Quote by localcouple1234
The first rule of Fight Club is...you do not talk about Fight Club...
Hello all,
I have read through all the concerns about the home page and although I am honestly not totally happy with it myself, I realise that it is a work in progress. Thanks to Admin for listening to the hundreds of comments and "suggestions" , here and via the support tickets (no matter how rude some might be) to improve this.
It is always nice to remember that many features on this site are free and yes some now have to pay for advanced features it is still an easy to navigate and very interactive site. I have seen many changes to the site in the time I have been here and I have been very impressed by how much the owners have put into this and the many sister sites all over the world. Well done!!!
Please also remember that when you go to your profile page and edit your likes and dislikes there, including the distance of people you might be interested in, it makes your home page / activity feed work a little more accurately. In essence, if you don't tell the feed what you would like how is it to know, codes can only pick up so much.
For those having a problem with the mobile sites please send a support ticket to admin so that they can determine your operating system and help to get it working, If they have not configured it yet, then it gives them the opportunity to determine the need. Again if you don't tell them they will not know...
Thank you to each and every one of you that take the time to comment and give feedback to the owners and the site moderators as we enjoy getting to know you. stick with us.. we are going places. ;)
Take care and keep :swingingchair:
Due to this being an old post I hope this has already been decided but in my opinion for those having the same "dilemma".
I would say that you are a good wife, however old fashioned that sounds, to make your hubbies needs a "priority". if a woman can't satisfy her partner it takes a strong woman to admit that and to rectify it. ^5 to you I say. However why don't you arrange it and still stay, You might be surprised, it could be a little helpful when trying to increase your own sex drive and therefore really making it special for hubby and yourself. Just watch even if you don't feel like participating. who knows you might want to eventually.
That is my opinion, but do what makes you feel comfy, and talk about it with honesty and love. Remember! even though, for the parties you invite it is just sex, between you and hubby it is way more special.
Good luck if you are still deciding. otherwise without kissing and telling let us know what decision you made or make. could be interesting.
I love reading threads like this.. so informative. Honestly my experience with new phrases etc is boring compared to what I have read here. eeeeek is all I can say. :eeek:
Mine was a very interactive chat in the pool a while back. someone said that I would look good with a pearl necklace and my, very clever, answer to that was.. that is for weddings and old people..... I was then told via private message to Google it.. which I did and well.. suffice it to say. I learned something new that day
Keep it up ladies and gents.. I can always find something interesting to read here.