Join the most popular community of South African swingers now
Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 39
Straight White/Caucasian Female, 41
0 km · Western Cape



We love each other, want to spend the rest of our lives together.

We encourage each other to experience different kisses... for now.

We suppose we don't have to try and justify ourselves to anyone here, (most) people on this site are open-minded to some extent.

We learn still everyday on how to handle an open relationship, but sometimes as fun as it can be, it can also get very tricky.

Attraction is one of the greatest laws in the universe, it governs gravity and is reflected through everything we deem solid around us. Sex is great, the eternal worship of life and probably the only real form of exercise anybody should ever participate in. Ever.


Oral sex
Straight sex


Age: 18 - 100
Distance: 150 km