I am a tall dark, and handsome, black male seeking those couples interested in meeting in the real life not chatt for ever. My Validations can vouch for me, and have made fantastic friends from this site...I love people and Career oriented, athletic build, well groomed, clean cut, PHD XXL-23x16cm(9 inch.I'm classy, personable, intelligent, and lots of fun both in and out of the bedroom.
Looking for nice classy, very good looking couples and single women who are looking specifically for single males! I can be as gentle a lover as you'll ever desire, or as wild as your imagination and libido will allow!!
I also LOVE women in sexy lingerie, garters, stockings,!! If your lady loves these too, look for me as someone who truly appreciates her QUALITY taste!! Though I've lived out most of my fantasies, I'm always open and receptive to new and exciting ones!!