Join the most popular community of South African swingers now
Over 90 days ago
Straight Asian Male, 45
Bi-curious Asian Female, 46
South Africa


Having an app for the site would make it much simpler to upload pics and browse on the fly. I think its something the powers that be should consider working on. We've often taken pics that we intended uploading her, but never got down to transferring them from our phones to the laptops. I wonder how many others have the same issues? Looking online, I see there was an android app developed for UK users. Anyone know of an iPhone App for local users? What do you think? Would a SwingingHeaven smartphone App add value to your browzing experience?
Quote by LeeEC
Oh Cfn we love you... Please meet us. We just want to meet such awesome intelligent and emotionally mature people... and you know how rare those are in our area! We don't even mind if you don't want to shag US, we just would love to have friends like you!

Wow, Lee. You're making me blush! Check your pm.biggrin
Quote by joyrider
Okay who has the guts to prove me wrong?
This is a subject close to my heart. The size of a mans penis does count and here is the reason why.
Have a look at how many men like to enlarge their pic of their penis when it is in the meantime not even 3,5 inches long. lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
You must see what expression is on the guys face when I am WAY BIGGER than him and that his name has just been made gat in front of his girl or wife. And when you are not just longer but thinker too. And when the guy see's his wife's expression on her face, it is just something to crack yourself about.
And it does not stop there. When she makes those lovely noises of getting out of breath and unbelievable whaling noises of extreme pleasure. And to put the cherry on top, you hold out longer than him. Man then you must hear the excuses that come out to make up for his short comings lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
Big and Proud of it and Know how to use it :twisted: :twisted: lol lol
lol lol lol

So, let me get this straight -
A couple trusted you enough to share their bed, and this is what you come away with? What are you, 14? Grow up!
Having been both average and big, I can tell you that knowing how to use a bigger tool is often, but not always, better. It really does depend on the woman. And yes, thicker is also almost always better - but even here there are limits. My wife can't handle thicker than me. I can't even use a thin (2mm) vibrating sleeve during sex - irrespective of how much lubricant we use - there's only so much a non pregnant woman can stretch.
Hopefully one day, as you mature, you'll understand that penis size is only one small aspect of intercourse.
Since the little things are so important to you, here's something to wrap your mind around...
From a strictly physical point of view, if both are the same girth, a short CURVED penis will usually do a better job than a long straight one ( if the owner knows how to use it, of course.) wink
Have a great day!
Quote by Voyer1105
Whatever, we still enjoy it, she thinks she is cheating but the screened partners always tell me about it

Now you've got my other head working ;-) ....That really would be a turn on here as well, but for me, more so if she told me about it.
Quote by Pussinboots1
@ CamFun
Now you have me wondering what you (the gent here) looks like, if you say you may have a *better* body than what you yourself think...after reading my comment after viewing stamina`s body.
soooooooooo ......................where is that invite??? HUH, HUH, HUH????

Really? You want to see? I suppose it's about time we uploaded pics again. We decided to remove our pics and even closed our account at the time, because we didn't like the quality of attention they were getting. Removing them weeded out a lot of the people who we would not be compatible with. There were fewer bullshitters and pic traders to deal with. Any contact we make here will be based mainly on how well we interact when chatting. Removing out pics has drastically decreased the quantity of people we meet, but has increased the quality.
Pussinboots, I don't think I have a great body. My six pack disappeared soon after meeting Cam. It's not my fault! Cam is a truly incredible cook. I'm not making excuses. Honestly! You try eating here and not over indulging! lol
Quote by Pussinboots1
@ CamFun
I still maintain my view that the ladies will like stamina`s body!!!!!

No doubt. Cam agrees as well. The point we're making is that is not our opinion of athletic. That's in response to Stamina asking people not to lie on their profiles. The point I'm making is that many if them may not be lying. What they've written is exactly what they believe. If it wasn't they would not upload pics that are the opposite of what they described in their profile.
In our opinions they may be completely deluded, but that's not lying...and more importantly, is it right to ask them not to be "deluded?"
Stamina, just so you know, I think you have a fine body. A better body than mine. It's just not my opinion of athletic. Sorry to hear about your ex wife. That must have really hurt.

While I do agree that a person the size of a mini cooper should not call themselves slim, you have to realise that in peoples' profiles, they are describing themselves. A description of oneself will almost always be, by definition, subjective.
Case in point, when I looked at your profile, you state "Athletic" Build. In my honest opinion your are not athletic. You're average. Nothing in that one pic implies that I am looking at an athlete. This is my Opinion. Would it be fair of me to say that you are lying in your description? Of course not! You filled in you profile based on what you think of yourself. It's only fair to allow others to do the same.

Uhm? Look again. This will sound like bragging but is not. I am very active, I play an array of sports. I do free weights in the gym every day for an hour, 6 days a week for the past 9 years, etc. I am in-shape! I have toned pectorals, flat stomach, toned biceps, etc... I have a metobolism that works at the speed of light, I do not put on fat, it just runs in the family. I never chose athletic for lack of a more accurate discription - I chose athletic because that is the exact description. I am in-shape but not muscular as a body builder. I weigh 80 kg, at a hieght of 187cm. I have no belly, muffin tops or other fat, etc. But I guess what was said about people seeing what they want to see is in play here - not fact. I may be in error then when I see my toned muscles in the mirror. Any opinions people? I am now curious to know how others see me.
Ok, It bit. I looked at the pics. To ME, You're not in bad shape. Not fat. Not skinny. I still don't consider what I see as being athletic. I see a slim guy. Not a toned athlete. By your description of your love of sports and exercise you are an athletic person....Yet I don't consider your build to be an athletic one. Perhaps its due to me judging men's figures by the same standards that I would judge my own. Whatever it is, my idea of athletic is obviously different from yours. Its subjective.
After reading Pussinboots comments I'm beginning to wonder if even I have a "better body" than I suspect. wink lol
For a second opinion, I asked my wife how she would describe your build. I told her nothing of this conversation. Her exact words, " Tall and slim"
Is this what she would think of when she hears the words, 'Athletic built' Her answer, "No, not really"
Could this guy be an athlete, "Yes..."
Our views on figures:
This is an athletic build:

Note the tones pectorals. wink
This is where muscular starts:

This is too much....and still muscular:

And this is taking things to a new level:

Those are our views. Views are subjective. It would be wrong of us to expect your views to match ours.
Now, the boring stuff aside: Those are flippin sexy bikes! My view lol
Quote by Voyer1105
I dated my wife because I suspected she was a cheater and because of my fetish for this I married her because she is one
We have been, together, very happily for 25 years and I encourage her to do so more
So for everyone his own
If you do not fit dont try as this will cause someone to get badly hurt

But Voyer...I thought you and Mrs Voyeur thoroughly screened prospective partners together... blink
I can understand the thrill of knowing that she's having sex with another guy and keeping this from you. If she has your blessing to do this, can it still really be called cheating?
Quote by Stamina
you could just find a woman who is perfectly happy with your choices.....
they do exist

I agree, they do exist... BUT, they are very hard to find. Truth be told - we men are really deceptive. When we meet a "suiter", we tend to "stretch the truth". It is called courtship. We do our best to make that female believe that we are the best thing since sliced bread. So telling her in the first week that I want her as my life partner but I also want to sleep with other girls will surely be the end of that date! It is really that hard to believe that a person (man/woman) can cheat on a partner yet still love that person. This is exactly why people cheat instead of leaving their partner - because they love that person and still want them around. Please note: I refer only to cheating for sex, not companionship. I do not condone on-going "affairs", you can not love two people at the same time (or should not).
One of the best perks of true love is the ability to be your complete, adulterated, unhidden self with someone who loves you for exactly who you are - Not for who you claim to be or want to be nor for who they want you to be. Its largely because true love and trust go hand in hand.
The problem with cheating in a serious relationship is that no matter how you try to justify your actions, your are doing something that will break the heart of a person who loves you. Cheaters cheat because there is something missing - either in their relationships or in themselves! Not telling their partners is due to a blend of selfishness, cowardice, disrespect and shortsightedness. Not the qualities that many happily married couples would want in a swinging partner.
Quote by Stamina
There are more honest people here on SH than dishonest people (in my opinion). The problem is that even these honest ones (most - not all) lie on their profiles. I am refering to the stats section, more pecifically - "build". You read a profile that says "slim", then look at the pics and see a slightly chubby girl. Or the build says medium and the pic shows a fat person.
My favourite is when the build says "muscular" and almost always the pic is definately not that! Muscular (in my opinion) is Vin Diesel! Not a broad shouldered person with a beer belly over the belt!
The same goes for athletic... Athletic is what it says - athlete-like build. If you are a female and claim to be athletic, then you must have the body of Anna Kornikova, if you do not resemble her, then you are not of athletic build. If you are plain and simply fat, then do not say "medium" on your profile. Medium in my veiw would describe an average build person, not fat, not skinny - just a normal person that lives every day life without spending hours in the gym and without eating junk food six times a day. For a man, average (medium) is 80kg for a hieght of 180cm. For a lady, average (medium) is 60kg for a hieght of 165cm.
If you have a thigh that would squeeze tightly into an HTH bucket, then your profile must say "large"! Not Medium!!
And if you are chubby, then you can not put "muscular" on your profile. And for the most part, slim means slim! If you wair a size 30 jean, then you are slim, not if you wair a 36!!
The same goes for assets... Guys, don't say large when it isn't. The girl you meet up with will see it, then what do you say? Blame the cold weather??? And ladies, a B-cup is not large! etc...
Apology time... I am not trying to offend anyone, if I did then you are taking it the wrong way. I have no problem with "big" girls, etc. But the honesty is my point here... Leaving the "build" blank or putting down slim when you are "a bit extra" is a bad idea - should you meet with someone, then know that they are going to see you! The bottom line is, you have the body you have, deal with it! If a prospecting suiter on this site does not like it, then move on. BUT, do not "lure" people in with false information.
(Here it comes, I am hiding under the table now)...

While I do agree that a person the size of a mini cooper should not call themselves slim, you have to realise that in peoples' profiles, they are describing themselves. A description of oneself will almost always be, by definition, subjective.
Case in point, when I looked at your profile, you state "Athletic" Build. In my honest opinion your are not athletic. You're average. Nothing in that one pic implies that I am looking at an athlete. This is my Opinion. Would it be fair of me to say that you are lying in your description? Of course not! You filled in you profile based on what you think of yourself. It's only fair to allow others to do the same.
Quote by Voyer1105
The safest way is to play with well known friends
Currantly my wife has 2 lovers, one of about 13 years and the other 6 years
We all know each others history and trust each other
A new lover gets explored in all senses

The NSA brigade will always be more at risk. Couples are generally a safer bet than singles (There are countless exceptions to this generalization lol ).
Asking for an std screening is a lot less painful than an STD. Go to a doctor that you don't know. HE doesn't require any special skill set to take blood & urine samples and a swab of the inside of the penis or cervix and anus if you play back there wink . It would probably be better for women to have the screening done by a gynae.
There are unfortunately no reliable tests for the Herpes virus during dormancy. Luckily this infection is only transmittable during the active phase.
Basically, if it doesn't look or smell right, don't put it in your mouth (or anywhere else)
HIV tests should be mandatory before any real fun begins. The results should be VERY recent - the is no such thing as too recent! Go for the Eliza test - Its much more accurate than the rapid. No test is 100% accurate. If someone was infected due to unprotected intercourse, they may not test positive until 3 months later. This means that if you want to swing with them a month after they were infected, their results may still be negative!! That can be dangerous.
Wrt oral, the risk is very low. However, this increases with gingivitis and most mouth sores.
Lee is right, you won't always know if the gingivitis you have is severe enough to increase your risk. Be safe. Be smart.
We love being watched. I understand what you are saying though. We've played on cam quite a few times. Recently more publicly with couples we'd been chatting to. I found it harder to remain aroused when the people watching me were people I "knew", liked and wanted to impress rotflmao . Performance anxiety? Maybe. I chatted to another couple where the guy mentioned the same thing. The key is to relax. Lose yourself in the moment. It may take a bit of focus at first. Perhaps its better to play together for a while. Each time going a bit further, until you are really comfortable. You may not be suited to couples that want No Strings Attached where the hubby also wants to watch. Look at couples looking to build friendships. Good luck.
Quick answer: Its because women are usually much more picky. With single guys its a case of "you never know where its been" Long Answer: In addition to the above, A happily married man has proven himself capable of being sensitive enough to the needs of his wife to keep her happy. With his proven track record, I'd be more willing to trust him with my wife. Remember, women are often more delicate than men (we're not talking about ego's lol ) Whether a women is single or married there's not too much that she can do to that could lead to a traumatic sexual experience for me. That said, we don't really want singles at all - be they men or women.
Quote by jack99
Frame of mind, levels of stress, degree of arousal and .

..and age.
In my teens, rounds 2 and 3 followed round 1 anytime I wanted to. Today its exactly as Jack has stated - leaving out control. Trying to control that is a ticket south. The worst thing I could think about is maintaining my erection.
For me personally, the only time I actually need to go for a 2nd round is if I came quickly the first time. Quick orgasms are seldom satisfying unless we intended to have a quicky. Even then, we'll usually have another round when we have more time later that evening.
Its similar with my wife, except that with her its number of orgasms rather than time building up to one. Anything less than 10 - 12 orgasms and she's not fully satisfied.
I didn't get anything more than a quicky last weekend and suspect this weekend will be the same :sad:
All the same, I might as well contribute our stats :grin:
In an average 30 to 40 min session, my wife comes 20 to 30 times, sometimes more.
When we go for over an hour, I usually only cum when she's on the verge of tears. I'd estimate well over 50 orgasms. I've never actually counted that far.
True. Most guys do. The person below me thinks a more politically correct name for "lesbians" would be "Vagitarians" lol
Quote by NawtyCat
Why would a mmf mean that the guys are in any way leaning towards bi? Do you watch porn? Does it turn you on? Is there a guy shagging a girl in the aforementioned porn movie? Does this make you bi curious???? HELL NO!
Watching a woman writhe in ecstasy as she's about to climax is VERY sexy and kinda difficult to achieve if she's on her own lololol
And by the author's logic: does this mean if in a mf situation where he is comfortable using a vibrator on her.....he is partial to ???? We all know that the best vibrators are bunnies and dolphins lololol

My sentiments exactly.
True. It's hot fun at night - with a light drizzle- and amazing during the day - in a downpour! The person below me is cums more than 20 times a week. wink
XXXopoly or/and Sexploration. Good board games for groups. There are a few phone apps like "Spin the Bottle" Strip poker is always good - as are any strip card game.
Quote by joyrider
Why morning sex is good for you...
- People who begin their day with sex are healthier and happier than those who simply opt for a cup of tea and breakfast before heading out of the door. No points for guessing the reason!
- Having sex in the morning releases the feel-good chemical oxytocin, which makes couples feel bonded all day long.
- Apart from the fact that regular morning sex makes you feel upbeat for the rest of the day, it also helps in building a stronger immune system.

Moral of the Story?
Kellogg's Lied! THIS is how you get it all this morning! wink
Quote by LeeEC
You are awesome, that was an excellent and very insightful response. I think you got it on the money.
Can't wait to see what you say about the other two scenarios!
I think everyone else thought I was whining and ranting about my peeves - I'm not bitching guys, I want a genuine real reason.
I'm looking for a real explanation so I can help people work through these types of issues.

Thanks for the compliment. This was something that's been at the back of my mind for some time now. Your question was the an excuse to really think about it. Thank you.
I think the second scenario is an extension of the first ( in this case anyway).
I really didn't want to attempt the second scenario. There are so many possibilities here and most may be upsetting to the wife of the guy concerned and all written here could be wrong. Every person is an individual and every situation unique. I won't attempt to list all of them, but will focus on the 'good' hunter/caveman guy from the above example.
Ask any horny single - Our hunter's a lucky guy. He has his cake and gets to eat it AND his quarry came packaged with the latest Masterchef cook book. So where did he go wrong? Where does boredom, in the above scenario, come in?
I think it comes down to the issue of chase and reward. If it's the chase that makes the reward worthwhile, then getting the reward regularly without a chase diminishes its value. Eventually, it's not worth the additional effort – yes, it now becomes 'effort' instead of 'chase'. There is no chase anymore. It's become routine. So how can the thrill be the same when the most powerful sexual organ is not being stimulated? During, the hunt, during the chase, there is nothing more stimulated than the mind. THAT is what makes it worthwhile.
Before I'm lynched, I say the above from a purely sexual perspective. Why do we still make effort? Mosly, because we love you. Love is a powerful motivator. Seeing you pleased brings with it an intoxicating high of its own, however, we also have sex purely for the sake of sex and it is during this that problems arise.
I'm going to tell you something that came as quite a surprise to me. Something you probably already know, but I didn't realise until my wife pointed it out to me in all my male friends and family. Yes, ALL of them. Men are selfish – especially when it comes to their wives (this seldom applies while courting or early in marriage). In our daily interactions with you, we often put our needs first. This does not mean that we love you or value you any less. It's simply a character flaw in most men that, I think, stems from the social perception of what it is to be a man. Unfortunately, this occasionally flows over into our sex lives.
You must remember, that while your husband loves you, sex is not always about love. Yes, he knows the recipe, yes, he wants you to enjoy it, but why make the effort if it's always available without effort? He can, after all, always make the effort the next time... banghead
Now I'm not saying don't have sex with him. Nor am I saying don't be easy. :grin: What I'm saying is find a way to keep the passion going and he'll probably make the effort. Remember that passion is not sex. Never forget that without stimulating the most powerful sexual organ – the mind – every consistently repeated sexual theme or encounter will eventually become a little boring.
There are so many possibilities for scenario 2. The best way to way to find which ones applies to a situation is for the couple to sit down and talk about it. Good luck.
I'm one of those guys lucky enough to have a wife who will happily have sex with me whenever, wherever and however I want. Is that a good thing for me? Now I can practically hear the resounding "Of course it is!" from almost every guy reading this. But ask yourself what's the best thing about sex? Is it the orgasm? Your own hand and a few toys out there can easily give you that. "No," you say. "It's the woman that you thrusting into." Some of the more driven as well as sensitive men may add "The sexual high that comes with pleasing her. Making her cum" But there's more to it than that. Something evolutionary within most of us. Something needed for survival of our species. Historically, men were hunters. The the adrenalin pumping thrill and heat of the hunt was often more sought after than the meat from successful kills. Yes, the meat was the necessity, but the heat was what made the kill worthwhile. That's why men often hunted larger and more dangerous animals - even hunting predators that would otherwise hunt them. The adrenalin producing effort made the reward worthwhile. With domesticated animals, things are completely different. The reward is there - easy meat - but with routine effort. There is no thrill, no high when a farmer slaughters a cow. The thrill of the chase makes the catch worth the effort. Unfortunately its very similar with women and sex. We chase them. Some may think that its our reward when we do catch them that makes the chase worthwhile, but the reality for most is that it's the chase that makes the reward worthwhile (we're talking strictly sex here. Love, companionship, comfort, children are rewards of their own that far outweigh everything else) Now, for most men, their wives don give it up whenever they want. They have to make an effort to get her in the mood, failing which, they are often shot down. They wish their wives were more like those of the lucky few that enjoy sex-on-a-stick -wherever they want, wherever they want, however they want. They bitch and complain about it to their friends, but as long as they're getting it with relative regularity, they're ok. They work for it, and are thrilled with the reward. The lucky guy who has sex-on-a-stick can prove to be very unlucky if there is no longer variety or challenge in his relationship. These are the couples that need to make changes. Regularly introduce new things into their sex life. Its a bit more difficult than that. You may have to learn how to turn him down in such a manner that he takes it as a challenge. If you get it right, he'll make the effort . If you get it wrong he may feel like his wife doesn't want sex or is really not in the mood. I can't tell you how to do that with him. Every man is different. If you can't get it right, you may have to sit him down and talk to him. Tell him that he's not making enough effort and you're going to be (not play) hard to get from now on. That may kick start his battery. Good Luck Ok, now for scenario 2... (just saw the time. Maybe tomorrow?)
Quote by LeeEC
You know I think my problem its where I live. I'm becoming more certain of it actually, the more I converse on this forum.
My brain works in a certain way, which isn't well understood by people where I live. I regularly feel like I'm from another planet, and people here don't see anything wrong with pointing out how much I am not like them.
Sometimes its a blessing, like when I'm coaching, but sometimes it is a curse like when I'm trying to understand or be understood in my marriage.
I often feel like I'm standing on the outside of the social structure of my town. Like I can't understand the workings, the dynamics of this community, so I can't assimilate.
Its made me work real hard on the research behind my work of course, but its also lonely.
On the other hand, its like there are certain things that just completely make sense to me, I didn't have to learn them, I just know what its troubling a certain person, and I instinctively know how to solve a problem someone has.
But I cannot seem to blend with the soccer moms in the stands.
........ Its probably the leather corset, though, now that I think about it..

Why would you want to be assimilated? The Borg lost, remember? lol
Lee, you of all people should know that the worth of a person lies in their individual character - not in their group nature. I know almost nothing about you, yet from the little I've seen here its easy to see the value of your unique character. Moving to a town like your's from the city (correct me if my assumption is wrong), can be an unsettling paradigm shift. Its worse if the city was not in the Eastern Cape. A foreign colleague of mine often says the Eastern Cape is a different country from South Africa. After living here a few years, I'm inclined to believe him.
As for sometimes not being understood in marriage - that reminds me of an anecdote I once heard:
The Village Elder had just turned 105 and, as was tradition, the men in the village voted on a question to be put to him at the end of the ceremony. At the day's close, the men gathered in the great hall and the speaker stepped forward and asked, " Oh eldest among us. You have lived over a hundred years. Tell us, oh wise one, What do women want?"
The old man pulled at his grey beard, looked around the room, stared off into the distance, took a deep breath.....and sighed.
He answered, " For that question, my boys, you'll have to find a man much older than me." bolt
We'll probably never fully understand you all the time, but that's a part of what makes things fun.
Btw, I doubt that you have enough "plastic" in you to assimilate there - luckily. wink
All the best.
Quote by LeeEC
What I wouldn't give to know a guy who fixes sex toys for a living.

Already working on it. I have a friend who dabbles in electronics and am learning what I can. Its surprising how easy pc boards are to repair if you know what you are doing. If I actually ever get the time to repair it, and do it successfully, I'll send you a message.
Apparently, electricians can't always tell what a particular circuit board is used for, but can still tell you whats wrong with it and fix it.
You could try taking the circuit board to a tv repair shop...although, depending on just how kinky the guy behind the counter is, you may get a few wry smiles when you go to pick up the board :grin:
Ok, since you lovely ladies thought it was ok to crash the "Man's wish list" thread, I'm going to take a bit of liberty with this one. This wish list is basically a way to open our eyes to what the fairer sex wants. Something we all want and need. Please do keep it coming. To help some of our single and despairing brethren out there I'm going to add a few things that I feel add value to Cam and my relationship. Feel free to disagree with what doesn't suit you. These are in addition to a lot of whats already been mentioned here.: Meaningful compliments - not just a means to get into her panties. I think most women know the difference, some simply choose to ignore it. More eye contact. The right look can leave her weak in the knees. (Of course there's more to it that just that - without which, you could come across as plain creepy) Be intense in the bedroom (lounge, kitchen, dining room table, pool etc also). You can make her feel like the greatest thing that has ever happened to your body or the cheapest slut you have ever f#&ked. Both can be incredible for her and you IF done in the right way. Whatever you do, do it with intensity. (A note those finding it difficult to grasp this concept. Its not about thrusting faster, harder or deeper. Its in the way you feel when you touch her, the look in your eyes, the shutting of your eyes, the whispered word.... you get the picture.) Make her feel like the greatest thing that has ever happened to you - outside the bedroom. Through all this, always remember to be a man, not a fawning nor insecure little boy. Take the lead, but know when to hand her the reins. Be lighthearted, but pay attention to what she's saying and more attention to what she's not. Good luck
I wish I was a sex toy tester. Hubby can write the reviews. I just want to play with them. I wish I could find a wireless, remote controlled, vibrating egg that's as good as the first one we had. Cam.
Quote by LeeEC
... we just thought we were strange....

Really? I'm surprised to see you say that. I've personally found yours to be a voice of reason and logic on the forum. Your opinions and desires, I think, would coincide with most others'.
Quote by LeeEC
C of KC, made an interesting wish on the ladies wish list.
I would like to ask all of you to make your own recommendations for your favorite sex toys!
Post pics if you can!

A lot of women - and men - don't realize just how difficult it is to recommend a toy - especially a vibe.
Some women are taken to heaven and back with a meek and mild vibe, positioned just right, others prefer a vibe strong enough to feel in your toes. So, when recommending toys, lets classify them as mild or wild, perhaps even number them, with 1 being "Is that a bee in my vagina?"
and 10 - "Neighbours complaining cause their windows are rattling" (Now that would be something special)
Most rabbits today work well. Adjustable intensity and separate controls ensure that they work well for most women. And the ears....oh the ears. :lickface:
Dolphins, I would assume, are very much the same? Still, 2 ears may be better than one nose.
I personally believe that the greatest sexual organ is the mind. Restraints, lined handcuffs, a blindfold, silk, a soft leather belt /strap, sense deprivation, a touch, a caress, a spanking, "the wrong" words whispered at just the right time, are all just accessories when playing with my favourite toy - my wife's mind.
Our favourite physical toy builds on the above - the 1st BeNaughty Beswish wireless, remote controlled vibrating egg. There's little that's more fun then sliding it into her before we go out for the night. She's extremely turned on, knowing that at anytime I may switch on the vibe and she'll have to struggle not to scream out in pleasure when she cums. I control the vibrations driving her over the edge whenever I want usually when she doesn't expect me to turn it on or up again. Luckily for us, she's EXTREMELY multi-orgasmic, which means I get to do that to her over and over again as the night progresses. Its especially fun when we've booked at an expensive restaurant - everything's hushed in the candle lit room as the pianist performs her rendition of Chopin's Nocturne No.2 and my wife is seated opposite me, clutching the white table cloth in both hands as she cums for the 11th time. I lean over and whisper in her ear "That waiter behind you was watching you cum and he's hard right now. I think he wants to fuck my wife." - and she cums again.
Powerful, variable, and silent - a fantastic product.
Sadly, we broke our BeSwish egg. I think we may have worn it down. innocent
This is a problem, because that particular version of the egg is no longer being manufactured. ALL the others made by Benaughty, include the current beswish, are way too low powered, poorly constructed and often have poor wireless reception. One of the really nice things about the egg, was that the controller had an lcd screen showing you which vibration mode was currently being used (There were about 5 - 7 different types of vibrations).
We've tried many other brands and all are underpowered - for her. But, they may work for others.
Cam: I'm not the only one that gets toys. He recently bought himself a cockring sheath with a vibrating attachment that rubs against my clitoris during sex. The attachment is powerful, so I love it, but the sheath increased the width of his penis shaft by about 8mm all around. It was simply too thick. Even with loads of lube, we couldn't comfortably get it in. So he had to cut off the sheath and just keep the ring at the base. :giveup:
Moral of the story: know your limits. lol
Talking about limits, has anyone tried "The wand?" worship
Quote by jack99
Most importantly for me, be able to hold an engaging and interesting conversation.

Ok, who are you trying to impress, Jack? wink
Joyrider, I hope you don't mind a ladies response:
1. I've never had to tell my hubby what to do. With us, its been the opposite - even with my own body. In many ways, he knows my body and mind (sexual mind only wink ) better than I do.
2. Again, not for us. He prefers lots of hair on my head only. The rest of me should be smooth - and I'm glad he feels that way.
3. That one's a bit difficult - BUT very liberating - and drives me wild when I can - but is a complete turn off for one of my best friends.
4. Doesn't everybody? wink
5. We generally start before you....we just don't talk about it.
6. Really? Hubby often says the same. But I think you 2 may be the exception to the rule. Most men take your hand from everywhere else and push it Down There!
7. I think that's covered for most ladies here. I hope it is.
8. Not always easy.
Women are programmed from a young age to hold back. The one's who don't are branded "sluts, cheap, easy". I think that the difficulty for most of us comes in accepting that a slut in the bedroom is exactly what their man wants.
Enjoy the weekend everyone!
I had an ex who's fantasy was to lie in a bath tub filled with HOT cum. (She wasn't a fan of cold cum lol ). I have no doubt that she would love a local Bukakke scene. Now where did I leave her contact details.... wink
Quote by lekkerspyker
It is my younger sister.
I have been swinging with my step sister and her husband even before her mother and my father got married and is still doing threesomes with them. This has been going on for the last 10 years. Our parents has only been married for 7 years now.

Wow...and I thought the plot for "The Bold and the Beautiful" was convoluted.blink
You know the saying "forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest?" Well, with your sister, the risk of a really bad aftertaste is simply too great. Personally, I'd advise against being involved at all. Avoid even the videoing. The reason for this is quite simple. If the thought of sex with her is turning you on, the more of her that you see (sexually) the more you are going to want to get involved. Also, as you see more, the weirdness will decrease - and this is largely what's helping to keep u from taking the "plunge" wink
Eventually you're probably going to have sex with her.
You need to think about the possible long term consequences of doing this. Pussinboots pointed some of these out very well.
Of course, most of this could be avoided if you had sex with her in secret - but that would be cheating on her husband. If he finds out, which he probably will, the shit could really hit the fan.
Decide what you want and stick to it. Don't try to go half way into this... really that's like sticking your dick halfway into hot, tight, wet, sexy babe and trying to stop before you've gone all the way in - before you've experienced the full pleasure her body has to offer - NOT GONNA HAPPEN!
Good luck. Just remember, it is easy for memories to fuel our desires. The more of her adventures you see, the more you are going to think about her - sexually. The more you think about her, the more likely you will do what you are thinking - especially if she AND her husband are already willing...