a slow-motion video.... *sigh* I think I am going to look at those pics again...
We are 'regulars' at SEXPO JHB every year!
For us, SEXPO is an awesome place to shop around for new toys, see what's out there...
There are always specials on condoms and lube, so we normally stock up for the year :twisted:
For me, I LOVE watching the stage shows. There are male dancers, female dancers, pole dancing, strip shows and a few other things each year... one year I volunteered for a lap dance from the male dancers... the only problem with the lap dance, is that it is at the end of the set. This meant, I was backstage for the whole set and missed the sexy men doing their thing... and K was left in the audience watching the show! The lap dance was worth it though!
Lasy year the KINK scene really took off! So many stalls had a bunch of BDSM paraphenalia! It was awesome! There was even a KINKS BDSM Lounge. It was great!
What about you guys? Who has been to a SEXPO? Did you go back the next year?
What part of SEXPO do you enjoy, or what part did you not enjoy?
I love looking at well thought-out tattoos, and can really appreciate the art work in some really well-done tats.
I have a thing for tattoos that are placed on a woman's hips, that 'move with her'... There are some amazing examples in the international Belly Dance industry. Youtube Rachel Brice or Zoe Jakes to see what I mean...
I have a huge fear of needles, so no tats for me.
When I was 16, I was rebellious enough to over look my fear of needles long enough to get a belly ring. I love it, but definitely the last piercing I can see myself getting!
This is an awkward moment we had of how K_ and my father met…
K_ and I had recently started dating after a while of serious flirting. I was still a teenager, and living at home with the parentals… My parents decided that I shouldn't have a key to my room 'in case I lock myself in there with boys'.
We were in my room, and were having a very heating session of general playing around…
At one point, we were both naked, K_ was sitting on the edge of the bed and I was kneeling on the floor sucking his cock. The layout of the room is important here. As you open the door to the bedroom, there is a desk against the wall to the left, and the foot of the bed to the right….
My dad was not aware that I had company – he thought K's car belonged to my mom's friend…
He opened the door saying he wanted to talk about something… and I couldn't speak as my mouth was full.
Anyway, he quickly said 'oh, you're busy' and closed the door…
After we composed ourselves, K still had to introduce himself to my father… As we walked down the passage, K noticed all the awards on the wall of when my dad used to do Judo (Black belt, 2nd dan).
Strangely enough, my dad didn't kill him…. And now we are married.
@Lee, you put into words what I was thinking.
I am already married, with a wonderful cock-on-demand, so I am not desperate...
I am happy to chat to people, and hear about their stories... its how I begin to decide whether they are an option for a meet or not...
I want to be seduced by intelligence and charm, and being defensive and rude is not attractive. As soon as he said that, he went from being a maybe to a NOPE.
Sadly, this article seems like the typical kind of misinformation that is found in women's mags...
Although some of the points are valid, such as Doggy being too deep, and the adjustments making it more pleasurable, I feel like these points are put into a context which says that all women want an intimate connection during sex. It doesn't take into consideration how women are different, and have different wants at different times, and that we all come from different backgrounds which colour our current experiences...
Another valid point is that women feel uncomfortable in cerain positions due to body image issues.... well, if the position makes you uncomfortable, simple don't do it! You definitely will not be enjoying the sensations if your are constantly thinking about how your parts look...
BUT, many women find these kinds of positions both extremely pleasurable and empowering, as they can control the movement, and adjust it to suit their needs for that moment.
The comment on the 69 is kinda true for me, but not for the reason they give.
When I am receiving oral pleasure, the last thing I am thinking about it pleasuring my partner.... not the other way around. What usually happens is me just holding his penis in my hand/mouth while I enjoy my sensations, and then, when given a breather, can concentrate on him.... So the taking turns thing does work better..for me. That is not to say that ALL women feel this way, which is how I read the article.
Just my thoughts
@Gerrie, thanks for the info.
We have just got back from a camping trip, so I haven't had a chance to read the links yet.
I wholeheartedly agree with what your quote says about state of mind!
One of the main reasons I believe I can squirt with K is because of the way he makes me feel on an emotional level.
All the previous partners put pressure on me to match their expectations of what women do in bed... which never allowed me the freedom to explore my own sexuality. That being said, I would NEVER fake pleasure. Why give someone a gold medal when they shouldn't even be a finalist in the competition!
K_ provides the safe space for me to explore my sexuality, and all of a sudden I could squirt during intercourse, and not just when I was self-pleasuring on my own.
@PIB and Kitty
You are NOT defective in any way!
Please do not compare your experiences with someone else's story. You could miss out on all the great things happening in your experience, while waiting for the mystical "something" to happen to you! You never know what those other people *me included* have not experienced, which for you may be the most natural thing in the world.
Well… I am lucky enough to be married to a squirter.
I swallow as much as I can, which isn't that easy because she normally squirts during intercourse, and I'm not always keen to interrupt the flow of things to get a mouthful.
The bed does end up with lots of wet spots, as you can't always plan ahead and put towels down, especially when the session started off with the intention of being a quickie. But once she started squirting, you want to keep going until she has none left, and just when you think she is all out, *boom* there's more :giveup:.
Love is… sleeping on the wet spot ;)
Once I discovered those reviews, they were my "have a really good laugh" material for bad days!
The one with the brussel sprouts (not sure if its on that link, but its *hilarious*) had us in stitches!
Gerrie, Please do share your story once you have tried waxing!
PIB, I am scared of Veet. Mainly because of the reviews I have found for Veet for Men here: As a teenager I once used Veet on my legs. The smell really turned me off using it ever again!
The way in which Veet and other hair removal creams work, is by using a chemical mixture which *dissolves* the hair. The idea of putting those chemicals anywhere my sensitive lips makes me cringe with fear!
Thanks Voyer and PIB.
Now I have to re-read the topics, I had opinions on or comments to add ;)