This is a heartfelt "ping" from one of those sonar devices - I'm hoping that the soundwave bounces off the right person. First, I'm going to be very honest and up front from the get go - I'm married, so if that scares you off, so be it. Second, I'm relatively happily married - I really am a good man. If that makes no sense to you, so be it. But, third, and this is for the right person: we humans actually need the right kind of healthy flirtation in order to be happily alive. Our species is semi- monogamous. If this makes sense to you, and you're intelligent, then let's chat. Safe fun play at gee mail dot etc... - remove the spaces and the capitals and you've got me. And if you're REALLY sharp: what rhymes with dough heaven moo sex fine mate nine mate hive moo?